
Why does it say "v'Shavarti Beri'ach Damesek"?


Radak (3, 5): Its doors and bolts (Malbim ? of the fortress of the city) will not save it; it will not stand in front of the enemy. Melech Ashur came against Aram, seized Damesek and killed Retzin. This Nevu'ah was said 25 years before it came, like it says in Yeshayah (7:8) "uv'Od Shishim v'Chamesh Shanah Yechas Efrayim me'Am", like I explained there.


What are "Bik'as Aven" and "Beis Eden"?


Rashi: They are places in Aram.


Radak: They are great cities in Aram. Even though Damesek was an inheritance from the kings of Beis David, also Beis Eden was a residence of kings.


Malbim: Bik'as Aven was around Damesek. Beis Eden pertained to Malchus Aram. They had their own authority under Melech Aram; also they will be exiled with Aram to Kir, even though they have their own authority. It appears like a dangerous illness ? the illness begins from the heart, from which comes life, and spreads to all limbs of the body.


What is the meaning of "v'Somech Shevet"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He will have authority. This is like "Lo Yasur Shevet [mi'Yhudah]" (Bereishis 49:10), for the ruler rules over the nation with staffs.


Radak: This is the king, like "Lo Yasur Shevet mi'Yhudah." The king holds a staff in his hand ? this shows that he rules over the nation. We find that Achashverosh "va'Yoshet ha'Melech? Es Sharbit ha'Zahav Asher b'Yado" (Esther 5:2).


What is "Kirah"?


Rashi: It is a place (Radak ? in Eretz Ashur). Sancheriv exiled [Aram] to there in the days of Achaz ? "va'Ya'al? Damesek va'Yisfeseha va'Yagleha Kirah" (Melachim II, 16:9). All the punishment that Nevi'ei Yisrael said that the sword will come upon Nochrim ? Nevi'im before Sancheriv, e.g. Yeshayah and Amos, they refer to Sancheriv's sword. Yirmeyah and Yechezkel prophesized about Nebuchadnetzar's sword.

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