
MORE ABOUT R. NECHEMIA'S OPINION (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 9a)

òã ëãåï áùäéä ìå îàåúå äîéï ìà äéä ìå îàåúå äîéï


Question: (Continuing to discuss R. Nechemia's opinion) So far we have only learned that he prohibits Tameh from Tamei when they are the same species. What about from another species?

ðùîòéðà îï äãà øáé çðéðà òðúåðà ñì÷ òí øáé æòéøä ìçîú âøø æáï ìéä ÷ìåñ÷é áòé îú÷ðà îéåí ìçáøéä àîø ìéä ìéú àðï öøéëéï çùùéï ìéçéãàé àéú ìê îéîø ëùäéä ìå îàåúå äîéï.


Answer: R. Chanina of Antuna went with R. Zeira to Chamas Gader and bought there a (Tahor) bun. He wished to leave some of the bun until the next day (so that if all he would find the next day was Tamei buns, he would be able to use the remaining Tahor bun for their Terumah). R. Zeira told him that he need not be concerned for the opinion of R. Nechemia who rules against the majority. If R. Nechemia agrees that when he does not have Tahor, he may separate from Tamei for Tamei, why did R. Chanina need to leave any of the Tahor bun? (Rather, he must hold that when there is no Tahor produce of that species, he cannot separate from Tamei produce.)

áàîú à''ø ìéòæø ëì î÷åí ùùðéðå áàîú äìëä ìîùä îñéðé.


The Mishnah (earlier Chulin 63(b)) used the word "B'Emes - in truth''. R. Eliezer says that whenever the word 'B'Emes' is used, it signifies a Halachah L'Moshe MiSinai - an oral tradition received by Moshe at the Giving of the Torah.

òéâåì ùì ãáéìä ùðèîà î÷öúå îëéåï ùðèîà î÷öúå àéï ëåìå èîà


Question: (The Mishnah taught that if part of a fig cake became Tamei, he may separate from the Tahor part for the Tamei part.) If part of a fig cake became Tamei, wouldn't all of it become Tamei?

áîçåáø áîé ôéøåú äéà îúðéúà


Answer: The figs are only connected through the fruit juice (honey) that oozed from them (and fruit juice cannot make a connection for Tumah).

[ãó éæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åàéï ñåôå ìéçì÷ åìòùåúå ùðéí


Question: Since the fig cake will ultimately be split into two, why shouldn't it be viewed as two fig cakes, one Tahor and one Tamei, and it should be prohibited to separate from Tamei for Tahor?

úéôúø ù÷øà ìä ùí áîçåáø.


Answer: The Terumah was declared when it was still attached.

åëï àâåãä ùì éø÷ îúðéúéï ùðèîàú åòåãä àâåãä àáì ðèîàú ÷ìçéï åàåâãï ìà áãà


The Mishnah taught that the same applies to a bundle of vegetables (that if part of it became Tamei, he may separate from the Tahor part for the Tamei part). It refers to when it became Tamei when it was already in the bundle, but if it was before, it's considered to be two bundles.

åàéï ñåôä ìéçì÷ åìòùåú ùúéí


Question: But won't it ultimately be split into two?

úéôúø ù÷øà ìä ùí áîçåáø.


Answer: He declared it when it was still attached.

àâã ùðèîà åäúéøå åàâãå îäå


Question: If a bundle became Tamei and was then untied and retied, what's the law? (The Gemara doesn't answer this question.)

åìéúðé òéâåì åìà ìéúðé àâåãä ðéúðé àâåãä åìà ìéúðé òøéîä


Question: Why didn't the Mishnah only teach the case of the fig cake without the bundle or the pile?

àéìå úðéðï òéâåì åìà úðéðï àâåãä äåéðï àîøéï òéâåì ùëåìå âåó àçã úåøí àâåãä ùàéï ëåìä âåó àçú àéðå úåøí äåé öåøëä îéúðé àâåãä


Answer: Without the case of the bundle, I would have said that for a fig cake which is one item, he may separate from the Tahor part for the Tamei part, but not for a bundle...

åàéìå úðéðï àâåãä åìà úðéðï òøéîä äåéðï àîøéï àâåãä ùëåìä úôåùä àçú úåøí òøéîä ùàéï ëåìä úôåùä àçú àéðå úåøí äåé öåøëä îéúðé òéâåì åöåøëä îéúðé àâåãä åöåøëä îéúðé òøéîä


And without the case of the pile, I would have said that a bundle, which is all taken at one time, may be separated in that way, but a pile, which is not, may not be. Therefore, all three were needed.

îëéåï ãúðéðï äéå ùðé òéâåìéï åùúé àâåãåú åùúé òøéîåú îä öåøëä ãääéà ãîø øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé åðçùá ìëí úøåîúëí ëãâï åâå'


Question: Since the Mishnah (Chulin 63(c)) taught that if there were two fig cakes, two bundles or two piles, he may not separate Terumah from one for the other, why did R. Yochanan citing R. Yannai (earlier Chulin 63(k)) need to expound the pasuk (Bamidbar 18:27), "And your Terumah shall be considered for you as grain from the threshing-floor etc.''?

[ãó è òîåã á] àîø øáé çééä áø àãà áòøéîä ùì ÷éùåàéï åãìåòéï äéà îúðéúà.


Answer (R. Chiya bar Ada): To teach that with one pile, one may separate from Tahor on Tamei, even if it's cucumber or pumpkin (from which one cannot make a bundle).