
What is "Od Me'at Miz'ar"?


Rashi: In a few days. Radak - the double expression diminishes the time.


Why does it say "v'Chalah Za'am"?


Rashi: Will be eradicated My anger which was put for a staff in Ashur's hand - "u'Mateh Hu v'Yadam Zami 1 " (5). Radak - until now, Melech Ashur was a staff of My anger to strike nations. Now My anger will be finished against him, until he is finished.


Malbim: He will not have a staff to hit.


What is the meaning of "v'Api Al Tavlisam"?


Rashi: My anger, which was a staff, will return against their Tevel, i.e. the blasphemy and reviling of Me that Melech Ashur's youths did. This is like "Tevel Asu" (Vayikra 20:12).


Malbim: My Af (a different kind of anger) will not finish yet, but it will not be on Bnei Tevel (people of the world), rather, on the abominations of Bnei Ashur.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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