
What is the meaning of "Chata'im"?


Rashi: We will lack greatness and be withheld from it. This is like "El ha'Sha'arah v'Lo Yachati" (Shoftim 20:17).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Cut off and expelled (from kingship).


Radak #1: Some say that it is revelation of sin. People will say that [Malbim - since he was prepared for kingship, surely] he did not get kingship due to a sin in me and the son born to me. Malbim - they will say that he was born through Zenus 1 , and [you and I] were Chayav Misah.


Radak #2: Some say that this refers to David; you will sin for not fulfilling your Shevu'ah to me with Hashem's name! For his honor, she said 'I and my son' for a euphemism.


Kli Yakar: People will say that [Shlomo is not king] because I sinned to marry you - through Bi'ah with you [before Uriyah died], I became forbidden to him and to you!


David had Bi'ah with Bas Sheva in Uriyah's lifetime 12 years ago. Perhaps they forgot, or did not hear, that the baby conceived from that Bi'ah died, and Shlomo was conceived after Uriyah died. Or, perhaps they thought that the Bi'ah forbade her to David, so Shlomo was conceived out of wedlock. (PF)

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