
Why does it say "va'Shem Elokim Emes"?


Rashi: Because He is the living G-d and King of the world, he can fulfill His words. Humans say that they will do, and they die, grow weak, or lose their property, and they cannot fulfill.


Radak: The gods that others make for themselves are Sheker and dead. They are not Elokim. They have no ability. Hashem Elokim is Emes. He is Master over all gods, i.e. the stars. He alone is Elokim Emes and overpowers all and judges all. Other than Him is not Emes, even though they are gods, for their power is only from Him. Only He has real ability and is the true judge. His power and conduct do not depend on another.


Malbim: Emes is agreement of what is said about a matter, and its actual existence. Idols are Sheker, for the descriptions attributed to them do not match reality. The praises said of Hashem agree with His existence.


Why is He called "Elokim Chayim"?


Radak, Malbim: He is the true Chai 1 , for His life does not depend on another. All the living other than Him, their life is from Him.


Radak: It says Chayim (plural), just like "Elokim Kedoshim Hu" (Yehoshua 24:19). [The plural] is honorable.


Why is He called "Melech Olam"?


Malbim: He conducts and rules over everything.


Why does it say "Tir'ash ha'Aretz"?


Radak #1: This is a metaphor for the Churban of the residents, whatever nation it will be. They know that it is from Him, for He informs them before the punishment comes, through His servants the Nevi'im.


Radak #2: Sometimes a city and its residents sink when there is an earthquake.


Malbim: There was an earthquake in several lands at the time. Astrologers said that they are signs in Shamayim (the Navi said not to fear them - verse 2). Rather, it is due to His anger.


What is the meaning of "the Goyim cannot contain His anger"?


Radak: They cannot be saved from Him when He is angry. They cannot contain and bear His anger.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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