
When is "that day"?


Malbim: It is when they will see Hashem's strength.


Why does it say "She'ar Yisrael u'Fleitas Beis Yakov"?


Malbim (Bi'ur ha'Milos): Yisrael are the great of the nation; Yakov are the lower. She'ar is what remains in its place; Peleitah is the remnant that flees to elsewhere. The former are Bnei Tziyon; the latter are those of Beis Efrayim who escaped. Even they will rely only on Hashem!


What is "Lehisha'en Al Makehu"?


Rashi: It is to rely on the kings of Egypt, who were the first to strike them.


Radak #1: Achaz relied on Melech Ashur, who (later) 'hit' him with a heavy tax that he imposed on him.


Radak #2: [He relied on Melech Ashur, who] hit him in war. Afterwards, he fought him, and now [Yisrael] realize that it is not proper to rely on man, for one must serve him and pay tax to him, and if he does not give, or [the helper] is not pleased with him, he will hit and make war with him.


Malbim: It is Ashur or another nation. Not only did [Ashur] not help [Yisrael] - they struck them! A staff can hit, or be a support. Via relying on a nation, it turned to be a staff of wounders.


Why will they rely on Hashem?


Radak: Hashem demands from man only that he rely on Him in truth 1 , and He will save him from all his afflictions. Chizkiyah did so, and Hashem struck Melech Ashur, who was striking him!


Malbim: It is even Efrayim and the 10 tribes, who served idolatry. (This is like the opinion that even a Rasha who trusts in Hashem will be surrounded with Chesed. Refer to Tehilim 32:10:3:1-5 and the notes there. - PF)


Why is Hashem called "Kedosh Yisrael"?


Radak: When Hashem struck Melech Ashur, all knew that He is Kedosh Yisrael.

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