
What is the reason "Zeratem Harbe v'Havei Me'at"?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Tetzaveh 6): It is due to the sin of Bitul (not bringing) Bikurim.


Radak, Malbim: This is the opposite of what is normal, that one seeds a little and harvests much. He brings to the house far more than he seeded. We see the opposite. How do you not think that this is punishment for leaving the Bayis destroyed?


Why do they eat without satiation?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Tetzaveh 6): It is due to the sin of Bitul of Menachos. Radak - it is even if he eats to satiation, like people normally do.


Why do they drink without inebriation?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Tetzaveh 6): The taste of wine was taken away, due to Bitul of Nesachim.


Radak: Leshachrah is satiation [from wine]. Some pass the limit, and are Mishtaker to the point that their mind is befuddled.


Why do they wear [clothing] without warmth?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Tetzaveh 6): It is due to the sin of Bitul of Bigdei Kehunah. Radak - it is even if he wears enough clothes to get warm, like normally. Everything is cursed!


What is the meaning of "veha'Mistaker Mistaker El Tzeror Nakuv"?


Rashi: All profit that you make, it is finished off, like one who puts his coins in a bind of a garment with a hole (the coins fall out). Radak - this refers to one who profits via business, or hires out himself or his animal 1 .


Radak (Zecharyah 8:10): There was no wage of people or animals for Brachah. It was cursed.

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