
What are "Neshikos Pihu"?


Rashi: In some places they kiss on the hand or shoulder. I desire that ha'Melech Shlomo conduct with me like initially, like a Chasan to his Kalah - [he kisses her] mouth to mouth. The metaphor is, because He gave to them His Torah, and spoke with them face to face, that love is still sweeter to them than any delight. He promised them to appear to them again to explain the secrets of its reasons and hidden matters, and seek His face to fulfill His word - this is Neshikos Pihu.


Ateres Zekenim: One is in this world - "va'Yifach b'Apav Nishmas Chayim" (Bereishis 2:7), and one will be in the world to come - "v'Nasati Ruchi Vachem vi'Chyisem" (Yechezkel 37:14).


Seforno: This is how one kisses with clinging love. This is like "Ya'er Hashem Panav Elecha" (Bamidbar 6:25), and the opposite of "v'Histarti Panai" (Devarim 31:17). It discusses the king in third person, like "Yere Pharaoh;


Except for Moshe, Bnei Yisrael died from hearing directly from Hashem, and asked to hear the rest via Moshe! Perhaps this means, if only we would be at Moshe's level, and be able to hear the rest from Hashem. (PF)


Via intellect one does not understand Hashem Himself, only via signs of His Chachmah, ability and desire seen from His conduct of the world. Smell is a metaphor for this. One can know that something is present via its smell, even if it is hidden and cannot be seen. Similarly, Hashem's spirituality spread on Chachamim and His Chachmah poured on the entire existence. Ketores is called the tie between the Nefesh and the Divine; via, it one senses and 'smells' Him.


Do we pronounce "Dodecha", or "Dodayich"?


Avodah Zarah 29b #1: We say "Dodayich" (feminine; Hashem discusses how dear Yisrael is to Him).


Avodah Zarah 29b #2, 35a: It is "Dodecha" (masculine; Yisrael says that laws of Hashem's dear ones (Chachamim) are dearer to them than Torah laws). We learn from "l'Rei'ach Shemanecha Tovim" (3).


What is the meaning of "Ki Tovim Dodecha mi'Yayin"?


Rashi: Your love is better to me than drinking wine, and any pleasure or Simchah. Every meal of pleasure and Simchah is attributed to wine - "El Beis Mishteh ha'Yayin" (Esther 7:8), "ba'Shir Lo Yishtu Yayin" (Yeshayah 24:9), "v'Hayah Chinor va'Nevel va'Yayin Mishteihem" (ibid., 5:12).


Seforno: It is proper that You turn Your Midah of Tov to me, for Dodecha - the Torah and Mitzvah that You wrote, to teach Your good Midah - are dearer to me than wine. Wine is the primary delight of man, due to its taste, smell and sustenance, and even so it spoils suddenly. Via recognizing Your good way to me, perforce my love for You will be greater than for anything else. Via this, I deserve more kisses of the mouth!


Malbim: Wine elevates the powers of the Nefesh. It makes the natural heat flare up, and makes man's Ru'ach rejoice. This is a foreign fire; it comes from below to above, from the body to the Nefesh. It is a profane Simchah. Unlike this is passion of the Nefesh and its Simchah via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh and Nevu'ah. This is the dearness of Hashem and Simchah of Kedushah that come from above to below, Divine fire that spreads from the Nefesh to the body, until the pillars of the body shiver and are subdued under Kedushas ha'Nefesh. Therefore, it is better than wine!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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