
Who is "Tzar"?


Rashi: It is Amon and Mo'av.


Targum: It is Nebuchadnetzar.


What are "Kol Machamadeha"?


Rashi: The Sifrei Torah, which are "ha'Nechemadim mi'Zahav" (Tehilim 19:11). All others turned to plunder silver and gold, and they turned to Sifrei Torah, to burn them, for it says "Lo Yavo Amoni [u'Mo'avi bi'Khal Hashem]" (Devarim 23:4).


Ri Kara: It is the Beis ha'Mikdash - "Hineni Mechalel Es Mikdashi Ge'on Uzechem Machmad Eineichem u'Machmal Nafshechem" (Yechezkel 24:21).


Palgei Mayim: They are the Klei Shares, which are called Machamadeha. This explains how much "Higdil Oyev" (9)!


Who saw Goyim?


Ibn Ezra: This refers back to Yerushalayim [and not to the Tzar]. They saw that Amon and Mo'av (who amidst cruelty, did not give to Yisrael bread and water when Yisrael left Egypt) entered the Mikdash, and they needed to give to them Kol Machamadeha.


Palgei Mayim: Machamadeha (the Klei Shares) saw that Goyim entered the Mikdash, and the Kedushah left them. Then, the Goyim were able to rule over them, since their Kedushah departed. This is like "u'Va'u Vah Paritzim v'Chileluha" (Yechezkel 7:22) - once Goyim entered the Heichal, it became Chulin (Nedarim 62a).


What is the meaning of "Lo Yavo'u va'Kahal Lach"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: These nations (Rashi - Amon and Mo'av) that You commanded 'they will not enter your Kahal' (marry into Yisrael). Ri Kara - now they entered even the Mikdash!

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