
Why does it say "who will not fear You"?


Radak: Verse 5 said not to fear other gods, but You - who will not fear You?! Even idolaters should fear You, for You are king over them!


Malbim: Everything comes from You, so it is proper to fear only You.


What is the grammatical form of "Yira'acha"?


Radak: It has only Yud Eisan (of the conjugation) the Yud of the root is omitted. There is a Meseg (minor accent) under the Yud to show that a Yud is omitted.


What is "Lecha Ya'asah"?


Rashi: It is proper for You.


Radak: Kingship is proper for You, and for no one else. All Chachamim of the nations and in all their kingdoms say that none is like You, and they serve stars only to be intermediaries between You and them. Chachmei ha'Umos know that the images are nothing 1 ; even if they serve the stars, it is only because they are Your servants, to be intermediaries. Even so, they sin, for there is no need for an intermediary between Hashem and man, "Ki Ram Hashem v'Shafal Yir'eh" (Tehilim 138:6).


Radak: However, the masses think that the images benefit or harm, because they are accustomed to serve them.


Why does it say "uv'Chol Malchusam"?


Radak: Most kings are Chachamim, and they also have Chachamim who know and understand that human kingship is temporary; only Hashem has lasting kingship.


Malbim: Chachamim are aware of Your Chachmah, and kings of Your ability.

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