What is "Tzinah"?
Rashi: It is a shield that surrounds the body on three sides, like it says in Tehilim 5:13 "ka'Tzinah Ratzon Taterenu."
How much is "600 Zahav"?
Rashi: It is six Manim; a Zahav is a Dinar (and a Maneh is 100 Dinarim).
Radak: They had a standard gold coin of known weight.
What is "Zahav Shachut"?
Rashi (17): It is soft, and easy to spread to make a thin sheet. 'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 9:15) - it is spun like a Chut (thread).
Radak (from Chulin 30b): It is drawn, like "Chetz Shachut Leshonam" (Yirmeyah 9:7). It was very good gold, which is drawn like wax.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is good gold.
Why does it say "Ya'aleh"?
Radak: This refers to Shlomo; he put this much on one shield.