
Was it prudent to make a party for residents of Shushan after the party for everyone?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a #1: Yes. First he endeared subjects from far away, for he can always appease those close by.


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a #2: No. First he should have endeared subjects of his region, so they would support him if the others rebel.


Malbim: Yes. The final party was for the officers and all Anshei Shushan, to show that "lemi'Gadol v'Ad Katan" (big and small) are the same; they are all his slaves.


Why does it say "l'Chol ha'Am ha'Nimtza'im"?


Malbim: Since Achashverosh came from outside to Shushan and put his throne there, he called to Bnei Shushan who are found there, and made a party in Chatzer ha'Melech. The etiquette of Paras allows only officers to go there. He showed that commoners are no less than officers; all are his slaves 1 . Bnei Shushan, of his capitol, honor is proper for them like for all the officers.


This seems unlike the Gemara, which says that he distinguished based on the esteem of the invitees! Refer to 1:5:4:1. (PF)


What are "Ginas" and "Bisan"?


Rashi: Ginas is where vegetables grow (a garden). Bisan is planted with trees (an orchard).


What do we learn from "ba'Chatzar Ginas Bisan"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a #1: Everyone was placed in one of these places, according to his prestige 1 .


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12a #2: Achashverosh put everyone in the courtyard, but they did not fit 2 . He put them all in the garden, but they did not fit. Finally, he put them in the orchard, and they fit.


Megilah 12a #3: He put them in the courtyard and made two openings; one was to the garden, and one was to the orchard. Vilna Gaon - i.e. Hashem gave man choice to decide to which world he will go (refer to 1:5:4:1*).


Vilna Gaon: The king normally makes a house in his garden, and a Chatzer in front of the garden; it is called Bisan. Even the Chatzer, its floor was of "Bahat va'Shesh?" (6)


Vilna Gaon: There are three worlds. The greatest Tzadikim are in the highest (Bisan). Stam Tzadikim are in the middle (Gan Eden). The lowest (this world) is like a corridor in front of the world to come.


Vilna Gaon: I.e. this world is not proper for Tzadikim, so Hashem put them in Gan Eden (refer to 1:5:4:1*).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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