
TOSFOS DH ITZ'RICH K'RA LI'ME'UTEI S'FEIKA (Continued from Previous Daf)

úåñ' ã"ä àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à

(SUMMARY: Tosfos continues to discuss the Sugya of 'Itzrich K'ra li'Me'utei S'feika').

(ðå÷é äæëø àìà ìîòè àðãøåâéðåñ åìà èåîèåí à'ìîä úðéà äæëø åìà èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ åîùðé ñîé îëàï èåîèåí àò"â ãáòøëéï àéëà úøéï îéòåèé äæëø åàí ð÷áä öøéëéï úøååééäå ìàðãøåâéðåñ ãàé ëúéá äæëø ìîòåèé ä"à ãìà âøò îð÷áä åéäéä áòøê àùä) åà"ú, îàé ôøéê ìøá çñãà î"àí æëø åàí ð÷áä" ãëúéá âáé ùìîéí, ãàéëà úøé îéòåèé - ã'àí' îéòåè äåà, ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ äîôìú (ðãä ëç:) "àí ð÷áä". àí ëï, òì ëøçê ìîòåèé èåîèåí?


Question: Why does the Gemara (in Bechoros) then query Rav Chisda from "Im Zachar Im Nekeivah" that is written by Shelamim, where there are two Miy'utim (since "Im" is a Miy'ut, as we learned in Perek ha'Mapeles [Nidah Daf 28: regarding "Im Nekeivah"]). Consequently, it must come to preclude a Tumtum?

åéù ìôøù, ãäúí âøñéðï "æëø àå ð÷áä" ãëúéá áåé÷øà âáé ùìîé öàï, ãäëé ãøùéðï ìäå áú"ë, äðäå îéòåèé ãëúéá áùìîéí ...


Answer (Part 1): The text there is (not "Im Zachar Im Nekeivah", but) "Zachar O Nekeivah" that is written in Vayikra regarding Shalmei Tzon, since that is how the Sifri Darshens those Miy'utim...

àáì "àí æëø àí ð÷áä" ãëúéá âáé ùìîé á÷ø ãøéù ìéä áú"ë åáôø÷ á' ãáëåøåú (ã' èå:) åáúîåøä ôø÷ àìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éæ:) 'ìøáåú åìã áòìé îåîéï' åúîåøú áòìé îåîéï.


Answer (Part 2): ... whereas "Im Zachar Im Nekeivah" that is written by Shalmei Bakar the Toras Kohanim (as well as the Gemara in the second Perek of Bechoros (Daf 15b) and in Temurah, Perek Eilu Kodshim (Daf 17b) Darshens to include the child and the Temurah of Ba'alei-Mumin.

åäùúà ôøéê ùôéø ìøá çñãà, ãáääåà ÷øà ìà ëúéá àìà çã îéòåèà ãäåé "àå" ìîòè, ëîå "àå ëùá" 'ôøè ìëìàéí'.


Answer (Part 3): Now, the Gemara's Kashya on Rav Chisda is justified, since the current Pasuk contains only one Miy'ut - "O", to preclude, like "O Kesev", which comes to preclude Kil'ayim.

åà"ú, ãìòéì àîøéðï äéëà ãñô÷ îçîú ùàéðå ùåä, 'àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé' ...


Question (Part 1): Above, we explained that it is where the Safek is not always the same that we need to preclude it ...

åáô"÷ ãçâéâä (ãó ã.) ÷àîø "æëåøê", 'ìäåöéà èåîèåí'.åôøéê 'àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à', àò"â ãàéï ëåìí ùåéï?


Question (Part 2): ... and in the first Perek of Chagigah (Daf 4a) it Darshens "Zechurcha", to preclude a Tumtum (from Re'iyah on Yom-Tov); Yet the Gemara asks "Itzrich K'ra li'Me'utei S'feika, even though they are not all the same?

äúí ôøéê îùåí ãáìàå äàé ÷øà äééúé ôåèøå îï äøàééä, îùåí ãàéðå éëåì ìñîåê.


Answer (Part 1): There the Gemara asks because without this Pasuk, we would exempt a Tumtum from Re'iyah, seeing as he is unable to perform Semichah ...

àò"â ã'ñîéëä ìà îéòëáà' ...


Implied Question: ... Even though Semichah is not crucial.

îëì î÷åí ìëúçìä öøéê, ëãàùëçï áôñçéí áôø÷ äàùä (ãó ôç:) âáé 'çîùä ùðúòøáå òåøåú ôñçéäí, åðîöà éáìú áàçã îäï, ãôèåøéï îìòùåú ôñç ùðé îùåí ñîéëä.


Answer: ... it is however, necessary to perform it Lechatchilah, as we find in Pesachim, in Perek ha'Ishah (98b), which rules that, if the skins of the Pesachim belonging to five people, on one of which they found a wart (which renders the Korban Pasul) became mixed up, they are Patur from Pesach Sheini, because they cannot perform Semichah.

åàò"â ãâáé 'áäîä ùðîöàú îéøåùìéí ìîâãì òãø' - àîøéðï 'æëøéí òåìåú ð÷áåú æáçé ùìîéí', åî÷øéá àåúï áìà ñîéëä, ìôé ùàéï îëéøéï îé äí áòìéí?


Implied Question: ... Even though the Gemara in Kidushin (55a) rules that, if an animal is found between Yerushalayim and Migdal Eider (a location fifteen Mil from Yerushalayim), a male should be brought as an Olah, and a female as a Shelamim - without Semichah (seeing as only the owner may perform Semichah, and in this case, we do ot know who the owner) ...

ùàðé äúí, ã÷ãåùåú ëáø åàéï ìäí ú÷ðä áòðéï àçø.


Answer: It is different there, since we assume them to be already Kadosh, and there is nothing else that one can do retify them.

åñô÷ îöåøò, ãîééúé àùîå åìåâå ...


Implied Question: And as for a Safek Metzora, who brings his asham and its Log of oil (even though he cannot perform Semichah) ...

äúí úé÷åï âáøà ùàðé


Answer: ... that is because it is necessary in order to rectify him (to permit him to come to the Beis-ha'Mikdash and to eat Kodshim).

åà"ú, ãàùëçï ÷øà áùáéì ùìà ðèòä, àò"â (ãâáé) ã÷îé ùîéà âìéà áñåó àìå èøôåú (ì÷îï ñå:) ãôøéê 'îëãé àðï à"÷ù÷ùú" ñîëéðï, "ñðôéø" ãëúá øçîðà ì"ì?


Question (Part 1): We do find a Pasuk that comes to prevent us from erring, even though Hash-m knows exactly what it is - at the of Eilu T'reifos, (66b), where the Gemara asks 'Indeed, we rely on the "Kaskeses" (scales - to permit a fish), so why does the Torah need to add "S'napir" (fins)? ...

åîùðé 'àé ëúá øçîðà "÷ù÷ùú" åìà "ñðôéø", äåä àîéðà îàé "÷ù÷ùú", ñðôéø! åàôéìå ãâ èîà ðîé, äùúà ãëúá øçîðà "ñðôéø" òã ãàéëà ñðôéø å÷ù÷ùú?


Question (Part 2): ... to which the Gemara replies 'Had the Torah written only "Kaskeses" and not "S'napir", we would have thought that "Kaskeses" means fins, and we would therefore have included even Tamei fish (with no scales); therefore the Torah writes "S'napir", to teach us that a fish requires both fins and scales ...

åéù ìåîø, ãìùåï "÷ù÷ùú" îùîò ãáø ùàéðå ùåä åçì÷, ãáø ùäéã îñëñëú áå, åñðôéø ëê äåà, åðåôì áå ìùåï ÷ù÷ùú.


Answer: The fact is that "Kaskeses" implies something that is not straight and smooth, something on which the hand gets caught - and that fits wit fins - and the Lashon Kaskeses applies to it.



úåñ' ã"ä ëé àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ðøáò åðòáã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the Gemara cites this D'rashah, despite the fact that it contradicts what the Beraisa says).

úéîä, ãñåúø ãøùà ãáøééúà ëãé ìãçåú øàééúå, åîå÷é ÷øà ìãøùà àçøú?


Question: Why does Gemara demolish the D'rashah of the Beraisa in order to refute its proof, to learn a different D'rashah from the Pasuk?

åéù ìåîø, ã÷éí ìéä ãàöèøéê ÷øà ìäàé ãøùà - ãäà øáé ò÷éáà àéú ìéä ãøùà ã'îùçúí' áôø÷ áúøà ãáëåøåú (ãó ðæ.), ã÷ñáø 'îòùø áäîä çì òì øåáò åðøáò ëîå ùçì òì áòìé îåîéï'


Answer (Part 1): The Gemara had a tradition that the Pasuk is needed for the current D'rashah, based on the fact that Rebbi Akiva, in the last Perek of Bechoros (57.) holds of the D'rashah of 'Hashchasah', since he holds that Ma'aser Beheimah takes effect on an animal that is a Rove'a or a Nirva, just as it takes effect on Ba'alei Mumin'.

åîñé÷ áôø÷ äîæáç î÷ãù (æáçéí ãó ôä:) ãàéú ìéä ãéù ðøáò áòåôåú ...


Answer (Part 2): And he concludes in Perek Mizbe'ach Mekadesh (Zevachim 85:) that Nirva is Pasul by a bird ...

ã÷àîø 'øáé ò÷éáà îëùéø ááòìé îåîéï', åìà ÷àîø 'åáðøáò' - äåàéì åëùø áòåôåú, åîðà ìéä - àìà ò"ë îäàé ÷øà?


Source: Since the Gemara quoting Rebbi Akiva, declares an animal that is a Ba'al-Mum (that is brought on the Mizbe'ach) Kasher (because a bird that is a Ba'al-Mum is Kasher), but he does not declare a Nirva Kasher (for the same reason, implying that a bird that is a Nirva is Pasul). Now from where does he know that - if not from the current D'rashah?

åà"ú, à"ë úôùåè ãñôé÷à äåé, ãàé áøéä äåé, àöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé, åà"ë îðìï ãéù ðøáò áòåôåú?


Question: In that case, why does the Gemara not prove from here that it is a Safek (see Rashi), because if it was a Beryah, we would require a Pasuk to preclude it; So from where do we know that Nirva is Pasul by birds?

åð"ì, ãîòé÷øà ñ"ã åãàé ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé, àé äåä áøéä ...


Answer #1 (Part 1): Tosfos therefore concludes that that even though initially, the Gemara thought that if it is a Beryah, it requires a Pasuk to preclude it ...

àáì äùúà ãîñé÷ ãàöèøéê ÷øà ìðøáò åðòáã, ñ"ì ãìáøéä ìà àöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé, ãîîéìà àéîòéè îá'úåøéí ãåîéà ãáðé éåðä' - îä áðé éåðä ãå÷à ÷èðéí, àó úåøéí ãå÷à âãåìéí, ìîòåèé úçìú äöéäåá ùáæä åùáæä, ãìà äåé ìà ÷èðéí åìà âãåìéí;


Answer #1 (Part 2): Now that the Gemara has concluded that we need the Pasuk for Nirva and Ne'evad, it holds that a Beryah does not require a Pasuk, but that it is automatically precluded, from the comparison of 'Torim to b'nei Yonah' - for just as "b'nei Yonah" means specifically young ones, so too, does "Torim" mean specifically adults, precluding Techilas ha'Tzihuv in both cases, since it is neither young by the one, nor adult by the other.

åãøùà ãáøééúà àñîëúà áòìîà äéà.


Conclusion: And the D'rashah of the Beraisa is merely an Asmachta.

åîåøé ä"ø àäøï îøéâðùôåø"÷ úéøõ, ãàéðå ñåúø äùúà ãøùà ãáøééúà, ãúøé îéòåèé ëúéáé "îï äúåøéí àå îï áðé äéåðä" - çã ìîòåèé ðøáò åðòáã (åìàôå÷é îãøùà ã"îùçúí"), åàéãê ìîòåèé úçìú äöéäåá;


Answer #2 (Part 1): 'The Ba'al Tosfos' Rebbe, Rebbi Aharon from Regensburg' explains that the Gemara's current answer does not contradict the D'rashah of the Beraisa at all, because, he says, the Pasuk contains two Miy'utim - "min ha'Torim O min b'nei ha'Yonah"; one to preclude Nirva and Ne'eved (to take out from the D'rashah of Moshchasam), the other, to preclude from Techilas ha'Tzihuv.

å÷îé ùîéà åãàé âìéà, àé ÷èðéí äåå àé âãåìéí äåå; åàé ÷èðéí äåå îîòèéðäå î"îï äúåøéí", åàé âãåìéí äåå, îîòèéðäå î"îï áðé äéåðä" - åàðï äåà ãìà éãòéðï îäé îîòèéðäå


Answer #2 (Part 2): Although Hash-m certainly knows whether it is a Katani or a Gadol - if it is a Katan then we will preclude it from "min ha'Torim", whereas if it is a Gadol, then we will preclude it from "b'nei ha'Yonah", it is we who do not know.

åäùúà àé áøéä äåå, àúé ðîé ùôéø ìôé äîñ÷ðà, ãçã ìîòåèé áøéä, åçã ìîòåèé ðøáò åðòáã.


Answer #2 (Part 3): Now, the current D'rashah fits nicely, even if Techilas ha'Tzihuv is considered a Beryah; since we will then need one Miy'ut to preclude a Beryah; the other, to preclude Nirva and Ne'evad.

åîòé÷øà ñ"ã, ãàöèøéê úøåééäå ìáøéä, ãàé ìà äåä ëúéá àìà çã îéòåèà, ìà äåä îîòèéðï ìäå, àìà àå îâãåìéí àå î÷èðéí; åàí äáéà îùðéäí äåä ðôé÷ îîä ðôùê.


Answer #2 (Part 4): Whereas initially, we thought that we need both D'rashos to preclude a Beryah, because had it written only one Miy'ut, we would either have precluded it from Gedolim or from Ketanim, in which case, if one brought both one would be Yotzei.

àáì ÷"÷ òì ôéøåùå, ãàé àúà ÷øà ìàùîåòéðï ùäí àå âãåìéí àå ÷èðéí àó ò"â ã÷îé ùîéà âìéà, à"ë, îàé ôøéê áñåó 'òì àìå îåîéï' ùäáàúé ìòéì 'îðé, àéìéîà ú"÷, ñô÷ äåà, àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à'?


Question (Part 1): His explanation is a little difficult however; If the Pasuk comes to teach us that Techilas ha'Tzihuv is either considered Gadlus or Katnus, even though Hash-m knows which, then why does the Gemara in 'Al Eilu Mumin' (that Tosfos cited on the previous Amud) ask "Who is the author? If it is the Tana Kama, it is a Safek. Do we need a Pasuk to preclude a Safek?'

ðéîà ã÷øà îéòè ìàðãøåâéðåñ, àå îùåí ùäåà æëø îùåðä, àå îùåí ãàùîòéðï ùäåà ð÷áä, åàðï äåà ãìà éãòéðï,åìëê ìà äåé ñô÷?


Question (Part 2): Why can we not say there too, that the Pasuk comes to preclude an Androginus, either because he is an irregular Zachar or because he is an irregular Nekeivah, only we do not know which, and he is not a Safek at all?

àìà îùîò - àí ÷îé ùîéà âìéà ùäåà ð÷áä, ìà äéä ìå ìäùîéòðå.


Question (Part 3): Conversely, it implies that if Hash-m knows what she is a Nekeivah, then the Torah should not find it necessary to teach it to us.

åäà ãàéëà úøé îéòåèé?


Implied Question: Why (according to the initial explanation) do we need two Miy'utim?

àéëà ìîéîø ãàúà çã ìðøáò åçã ìðòáã.


Answer #1: Perhaps one is to preclude Nirva; the other, Ne'evad

åéåúø ðøàä, ãðøáò åðòáã ðô÷é îçã îéòåèà, àìà àöèøéê çã îéòåèà ìúåøéí, åçã ìáðé éåðä.


Answer #2: It is more likely however, that we learn Nirva and Ne'evad from one Miy'ut, and the two Miy'utim are needed - one for Torim; the other, for b'nei Yonah.

åìîàé ãñ"ã ðîé îòé÷øà ãàúà ìîòåèé áøéä, àöèøéê úøé îéòåèé - çã ìîòåèé úåøéí åçã ìáðé éåðä.


Alternative Explanation (Part 2): And that is also the reason that we needed two Miy'utim according to the Havah Amina (to preclude a Beryah) - one for Torim; the other, for b'nei Yonah.



úåñ' ã"ä ëé îùçúí áäí îåí áí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that the D'rashah of "Moshchasam" is unanymous.)

ëàï îùîò ãìë"ò àéú ìäå äê ãøùà ã"îùçúí"


Statement (Part 1): Here it is implied that everybody holds of the D'rashah of "Moshchasam" ...

ãàé ôìéâ à'ãøùà æå, ääåà úðà ããøéù "îï äáäîä", 'ìäåöéà àú äøåáò', àí ëï ìéãå÷ ã'áøéä äåé', ìîàï ãàîø ãìà ãøéù ãøùà ã"îùçúí"


Source: ... because if the Tana who Darshens "min ha'Beheimah" 'to preclude Rove'a' was to argue with it, then the opinion that does not Darshen "Moshchasam" could extrapolate that it is a Beryah.

àìà åãàé ëåìäå ãøùé ìäå, åàôéìå äëé àéöèøéê "îï äáäîä" å"îï äá÷ø", ìäåöéà øåáò åðøáò åðòáã, åìà äåé ãøùéðï î"îùçúí", ãäà áäà úìéà ...


Statement (Part 2): Clearly then, they all hold of the D'rashah, in spite of which they need "min ha'Beheimah" and "min ha'Bakar", because we would not learn from "Mashchasam" to preclude Rove'a, Nirva and Ne'evad" ...

àìà îùåí ãàùëçï ëáø á÷ãùéí ùùåéí áäï ãáø òøåä åòáåãú ëåëáéí åîåí.


Conclusion: ... if not for the fact that we have already seen that in Kodshim, matters of Ervah, Avodas-Kochavim and Mum have the same Din (See Maharam).

åð"î ãøùà ã"îùçúí" ìîòùø áäîä ãçì òì øåáò åðøáò ëîå ùçì òì áòì îåí.


Ramifications #1: And we still need "Mashchasam" to teach us that Ma'aser Beheimah takes effect on Rove'a and Nirva, just as it takes effect on a Ba'al-Mum ...

(åìøáé éùîòàì) [åìø"ù] ð"î âí ìôøä.


Ramifications #2: ... and according to Rebbi Shimon, we also need it with regard to Parah (see Tosfos in the first Perek (Daf 11a & b).

åà"ú, áøéù ëì äàñåøéï (úîåøä ãó ëç:) àîøéðï ãúðà ã'îùçúí' îå÷é ÷øà ã"îï äáäîä", 'ôøè ìæ÷ï åçåìä åîæåäí'?


Question: The Gemara at the beginning of 'Kol ha'Asurin' (Temurah 28b) states that the Tana of "Mashhasam" establishes the Pasuk of "min ha'Beheimah" to preclude an animal that is old, sick or sweaty?

åéù ìåîø, ãúðà ã'îùçúí' åãàé îùîò ìéä ìù"ñ ãîôé÷ øåáò åðøáò î"îùçúí" ìçåãéä, àáì ùàø úðàé ãðô÷é î"îï äáäîä" àéú ìäå ãøùà ã'îùçúí', ëãôøéùéú.


Answer: The Gemara certainly understands that the Tana of "Mashchasam" extrapolates Rove'a and Nirva from "Moshchasam" exclusively. And it is the other Tana'im - who learn it from "min ha'Beheimah" - who learn it from the D'rashah of "Mashchasam" as well, as we explained.

åëï îùîò áôø÷ áúøà ãáëåøåú (ãó ðæ.) ãôìéâé äúí ëîä úðàé âáé îòùø áäîä áèåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ åáîçåñø æîï åéåöà ãåôï; àáì áðøáò åøåáò åîå÷öä åðòáã ìà àùëçï ùåí ôìåâúà


Proof for Original Statement (Part 1): And so it would seem from the last Perek of Bechoros (57a) where various Tana'im argue (with regard to Ma'aser Beheimah, Tumtum and Adroginus, Mechusar Z'man and Yotzei Dofen; whereas regarding Nirva and Rove'a, Muktzah and Ne'vad we do not find a Machlokes ...

åîùîò ãëåìäå îåãå ãîúòùøéï, ëããøùéðï äúí î"îùçúí".


Proof for Original Statement (Part 2): ... indicating that they all agree that they are Chayav Ma'aser, as the Gemara learns there from "Mashchasam".

åîéäå îäëà àéëà ìîãçé, ãàôéìå îàï ãìéú ìéä ãøùà ã"îùçúí" àéöèøéê "îï äúåøéí" ìîòåèé ðøáò, ãñì÷à ãòúê ëéåï ãòåôåú ìéúðäå áøåáò, ìéúðäå ðîé áðøáò ...


Refutation of Original Proof: The proof from here however, one can refute, because even those who don't hold of the D'rashah of "Moshchasam will still require that of "min ha'Torim" to preclude a bird that has been raped, since we might otherwise have thought that since birds cannot rape, they are not subject to being raped either ...

ãëä"â àîø áôø÷ äîæáç î÷ãù (æáçéí ôä:).


Precedent: ... since the Gemara makes a similar statement in Perek ha'Mizbe'ach Mekadesh (Zevachim 85b).



úåñ' ã"ä úîåú åæëøåú ááäîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the source of this D'rashah, and the need for a Pasuk to disqualify a Mechusar Eiver and to validate a Ba'al-Mum).

áú"ë ãøéù ìä îãëúéá "úîéí æëø áá÷ø, áëùáéí, åáòæéí" - 'úîåú åæëøåú ááäîä åàéï úîåú åæëøåú áòåôåú'.


Clarification (Part 1): Toras Kohanim extrapolates it from the Pasuk "Tamim Zachar ba'Bakar, ba'Kevasim, u'va'Izim" - 'Tamus and Zachrus applies to animals, but not to birds'.

åîçåñø àáø ãôñåì áòåó, ðô÷à ìéä îãëúéá "îï äòåó" - 'åìà ëì äòåó' (áô"÷ ã÷ãåùéï - ãó ëã:).


Clarification (Part 2): And the P'sul of Mechusar Eiver (a missing limb) by birds the Gemara in Kidushin (24b) learns from the Pasuk "min ha'Of" - and not 'Kol ha'Of'' ...

åìà ëîå ùôéøù ëàï á÷åðèøñ, îùåí "ä÷øéáäå ðà ìôçúê".


Refutation: ... and not like Rashi learns here - because it is written "Hakriveihu Na le'Pechasecha" ('Bring it to your own princes! ... ').

åà"ú, ì"ì ÷øà ìôñåì îçåñø àáø, åäà àôéìå ìáðé ðç ðîé àñåø, åìéëà îéãé ãìéùøàì ùøé åìáðé ðç àñåø?


Question: Why do we need a Pasuk to disqualify a Mechusar Eiver, bearing in mind that even b'nei No'ach are forbidden to sacrifice such a bird?

åé"ì, îùåí ãàîøéðï áôø÷ àøáò îéúåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ðè.) ã'ëì îöåä ùðàîøä ìáðé ðç åìà ðùðéú áñéðé, ìéùøàì ðàîøä åìà ìáðé ðç'.


Answer (Part 1): Because the Gemara states in Perek Arba Misos (Sanhedrin 59a) that every Mitzvah that was said to the b'nei No'ach and was not repeated at Har Sinai, was said to Yisrael and not to b'nei No'ach.

åìëê äåöøê ìùðåúä, ëãé ìàñåø ìæä åìæä.


Answer (Part 2): Therefore it needs to repeat it, in order for it to be forbidden to the b'nei No'ach, as well as to Yisrael.

åà"ú, ì"ì ÷øà ã'àéï úîåú åæëøåú áòåôåú'?


Question (Part 1): But why do we need the Pasuk to teach us 'Ein Tamus ve'Zachrus be'Ofos'?

îãàöèøéê "îï äòåó" ìàñåø îçåñø àáø, éãòéðï ãàéï îåí ôåñì áòåó - ãàé ôåñì, ìîä ìé "îï äòåó"?


Question (Part 2): Surely, since we need "min ha'Of" to forbid Mechusar Eiver, we will automatically know that a blemish does not disqualify a bird, because if it did, why would we then need "min ha'Of"?

åéù ìåîø, ãàé ìàå ÷øà ã'àéï úîåú åæëøåú áòåôåú', ä"à ãîåí ôåñì áòåó ...


Answer (Part 1): If not for the Pasuk that teaches us 'Ein Tamus ve'Zachrus be'Ofos', we would have thought that a Mum invalidates a bird ...

å"îï äòåó" - àúà ìàñåø àôéìå äðê îåîéï ãùøå ááäîä, ã÷øà ã"îï äòåó" ìàñåø àúà, åìà ìäúéø.


Answer (Part 2): ... and as for "min ha'Of", that comes to forbid even those Mumin that are permitted by an animal - since the Pasuk "min ha'Of" comes to forbid and not to permit.

åàéï ìä÷ùåú ðîé îãàéöèøéê "îï äúåøéí" ìðøáò åðòáã, ùîòéðï ùôéø ãàéï îåí ôåñì áòåôåú?


Implied Question: Neither can we ask that, since we need "min ha'Torim" to forbid Nirva and Ne'evad, we can extrapolate that a Mum does not invalidate by a bird ...

ãàéëà ìîéîø ãàéöèøéê "îï äúåøéí", îùåí ãñì÷à ãòúéï ëéåï ãòåôåú ìéúðäå áøåáò, ìéúðäå ðîé áðøáò, ëãôøéùéú ìòéì.


Answer: ... because we can attribute the need to write "min ha'Torim" to the fact that we might otherwise have permitted Nirva, since it is not subject to Rove'a, as we explained earlier.



úåñ' ã"ä ëé úáòé ìê àìéáà ãáø ôãà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that in Menachos, bar Pada is disproved from this same Pasuk).

áô' ùúé îãåú (îðçåú ãó öà:) àéúåúá áø ôãà îäàé ÷øà ã"àå ìàéì" ãîãøáä ôìâñ ...


Statement: In Perek Sh'tei Midos (Menachos 91b) bar Pada is disproved from this very Pasuk "O la'Ayil" from which we include a Palgas ...

ãìà àúà ÷øà ìøáåéé ñôé÷à.


Reason: ... since we do not need a Pasuk to include a Safek'.




úåñ' ã"ä ãàîø îééúé åîúðé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how it is possible to make such a condition on a Minchah).

ä÷ùä øéá"à, áùìîà ðñëéí, éëåì ìäáéà ùéòåø ðñëé àéì åìäúðåú ùàí äåà ëáù, ùéäà äîåúø ìðãáä ëøáé ò÷éáà, ãàîø áôø÷ ëì äúãéø (æáçéí ãó öà:) 'äîúðãá ééï, îðñëå ìñôìéí'.


Question #1 (Part 1): It is fine to say by the Nesachim that it is possible to bring the Shi'ur of a ram and to stipulate that if it is really a lamb, the remainder will go for Mosar Nedavah, like Rebbi Akiva, who says in Perek Kol ha'Tadir (Zevachim 91:) that someone who donates wine, pours it into the bowls (on the south-west corner of the Mizbe'ach) ...

åàôéìå ìøáé èøôåï ãàîø 'ìàéùéí', îùîò ãìà ôìéâé àìà áàåîø 'äøé òìé ééï' ñúí, åìà ôéøù 'ìðñëéí', àáì àí ôéøù, îåãä ãàæéì ìñôìéí.


Question #1 (Part 2): ... and it seems that even Rebbi Tarfon, who says that it is poured on the fire on the Mizbe'ach, only argues where one says 'Harei Alai' S'tam, without adding 'li'Nesachim'; but if he did, then he too will agree that it is poured into the bowls.

àáì áîðçä äéëé îúðé, äà àéï áìéìúï ùåä, ãùì ëáù áìéìúå øëä - ùìù ìåâéï ìòùøåï, åùì àéì áìéìúå òáä - ùðé ìåâéï ìòùøåï, åúðï ô"÷ ãîðçåú (ãó éà.) 'øéáä ùîðä àå ùçéñø ôñåìä'?


Question #1 (Part 3): But how can one stipulate on the Minchah, seeing as their mixing is not the same - seeing as that of a lamb is three Lugin per Isaron (creating a more liquid mixture), whereas that of a ram is two Lugin per Isaron (which is thicker)?

åúðï ðîé 'àéï îòøáéï îðçú ëáùéí áùì àéìéí åôøéí'?


Question #2: And besides, we learned in a Mishnah in Menachos that one is not permitted to mix the Minchah of a lamb with that of a ram?

åëé úéîà ãîééúé ùéòåø îðçú ëáù áëìé àçã, åùéòåø îðçú àéì áëìé àçã - åîúðä ùäàçã îäï éäéä ðãáä ...


Refuted Answer: Perhaps you will say that one brings the Shi'ur of the Minchah of a lamb in one vessel, and the Shi'ur of the Minchah of a ram in another one - and stipulate that one of them should be a Nedavah ...

àé àôùø ìòùåú ëï, ãîðçú ðãáä ð÷îöú, åîðçú ðñëéí ëåìä ëìéì, ëãúðéà áäãéà áôø÷ àìå îðçåú (ãó òã:)?


Refutation: That too, is impossible, since a Minchas Nedavah requires Kemitzah, whereas a Minchas Nesachim is entirely burned, as we learned in a Beraisa in Menachos (74b)?

åúéøõ øéá"à, ãåãàé ëùîúðãá îðçä ñúí, àæ äéà ð÷îöú.


Answer (Part 1): The Riva answers that certainly, if one donates a Minchah S'tam, it requires Kemitzah ...

àáì àí îôøù îðçú ðñëéí äåéà, ëåìä ëìéì.


Answer (Part 2): ... but if one specifically mentions a Minchas Nesachim, it must all be burned ...

åàîøéðï 'îúðãá àãí îðçú ðñëéí áëì éåí'.


Proof: ... and as the Gemara says in Zevachim (84a) and in Menachos (104b) 'One is permitted to donate a Minchas Nesachim every day'.

åäùúà éëåì ìäúðåú ùôéø.


Conclusion: Having said that, it is possible to stipulate without any problem.



úåñ' ã"ä àé ùéàåø ãø"î ìøáé éäåãä îöä îòìééúà äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles this with anther Sugya, which forbids eating it).

åà"ú, åäà áôø÷ àìå òåáøéï (ôñçéí ãó îâ.) úðéà 'ùéàåø éùøó, åðåúðå ìôðé ëìáå'.


Question (Part 1): But did we not learn in a Beraisa in Eilu Ovrin' (Pesachim 43a) that Si'ur must be burned, and one may place it before one's dog ...

åîôøù äúí - ãäééðå ùéàåø ãø"î ìøáé éäåãä, îùîò ãàñåø áàëéìä?


Question (Part 2): ... and the Gemara there explains that this refers to the Si'ur of Rebbi Meir according to Rebbi Yehudah - implying that one is forbidden to eat it?

åé"ì, ãîãøáðï áòìîà àñåø ...


Answer: The prohibition is only mi'de'Rabbanan.

ãîãùøé ìéúðå ìôðé ëìáå, ùîò îéðä ãäåé îöä îòìééúà.


Proof: ... because, seeing as one is permitted to place it before one's dog is proof that it is proper Matzah.



úåñ' ã"ä åàé ãø"î ìø"î îãì÷é òìéä çîõ äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the corollary between Chametz on Pesach and Chametz of a Korban Todah).

åà"ú, åãéìîà ùàðé ìòðéï ôñç, ãøáééä ÷øà áôø÷ àìå òåáøéï (ùí ãó îâ.) - îãëúéá "ëì"?


Question: Perhaps Pesach is different, inasmuch as the Pasuk includes it from the word "Kol", as the Gemara explains in 'Eilu Ovrin'?

åëé úéîà ðéìó çîõ ãúåãä îçîõ ãôñç?


Suggested Answer: And if you will say that we learn Chametz of a Korban Todah from Chametz on Pesach ...

ãìîà îçîõ âîåø ãçééá ëøú âîøéðï, àáì äàé, ãìà çùéá çîõ âîåø ìòðéï ôñç, ìà çùéá çîõ ìòðéï úåãä.


Refutation: ... perhaps that is only true with regard to proper Chametz, for which one is Chayav Kareis, but the current case (of Siy'ur), which is not considered proper Chametz with regard to Pesach, is not considered Chametz (at all) with regard to the Todah.

îéäå îöéðå ìôøù ãäëé ÷àîø - ãôùéèà ãìà éöà îùåí îöä, ãìòðéï îöä éìôéðï úåãä îôñç.


Possible Answer: We can however, explain that what the Gemara means is that - it is obvious that one is not Yotzei the Mitzvah of Matzah, since, regarding Matzah, we learn Todah from Pesach.

àáì ÷ùä, ãáøéù 'ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä' (îðçåú ðâ.) ÷àîø 'åàéîà "ìà úàôä çîõ" àìà ùéàåø'?


Question (Part 1): At the beginning of 'Kol ha'Menachos Ba'os Matzah' (Menachos 53. [in connection with the Minchah]) the Gemara asks that we should Darshen that "It shall not be baked Matzah" - 'only Siy'ur'? ...

å÷àîø 'ùéàåø ãîàï ... , åàé ãø"î ìøáé îàéø, îãì÷é òìéä, çîõ äåà?'


Question (Part 2): ... and the Gemara continues 'Whose Siy'ur?' ... If it is the Siy'ur of Rebbi Meir according to Rebbi Meir, seeing as it is subject to Malkos, it is (proper) Chametz?

åîàé ÷åùéà; âáé ôñç äåà ãçùéá çîõ, ãøáééä ÷øà.


Conclusion: What is the problem; It is by Pesach that it is considered Chametz, since the Pasuk comes to include it (as we just explained) but not by Menachos?

åðøàä, ãéù ùåí éúåø (ëúåá) áúåãä åáîðçåú, ãçîõ ðå÷ùä çùéá çîõ âáééäå.


Answer: It therefore seems that there is an extra Pasuk somewhere regarding Todah and Menachos, which teaches us that Chamezt Nokshah is considered Chametz by them too.

åäà ãîùîò äúí ãìëåìé òìîà, àéï îçîéöéï áçîõ ðå÷ùä âáé úåãä ...


Implied Question: Why does the Gemara there then imply that according to all opinions, one cannot render Chametz the Chametz Loaves by a Todah, using Chametz Nokshah ...

ã÷àîø 'àéï îçîéöéï áúôåçéí', åäúí îùîò ãçîõ ðå÷ùä äåé (âáé úåãä) ...


Source: ... since the Gemara there forbids using apples to render the Chametz loaves Chametz, apparently because apples are Chametz Nokshah?

äééðå ìëúçìä, ãëùáà ìçîõ ùúé äìçí åçìåú úåãä, îöåä ìòùåú áçîõ âîåø.


Answer: That is only Lechatchilah, since Lechatchilah, when one comes to render Chametz the Two Loaves (on Shavu'os) and the Chametz Loaves of the Chalos Todah, it is a Mitzvah to use proper Chametz.



úåñ' ã"ä åúäà ôøä ëùøä áòøéôä î÷"å

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we deal with conflicting 'Kal-va'Chomers' and when we ignore them).

åäåà äãéï ãä"î ìîôøê äëé àöì çåìéï å÷ãùéí?


Implied Question: The Gemara could have asked the same question regarding the Shechitah of Chulin and the Melikah of Kodshim ...

àáì ð÷è ôøä åòâìä, ùùðéäí òðéï àçã, ãùðéäí ÷ãùéí äðùçèéí áçåõ, åãîå à'äããé ìéôñì áòåì åëîä ãáøéí.


Answer: ... and the reason that it asked it with regard to Parah and Eglah is because of the similarity between them, since they are both Kodshim that are Shechted outside the Azarah, and they both become Pasul if they carry a yoke, and in many other regards.

åà"ú, ìîä ìé äðê îéòåèé ìîòåèé ôøä îòøéôä åòâìä îùçéèä? ðéîà ëéåï ãàéëà ìîòáã ÷"å äëé, åàéëà ìîòáã ÷"å àéôëà, ëãòáéã áñîåê, ëì çã åçã úé÷åí à'ãåëúéä ...


Question: Why do we need these Miy'utim to preclude Parah from Arifah and Eglah from Shechitah? Why do we not say that since it is possible to make a Kal-va'Chomer in two opposite directions, like we will do shortly, leave each one as it is (and ignore the 'Kal-va'Chomers'?

ëãàîøéðï áô"á ãæáçéí (ãó éæ:) âáé 'åúåúø àðéðåú àöì ëäï äãéåè á÷øáï öáåø î÷"å?'


Precedent: ... like we say in the second Perek of Zevachim (17b), regarding the Sugya of 'Let Aninus be permitted by a Kohen Hedyot, by a Korban Tzibur, from a Kal va'Chomer'?

åé"ì, ãäúí ëì ÷"å ñåúø àú çáéøå ìâîøé - ùáúçìä àåîø 'åúåúø àðéðåú àöì ëäï äãéåè á÷øáï öéáåø î÷"å ãëäï âãåì, ùäåúø àðéðåú àôéìå á÷øáï éçéã; åàç"ë òåùä ÷"å ìäôê, ã'ìà úåúø àðéðåú àöì ëäï âãåì á÷øáï éçéã î÷"å'? åëï àçøéðé ãäúí.


Answer (Part 1): Because there, each Kal va'Chomer contradicts the other one completely - seeing as first the Gemara asks why Aninus is not permitted by a Kohen Hedyot, by a Korban Tzibur, from a Kal va'Chomer from the Kohen Gadol (whose Aninus is permitted even by a Korban Yachid?') - and then it reverses the 'Kal-Chamer' by asking that the Aninus of the Kohen Gadol should not be permitted by a Korban Yachid from a Kal va'Chomer from a Kohen Hedyot (whose Aninus is not even permitted by a Korban Tzibur?).

ìäëé ÷àîø 'ëéåï ãàéëà ìîéîø äëé åàéëà ìîéîø äëé, ëì çã åçã úé÷åí à'ãåëúéä' ...


Answer (Part 2): That's why the Gemara concludes that, since one can say like this and one can say like that, each one remains as it is.

àáì äëà âáé ôøä åòâìä, ùáà ìéúï àú äàîåø ùì æä áæä, åìà äåé ÷"å, àìà ëîå îä îöéðå, ìà ùééê ìîéîø äëé, ãàé ìàå îéòåè, äééúé ìåîã æä îæä áîä îöéðå.


Answer (Part 3): Here by Parah and Eglah, on the other hand, where the Gemara is merely coming to apply the Din of one to the other (this is not a Kal va'Chomer, but) - a Mah Matzinu, one cannot say that (one should just ignore them), because if not for the Miy'ut, we would learn one from the other with a 'Mah Matzinu'.

åàé äåä òáéã ÷"å 'ìà úåúø ôøä áùçéèä' àæ äåé ëääéà ãæáçéí.


Observation (Part 1): Now if the Gemara had made a Kal va'Chomer to the effect that the Parah would not be permitted via Shechitah - that would have been equivalent to the case in Zevachim.

åëï 'úäà àùä éåöàä áçìéöä î÷"å', àå 'éáîä áâè î÷"å', äåé ëîå îä îöéðå.


Observation (Part 2): By the same token, when the Gemara asks 'Let a woman go out via Chalitzah' from a Kal va'Chomer', or 'a Yevamah with a Get' - that is a Mah Matzinu (and not a Kal va'Chomer).

åà"ú, îä ìòâìä ùëï àéðä îèäøú, åëîä çåîøåú éù áæä îä ùàéï áæä?


Question: Why can we not ask (on the Mah Matzinu) that an Eglah is not Metaher (like a Parah is), and various other Chumros that each one possesses, which the other one doesn't?

åé"ì, ãìà òáéã ÷"å îëç òâìä åôøä, àìà îëç ùçéèä åòøéôä - 'åîä ùçéèä ùàéðä îëùøú áòâìä, îëùøú áôøä ... '.


Answer: Because the Kal va'Chomer is not from the power of Eglah and Parah, respectively, but from Shechitah and Arifah - 'Whereas Shechitah, which is not Machshir by Eglah, is Machshir by Parah ... '.

àáì ÷ùä, ãà"ë ÷"å âîåø äåà, åìà îä îöéðå, ãùçéèä îòøéôä ìéëà ìîéìó áîä îöéðå àìà î÷"å; à"ë ðéîà ëì çã åçã úé÷åí áãåëúéä?


Question: In that case, it is a proper Kal va'Chomer, and not a Mah Matzinu, since one cannot learn Shechitah from Arifah (and vice-versa) with a Mah Matzinu, only with a Kal va'Chomer, in which case we should ignore the two conflicting Kal va'Chomers, like we do in the case of Zevachim?

åé"ì, ãáëì î÷åí ãòáã ÷"å äëé åäëé ëâåï äëà, åì÷îï (ã' ëä.) âáé àåéø ëìé çøñ, åâáé ëäðéí åìåéí, åáô"á ãááà ÷îà (ã' ëä:) âáé 'åúäà ùï åøâì çééáéï áøä"ø î÷"å?' åäãø ÷àîø 'ìà úäà ùï åøâì çééáéï áøùåú äðéæ÷ àìà çöé ðæ÷?'


Answer (Part 1): Wherever the Gemara makes two conflicting Kal va'Chomers, such as here, and later (on Daf 25a) regarding the air of earthenware vessels and regarding Kohanim and Levi'im; and such as the second Perek of Bava Kama (25b) where the Gemara first asks that Shen ve'Regel should be Chayav in the R'shus ha'Rabim from a Kal va'Chomer, and then that the same Shen va'Regel should only be Chayav Chatzi Nezek in the R'shus ha'Yachid ...

öøéê ìåîø ãéù ùåí ñáøà àå ÷åìà àå çåîøà ìòùåú ÷"å àçã éåúø îàçø ...


Answer (Part 2): It must be that there is a S'vara - a Kula or a Chumra, to make a Kal va'Chomer one way more than the other ...

åëéåï ùäééðå òåùéï ÷"å àçã, àöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé; îòúä äééðå òåùéï ÷"å ìäôê.


Answer (Part 3): ... and in order to counter that Kal va'Chomer, we need a Pasuk to preclude it. And now that we have precluded it, we would make a Kal va'Chomer the other way.



úåñ' ã"ä ôøä ùäéà ëùøä áùçéèä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn the Hechsher of an animal and a bird from one another via a Kal-va'Chomer).

àéï ììîåã áòðéï æä î÷"å ùúäà ôøä ëùøä áîìé÷ä î÷"å îòåó, ùìà äåëùø áùçéèä, äåëùø áîìé÷ä.


Refuted Question #1: One cannot learn here that one may kill a Parah Adumah via Melikah, from a Kal-va'Chomer from Ofos (of Kodshim), which are not Kasher via Shechitah, yet they are Kasher via Melikah ...

ãäà ì÷îï áøéù äùåçè (ã' ëæ:) ãøùéðï 'øàùå ùì æä îîåì òåøó, åìà øàùå ùì àçø'.


Refutation: ... since the Gemara later at the beginning of 'ha'Shochet' (27b) Darshens 'The head of this one (a bird) is killed by the nape of the neck, but the head of another one (an animal) is not killed by the nape of its neck.

åàéï ììîåã áòåó ùéåëùø áùçéèä î÷"å - ãáäîä, ùìà äåëùø áîìé÷ä.


Refuted Question #2: Nor can we learn that one may kill a bird via Shechitah from a Kal-va'Chomer - from an animal. which is not Kasher via Melikah ...

ãìîàï ãéìéó 'øåá ùðéí' îäìëä, àéï ãðéï ÷"å åáðéï àá îäìëä, ëãúðï áðæéø áô' ëäï âãåì (ãó ðå:).


Refutation: Since, according to those who learn the Din of Rov Shenayim (the majority of two Simanim) from a Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai, one cannot learn a Kal-va'Chomer or a Binyan Av from a Halachah, as we learned in a Mishnah in Perek Kohen Gadol (Nazir 56b).

åð"ì, ãëéåï ãàéëà îéòåèé áôøä åáòâìä ìòðéï ùçéèä åòøéôä, úå ìà îöé ìîéìó òåó îáäîä, åáäîä îòåó, ìòðéï ùçéèä åîìé÷ä ...


Answer (Part 1): Tosfos therefore concludes that since there are Miy'utim regarding Parah and Eglah regarding Shechitah and Arifah (breaking the neck of the Eglah Arufah), we are no longer able to learn Of from Beheimah or Beheimah from Of in anything to do with Shechitah or Melikah.

ãàéëà ìîéîø 'òøéôä úåëéç - ùàéðä ëùøä áôøä, åëùøä áòâìä, åàô"ä àéï ùçéèä ëùøä áä, àó àðé àáéà îìé÷ä'.


Answer (Part 2): Since we will always be able to point to Arifah, and say 'Arifah will prove otherwise, seeing as it not Kasher by a cow but it is Kasher by an Eglah, yet it is not subject to Shechitah, so too Melikah (will not be Kasher by an animal either - by the same token) ...

åëï àéôëà.


Conclusion: ... and so too, the other way round - will Shechitah not be Kasher by a bird for the same reason.