
What did he want to know about Chachmah?


Rashi: What will come from it in the end.


Ibn Ezra: After I learned Chachmah and added [I put to my heart to know Holelos].


Seforno: The Emes, in investigation.


What is "Da'as Holelos v'Sichlus"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is to know kinds of frivolity and folly. Rashbam - it is as if it says v'Lada'as. Also "Da'as Mah Ya'aseh Yisrael" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 12:33) is like Lada'as 1 .


Rashi: Holelos is lunacy. It is an expression of [the mind] being mixed up, like "Mahul ba'Mayim" (Yeshayah 1:22). Sichlus is folly. Metzudas Tziyon - it is as if it says Sichlus with a Samech 2 .


Ibn Ezra: "Holelos" is like "va'Yis'holel b'Yadam" (Shmuel I, 21:14). Sichlus is [intellect,] the opposite of Holelos.


Rashbam: Holelos is like "li'Schok Amarti Mehulal" (2:2). Sichlus is Chachmah; it is a repetition of "Lada'as Chachmah."


Ri Kara: i wanted to know what causes a fool to be foolish, in order to be careful not to do something amidst folly, and I will not be able to fix it, or fill what I lacked. Therefore, I chose Chachmah, and I distance from folly. If Chachmah is so great, that it guards one who has it from crookedness and omission, why did Shlomo say "ha'Kol Hevel" (14)? If one toils in Chachmah, it is not Hevel! Therefore, he says that also this is "Rayon Ru'ach."


Rid: I wanted to get a full understanding of folly and intellect.


Seforno: Holelos is the mistaken mindsets of early [Chachamim]; Sichlus is their [errant] mindsets due to lack of axioms.


Metzudas David: To understand the attribute of Chachmah, and the matter of insanity and folly, and to evaluate the advantage of Chachmah over folly.


Our texts say "Lada'as"! Magihah (on Ibn Ezra, in Toras Chayim) - the Lamed in "Lada'as [Chachmah]" applies also to "Da'as [Holelos]."


Our texts of Rashi imply that in Rashi's text, it is written with a Samech. (PF)


What is "Rayon Ru'ach"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is the desire of the Nefesh.


Rashi: It is a broken spirit. Metzudas Tziyon - this is like "u'Re'us Ru'ach" (14).


Rashbam: It is satisfaction, like "u'Re'us Ru'ach" (14), just like Tzivyon is from the root Tzavah, Elyon from Alah

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