
What is the significance of "Ki Ad Sirim Sevuchim"?


Rashi #1: Their affliction will come upon them suddenly. They will not descend slowly from their honor. Rather, while the thorns are entangled, they will be uprooted forcefully.


Rashi #2: Sirim is an expression of Hasarah (removal).


Radak: They will be a Mashal, until tangled thorns ? a man cannot take them from their place ? "Ki Lo v'Yad Yikachu" (Shmuel II, 23:6). What does one do? He burns them in their place ? "Sarof Yisarfu ba'Shaves" (ibid., 7). So Bnei Ashur pained the world like one who touches thorns. At the time of their destruction, "bi'Nfol Oyvecha Al Tismach?; Pen Yir'eh Hashem v'Ra b'Einav v'Heshiv me'Alav Apo" (Mishlei 24:17-18) worldly remain from them, like thorns.


Malbim: Due to the flood, Sardanafal panicked, and despaired. He arranged thorns, ignited them and burned himself and his entire household.


What is the meaning of "uch'Sav'am Sevu'im"?


Rashi: While they are in their drinking party and Simchah.


Radak: They will be like drunkards who fall on the ground. They will have no strength to fight against their enemies who come against them and consume them quickly.


Malbim: The king and his household became drunk, like was their custom, and amidst inebriety entered the fire. Even so, they burned immediately, like dry straw.


What is "Kash Yavesh Malei"?


Rashi: It was fully ripened, and dried. Also "Male'asecha" (Shemos 22:28) and "ha'Mele'ah ha'Zera" (Devarim 22:9) mean fully ripened.


Radak: Dry straw, that its time came to reap it, it burns very quickly. Nothing remains from the thorns or straw ? not coals nor ashes. They do not make coals, for they are so fine. The small amount of ashes that they make, the wind takes it quickly. So will be Bnei Ashur.

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