
Why does it say "ha'Ish"?


Malbim: Also now that they saw the miracle done for Elkanah due to his Tefilah at the Mishkan 1 , he and his household were the only ones from his city to ascend for the Regel.


What is the source that he publicized this? Surely he had ascended for the Regel for many years. Did others know that this time there was a special prayer, or that Chanah became pregnant right afterwards?! (Indeed, the latter is reasonable, for women needed to know when their colleagues are Tamei, for the sake of Taharos. Chanah's pregnancy was one day more than the minimum needed for a viable baby. Her colleagues could infer that she became pregnant right after becoming Tehorah after returning home!) Perhaps Elkanah publicized the Tefilah, to try to arouse others to come to the Mishkan. (PF)


What is "v'Chol Beiso"?


Radak: It is his household.


Why does it say only "Lizbo'ach"? Verse 3 said "Lehishtachavos v'Lizbo'ach"!


Malbim (3, 21): He used to go to pray (they would pray bowing) that Chanah have children. Now he went only to offer Korbanos. Even though one bows when entering the Azarah, the verse did not need to mention this.


What is "Zevach ha'Yamim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is the Korban of the festival.


What is "Nidro"?


Rashi: Korbanos that he vowed between one Regel and the next, he offered at the next Regel.


Radak: He vowed [Korbanos] for the birth of his son. 1


Radak supports his Perush from the Targum (to pay (or fulfill) his vow). I do not understand his support. (PF)

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