THE REGIONS OF ERETZ YISRAEL (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 9 Halachah 2 Daf 25b)
[ãó òá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ùìù àøöåú ìáéòåø éäåãä åòáø äéøãï åäâìéì åùìåù ùìåù àøöåú ìëì àçú åàçú âìéì äòìéåï åâìéì äúçúåï åäòî÷ îëôø çððéà åìîòìï ëì ùàéðå îâãì ù÷îéï âìéì äòìéåï îëôø çððéà åìîèï ëì ùäåà îâãì ù÷îéï âìéì äúçúåï åúçåí èáøéà äòî÷
(Mishnah): There are three regions for the law of Biur - Yehuda, Ever HaYarden and the Galil. Each of them has three sections - (the Galil is) - the Upper Galil, the Lower Galil and the valley. From Kfar Chananya and above, where the sycamores don't grow, is the Upper Galil. From Kfar Chananya and below, where the sycamores grow, is the Lower Galil. The surroundings of Tiveria are considered the valley. (Note: The name Ever HaYarden is usually translated as the Transjordan. However, Rav Ovadia MiBartenura states that in this Mishnah, this is not correct translation.)
åáéäåãà ääø åäùôìä åäòî÷ åùôìú ìåã ëùôìú äãøåí åääø ùìä ëäø äîìê îáéú çååøï òã äéí îãéðä àçú
And (the three sections of) Yehuda (are) - the mountains, the lowlands and the valley. And (the three sections of the Ever HaYarden are) - the lowlands of Lod are like the lowlands of the south and its mountain is like the Har HaMelech. From Beis Choron until the sea is considered one section.
[ãó òâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åìîä àîøå ùìåù àøöåú ùéäå àåëìéï áëì àçú åàçú òã ùéëìä äàçøåï ùáä
And what's the significance of having three regions? So that one may eat Sheviis produce in each region until the produce of the last of its three sections has disappeared.
ø''ù àåîø ìà àîøå ùìù àøöåú àìà áéäåãä åùàø ëì äàøöåú ëäø äîìê åëì äàøöåú ëàçú ìæéúéí åìúîøéí:
(R. Shimon): They only spoke of three regions as regarding the sections of Yehuda, but all other regions are like Har HaMelech (where the produce lasts the longest). And all other regions are the same regarding olives and dates (that as long as they still exist in one region, all regions may eat).
âîøà åìáäîúê åìçéä åâå' ëì æîï ùçéä àåëìú îï äùãä äáäîä àåëìúï îï äáéú
(Gemara): (Vayikra 25:7), "(And all of its produce may be eaten also) by your domestic animals and by the beasts (that are in your land)'' - as long as the beast eats it in the field, the domestic animal may eat it in the house.
øáé çîà áø òå÷áà áùí øáé éåñé áø øáé çðéðà ùéòøå ìåîø àéï äçéä ùáäø âãéìä òî÷ åìà âãéìä çéä ùáòî÷ áäø
(R. Chama bar Ukva citing R. Yosi bar R. Chanina): They evaluated that the beast in Yehuda cannot thrive on the fruits of the Galil, or vice-versa. They therefore viewed each region separately.
ãé÷ìéèéàðñ àòé÷ ìáðé ôðééñ àîøéï ìéä àðï àæìéï àîø ìéä ñåôéñèä ìà àæìéï ìåï åàéï àæìåï ìåï çæøåï ìåï åàé áòéú îáã÷à àééúé èáééï åùìçåï ìàøòà ãøçé÷à åáñåó àéðåï çæøåï ìàúøéäåï òáã ëï àééúé èáééï åçôé ÷øðúééäå áëñó åùìçåï ìàôøé÷à åáñåó úìúéï ùðéï çæøå ìàúøéäï
Diklitianus the Roman king was causing suffering to the people of Panayas. They said to him, "(If you don't relieve us of the excessive taxes) we'll leave here and live somewhere else''. Supista (the king's advisor) told him, "They won't leave and if they do, they will quickly return. And if you want to test this, take deer that are accustomed to living here and send them to a distant land and they will eventually return.'' He tried this and he brought deer and coated their horns with silver (as an identifying mark) and sent them to Africa. After 30 years they returned.
úðé øùá''â àåîø ñéîï ìäøéí îéìéï ìòî÷éí úîøéí ìðçìéí ÷ðéí ìùôéìä ù÷îéï åàò''ô ùàéï øàéä ìãáø æëø ìãáø (ãáøé äéîéí á à) åàú äàøæéí ðúï ëù÷îéí àùø áùôìä ìøåá
Baraisa (R. Shimon ben Gamliel): (The Mishnah taught that sycamore trees don't grow in the upper Galil; only in the lower Galil. The Baraisa gives further signs.) A sign of mountains is gallnuts; a sign of valleys is date palms. A sign of rivers is canes; a sign of lowlands is sycamores. An allusion to this is in the pasuk (Melachim I 10:27), "and he made cedars as abundant as sycamores in the lowlands''.
[ãó òâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéú ãáòé îéîø ìîéãú äãéï àúîø åàéú ãáòé îéîø ìòâìä òøåôä àéúîø
Some say that these signs were given for business purposes (to identify the land that one is buying). Some say that they were given for the Eglah Arufah. (For the Mitzvah of Eglah Arufah, a calf has its neck broken next to a river ('Nachal Eisan') - it must be done in a place in which canes grow.)
àéæå òî÷ áâìéì ëâåï á÷òú âðåñø åçáøåúéä åëï ëéåöà áäï àéæä äø ùáéäåãä æä äø äîìê åùôìúå æå ùôìú ãøåí åòî÷ ùìå îòéï âãé òã éøçå
Baraisa: (The Mishnah taught that the Galil is the Upper Galil, the Lower Galil and the valley; and also that the surroundings of Tiveria are considered the valley.) What is the valley of the Galil? The valley around Tiveria and Lake Kinneret and its environs. What is the mountain in Yehuda? Har HaMelech ('King's Mountain'). What are the lowlands of Yehuda? The southern lowlands. Its valley is from Ein Gedi until Yericho.
àéæä äø ùáòáø äéøãï úðé øùá''à àåîø ëâåï äøé îëååø åâãåø åëï ëéåöà áäï åùôìúå çùáåï åëì òøéä àùø áîéùåø ãéáåï åáîåú áòì åáéú áòì îòåï åëï ëéåöà áäï åòî÷ ùìå áéú äøéí åáéú ðîø' åëï ëéåöà áäï åáòî÷ áéú äøéí åáéú ðîøä åñåëåú åöôåï éúø îîìëú ñéçåï îìê äàîåøé àùø îìê áçùáåï
What is the mountain in Ever HaYarden? R. Shimon ben Elazar taught in a Baraisa - For example, Michvar, Gedur etc. And its lowland is Cheshbon and all of its cities in the plains - Divon, Bamos Baal, Beis Baal Maon etc. And its valley is Beis Haram, Beis Nimrah etc, as the pasuk states (Yehoshua 13:27), "And in the valley, Beis Haram, Beis Nimrah, Succos and Tzafon, the rest of the kingdom of Sichon, king of Cheshbon''.
áéú äøéí áéú øîúä áéú ðîøä áéú ðîøåï ñëåú úøòìä öôåï òîúå
Beis Haram is Beis Ramasah; Beis Nimrah is Beis Nimrin; Succos is Daralah; Tzafon is Amsu.
ùôìä ùáäø ëäø <åäø> ùáùôìä ëùôìä
Question: What's the law when there is a small lowland next to the mountains or a small mountainous area next to the lowlands? (For example, if the crops have disappeared in the mountains but still exist in that small lowland, has the time of Biur already come for that lowland as well?)
îï îä ãúðé äø åäøå òî÷ åòî÷å ùôì åùôìúå äãà àîøä ùôìä ùáäø ëäø åäø ùáùôìä ëùôìä
Answer: Since the Baraisa said 'the mountains and the area around them', we view that lowland as part of the mountains for the law of Biur; and the same applies to the Baraisa's phrase 'the lowlands and the area around them'.
àîø ø''é îúðé' àîøä ëï åääø ùìä ëäø äîìê
(R. Yosi): Our Mishnah supports this -'and its mountain is like the Har HaMelech' (meaning that the mountain of the lowland of Lod is like the Har HaMelech).
îáéú çåøåï åòã éí îãéðä àçú ôøà ëåøéï
The Mishnah taught - From Beis Choron until the sea is considered one section - it was called Perah Korin.
[ãó òã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ø''é òåã äéà éù áä äø åùôìä åòî÷ îáéú çåøåï åòã àîàåí äø îàîàåí åòã ìåã ùôìä îìåã åòã äéí òî÷
(R. Yochanan): It's still there and even though it is one region, it has a mountain, a lowland and a valley...From Beis Choron until Ama'um is mountainous; from Ama'um until Lod is lowland; from Lod until the sea is valley.
ðéúðé àøáò
Question: Why (did the Mishnah teach 'there are three regions for Biur'; why) not say that there are four, as there's also Perah Korin?
îòåøáåú îï
Answer: The three types of land are mixed together in Perah Korin.
úðé àéï áñåøéà ùìù àøöåú
Baraisa: Suria doesn't have the laws of the three regions - it's considered one region.
[ãó ëå òîåã à] àéúà çîé àéìéï òî÷ ùáéäåãà àéðå àåëì[éï] (òã)[òì] äø éäåãà å[àéìéï ]òî÷ ùáâìéì àåëì[éï] (òã)[òì] äø éäåãà
Question: (R. Shimon taught in the Mishnah that they only spoke of three regions as regarding the sections of Yehuda, but all other regions are like Har HaMelech.) Come and see - those that live in the valley of Yehuda may not eat if the animals have consumed all of the produce in the valley, even if there is still produce in Har HaMelech. And in the valley of the Galil, (that is far from Yehuda), you said that they may eat until the last produce disappears in Har HaMelech. If an animal would come from the valley in the Galil until the mountains in Yehuda, certainly in Yehuda itself it would come from the valley to the mountains?! (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)
ëì äàøöåú ëàçú ìæéúéí åìúîøéí
The Mishnah taught that all other regions are the same regarding olives and dates (that as long as they still remain in one region, all regions may eat).
úðé àó ìçøåáéí
Baraisa: This also applies to carobs.
úðé àåëìéï òì äúîøéí òã ùéëìå îéøéçå
Baraisa: One may eat dates until they disappear from Yericho.
åòì äæéúéí òã ùéëìå îîøåï åîâåù çìá:
For olives, it is until they disappear from Maron and Gush Chalav.