What is the meaning of "Mur'aso be'Notzasah"?
Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos): It means that he removes the intestines (with their contents) 1 together with the crop. 2
Rashi #2 (citing Zevachim, 65a), Ramban and Rashbam: It means that he cuts a sort of skylight and removes the feathers surrounding the crop 3 together with the crop.
Rashi #3 (citing Sifra): "Mur'ah" is either an expression of dirt, which the Targum in Eichah translates as the food (in its stomach), or it means dung, and "Notzasah" means its crop.
As in Eichah, 4:15 (Rashi).
See Ramban's interpretation of Targum Onkelos.
See Ramban, who cites the same source as Rashi and explains it.
Seeing as the intestines of an animal are washed and brought on the Mizbe'ach, why are those of a bird removed and thrown away?
Rashi: Because, whereas an animal eats from its master's feeding-trough, a bird steals from other people's fields. 1
Moshav Zekenim, citing the Rosh: He does not remove all the intestines, since what is inside was already digested (it is not what was 'stolen').
Whereabouts does the Kohen throw the crop and the intestines?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan): They are thrown down from the top of the Mizbe'ach to a spot east of the ramp. 1
In the same location where the spent ashes are placed each morning (Targum Yonasan).
What are the implications of "el M'kom ha'Deshen"?