
How was the drinking "cha'Das"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a: It was like the Torah says, i.e. the eating exceeded the drinking (Rashi 12a - just like an animal and the flour offered with it exceed the wine offered with it 1 ).


Rashi: At some meals, they force the people to drink a big Kli; some can drink it only with difficulty. Here, "Ein Ones" (no one was forced).


Vilna Gaon: This is difficult. Rather, the way of Torah is 'eat bread with salt, and drink water b'Meshurah' (Avos 6:4). Meshurah is one part in 32 of a Log - a tiny amount. It did not fix how much to eat; everyone may eat as he desires.


Why does it say "Ein Ones"


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a: Everyone was given wine of his country (he is used to it; he can control how drunk he gets).


Rashi: Refer to 1:8:1:2.


Vilna Gaon, Malbim: (a) At a meal where there are not enough Kelim, they force the guests to drink quickly, so they can give the cup to someone else. Here, everyone had his own cup. Malbim - also, even though Persian custom honors greater people regarding drinking (Brachos 46b 1 ), here everyone drank as (when) he wanted.


The Gemara explained that they honored the Gadol regarding how they reclined. It does not say that the Gadol drank first. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Yisad"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Yesod; so he established and commanded.


What is "Al Kol Rav Beiso"?


Rashi: On all officers of the meal - the chief baker, the chief butcher, and the chief steward.


Malbim: To avoid a disgrace and dishonor to the Gedolim (that the Ketanim may drink before them), the king commanded them to pardon their honor, in order to do like everyone's desire.


What is "ki'Rtzon Ish va'Ish"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a: Like - the desire of Mordechai and Haman (they served the wine). Mordechai is called "Ish Yehudi" (2:5); Haman is called "Ish Tzar v'Oyev" (7:6).


Rashi: They did for every one his desire. Vilna Gaon - because you wanted to do so, I will give two people that you will fulfill their desire - Mordechai and Haman 1 (refer to 1:8:5:1). The Megilah teaches how Hashem reverses hearts to do a miracle. Achashverosh wanted to do the will of even the lowest people. Later, he commanded to bring his queen naked, against her will, and killed her for breaking his spirit. He showed his honor, power and wealth, and even his wife did not heed him!


In the Megilah, every "Melech" Stam (without Achashverosh) refers to Hashem (Vilna Gaon 3:1, citing a Midrash).Why does Hashem want to fulfill Haman's desire? The removal of Achashverosh's ring [to give it to Haman, to authorizing his decree] was greater (caused Yisrael to repent) more than the 55 Nevi'im that prophesized to Yisrael (Megilah 14a). (PF)

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