
Why does the Torah mention Efrayim before Menasheh and why does it link him with Yosef ?


Ramban #1: Because he was the leader of a Degel and, following Ya'akov's B'rachah, he was the B'chor - and Menasheh was secondary to him.


Ramban #2: Because Efrayim was more numerous than Menasheh. 1


Ramban #3: Refer to 31:11:1:1.


Ramban: Which explains why, by the second census, in Arvos Mo'av - where Menasheh had become more numerous, it mentions Menasheh first. See Bamidbar, 26:28. See Ramban.


Why is "li'Venei" repeated ? "li'Venei Yosef li'Venei Efrayim"?


Moshav Zekenim: To teach us that Yosef was worthy to be among the Degalim, and it is only because he did not carry his father's bier due to his honor, 1 that his sons became Degalim in his place.


Since he was a king.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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