
What is "Kevod Yaro v'Charmilo"?


Rashi: It is his abundance of troops. Charmil is a tall forest.


Radak: Yar is a place of tall trees and cedars. Charmil is the place that is cultivated - fields and vineyards. Machaneh Ashur is compared to these, for it had kings and great officers. It had enough for all their needs, and great wealth from spoils of Egypt and Kush. There were many farmers among them. The Kavod of the entire camp died.


Malbim: Charmil are his officers and advisors. They are more esteemed than Yaro (his Giborim), but the latter are stronger.


Why does it say "mi'Nefesh v'Ad Basar Yechaleh"?


Radak: This verse supports the opinion that also their bodies were burned. There is an argument about this in Chazal (refer to 10:16:3:1-3). "Va'Yashkimu va'Boker v'Hine Chulam Pegarim Mesim" (Melachim II, 19:35) supports the opinion the Neshamah was burned but the body was intact.


Malbim: The verse depicts [Machaneh Ashur] like a burned forest. Sometimes the trunks do not burn, just kinds of fire flare, until the power to sprout departs. This is a metaphor - the Nefesh ha'Tozomachas was burned,but not the body. The Nimshal is, the camp will be divided to the point that it lacks Ru'ach Chayim, i.e. kingship and a conductor. The body, i.e. the individuals of the camp, will be intact. Here, "mi'Nefesh v'Ad Basar" (all of them) will perish.


What is "ki'Msos Noses"?


Rashi: Because it compared them to forest trees, it compares their punishment to a worm (termite) that saws with its mouth and grinds wood. This is like "vecha'Tzemer Yochlem Sas" (51:8); like a saw saws. The ashes of their bodies were very fine, like wood that a worm grinded.


Radak: His camp will be like a camp that its flag-bearer melted; the entire camp will fall.


Radak, from Targum Yonasan: [His camp] will be broken, and [the few who remain] will flee.


Malbim: This is Sancheriv, who raises a flag to nations for war. Also he, in the end he will be like something that rots and melts.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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