
How was he anointed?


Rashi: They put oil between Risei Einav 1 , in the shape of a crown. Radak (39, from Kerisus 5b) - the horn was full of oil. Some say that before this, he put oil on the king's head, and some say that afterwards, he put the remaining oil on the king's head.


Normally these are the eyelashes, but here, surely it means like the Bartenura explains (Kerisus 1:1), between the eyebrows. (PF)


Why did they need to anoint him? David was anointed permanently [for him and his seed for all generations]!


Radak: It was due to Adoniyahu's rebellion.


What is the meaning of "Yechi ha'Melech"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He should succeed. He always 1 translates so; it is a prayer for life and success, for it is not [proper] life without success.


Except for above; refer to 1:31:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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