
IF THE OWNER SEPARATES TERUMAS MAASER (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 3b)

øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé éùøàì ùàîø ììåé ëåø îòùø éù ìê áéãé åäìê àåúå áï ìåé åòùàï úøåîú îòùø òì î÷åí àçø åäìê éùøàì åðåúðï ìáï ìåé àçø àéï ìå òìéå àìà úøòåîú


(R. Yochanan citing R. Yannai): If a Yisrael said to a Levi, "You have a Kur of Maaser (Rishon) in my hand'' and the Levi then declared it to be the Terumas Maaser for some other Maaser he owned; if the Yisrael then gave that Maaser (that he had 'pledged' to the first Levi) to another Levi, all that the first Levi has are complaints. (The only thing that the Yisrael did wrong was to negate his pledge to the first Levi.)

äãà ãúéîà áùðúðå æä òã ùìà òùàå æä àáì àí òùàå æä òã ùìà ðúðå æä ìà [ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ëäãà îúðé'


This applies only when the Yisrael gave it to the second Levi before the first Levi had declared it to be Terumas Maaser; but if not, (the Yisrael may) not (give it to the second Levi as Maaser). It's like the following Mishnah...

áéèì àí òã ùìà úøí áéèì àéï úøåîúå úøåîä åàí îùúøí áéèì úøåîúå úøåîä


If a person sent an agent to separate Terumah - if he cancelled it before the agent separated the Terumah, it's not Terumah. If he only cancelled it after that, it is Terumah.

åëåìä îéðéä


Question: How could the first Levi declare the Maaser to be Terumas Maaser before he had acquired it?

îëéåï ùàîø ìå ëåø îòùø éù ìê áéãé ðòùä ùìåçå ðîöà ëúåøí áøùåú éùøàì


Answer: Once the Yisrael told him, "You have a Kur of Maaser in my hand'', the Levi became his agent and the Levi could now declare it Terumas Maaser with the permission of the Yisrael. (And as for the question - how could the Yisrael appoint the Levi to do this if it's the Levi's obligation to separate Terumas Maaser?)

ôúø ìä ëøáé éåñé ãøáé éåñé àîø áòì äáéú ùúøí àú äîòùøåú îä ùòùä òùåé:


Answer: It follows R. Yosi, who said that if the owner separated Terumas Maaser for the Maaser (before he gave it to the Levi), it is valid.

øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé éùøàì ùàîø ìáï ìåé ëåø îòùø éù ìê áéãé åäéìê àú ãîå [àéðå] çåùù ìúøåîú îòùø ùáå


(R. Yochanan citing R. Yannai): If a Yisrael told a Levi, "You have a Kur of Maaser in my hand and take payment for it'', (since the Yisrael wanted to buy it from the Levi) when the Levi then declares it to be Terumas Maaser, it is invalid.

ëäãà àìéôåñä éäá ìø''ù áø àáà îòùø à''ì îúå÷ï äåà àúà ùàì ìøáé éåçðï à''ì àìéôåñä àçéðå ðàîï äåà


It's like the case of Elifusa, who gave Maaser to R. Shimon bar Abba and told him that the Maaser was already tithed. R. Shimon bar Abba asked R. Yochanan, who told him that Elifusa is reliable.

øáé àéñé áòé ÷åîé ãøáé éåçðï ëîàï ëøáé éåñé ãøáé éåñé àîø áòì äáéú ùúøí àú äîòùøåú îä ùòùä òùåé


Question (R. Isi to R. Yochanan): Whose opinion does this follow? Is it like R. Yosi, who said that if the owner separated Terumas Maaser for the Maaser, it is valid?

[ãó æ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ìéä àéï ááìéà ÷îú òìéä


Answer (R. Yochanan to R. Isi): Yes, oh Babylonian, you have understood it.