
Does this Sefer include all Yonah's Nevu'os?


Radak: Refer to 3:1:1:1-2.


Why is this Sefer in Tanach? It is only about Ninveh (Goyim); it does not mention Yisrael. We do not find any Navi like this!


Radak: (a) It is Musar for Yisrael. A foreign nation not from Yisrael were close to Teshuvah. The first time that the Navi rebuked them, they totally repented from their evil. Nevi'im rebuke Yisrael every morning and evening, and they do not repent from their evil! (b) It tells the great wonder that Hashem did with the Navi ? he lived for three days and nights in the fish's innards, and it vomited him out. (c) It teaches that Hashem has mercy on penitents from any nation and pardons them, and all the more so when they are many 1 .


I do not understand this. If there is more reason to pardon when many repent, we cannot learn from here that Hashem pardons a small number who repent! (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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