
Here it says that silver was like stones. Above (21), it said that silver had no importance at all!


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 21b: Here discusses after he married Bas Pharaoh; above was before he married her 1 . Maharsha (21b) - then, he engaged in Chachmah - "u'Knos Binah Nivchar mi'Kasef" (Mishlei 16:16). After marrying her, he engaged less in Chachmah and increased his meals and worldly pleasures, so money had value in his eyes.


The verse discusses why he used only gold in his house, which he built after the Mikdash was completed. Bamidbar Rabah 10:4 says that he married her the night after he finished it, and above (3:1) it says that she stayed in Ir David until he finished the Mikdash [and his house], i.e. he married her before he built his house! Perhaps Shlomo began to decline when he married her, but only later, silver had importance. (PF)


Why does it say that silver was like stones?


'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 1:15): He had so much that he would make tables and chairs [of gold and silver] in the entire city. Radak (there) - they were found in Yerushalayim as much as stones.


Radak: This is an exaggeration.


Radak citing Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 2:6: It was not stolen, for they were like big rocks of 10 Amos or eight Amos.


Why were the cedars like sycamores?


Malbim: Also people of Yerushalayim became rich from all the people who came there and the great business from many nations. Every rich person in Yerushalayim built a house of cedar wood.

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