
Why was David so pained over Yehonason's death?


Malbim: (a) Due to his virtue - Na'amta Li Me'od. (b) Due to his great love for Yehonason.


Why does it say "Nifla'asah Ahavascha"?


Radak: There are two signs of being feminine, to show how strong [the love was]. I explained this regarding "Hechbasah" (Yehoshua 6:17).


What is the meaning of "me'Ahavas Nashim"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: More than love of two women (David's wives 1 ).


Radak citing his father: More than women love their husbands and children. This is a very strong love!


Malbim: Love of women is due to what is pleasant or beneficial. David had intrinsic love [of Yehonason 2 himself].


Alshich: Even though women love their children, amidst pain of birth, they swear not to be intimate with their husbands again. You, even when your father threw a spear at you due to your love for me, you risked your life to tell me to flee!


Chomas Anach: Refer to Shmuel I, 1:18:1:1)


Alshich (Bereishis 32 DH v'Ytzav): David's wife Michal saved him in this world, and Avigayil saved him from a sin that would have withheld him from good in the world to come.


Also Alshich (Bereishis 32 - refer to 1:26:3:1*) implies like this, but here, he [and R. Yonah on Avos 5:16 and almost all Meforshim] hold that it refers to Yehonason's love for David. (PF)

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