Question (Rav Ada bar Ahavah): A Kal va'Chomer should teach that a Kli Cheres becomes Tamei if Tum'ah touches its back!
Any other Kli does not become Tamei through its interior, but becomes Tamei if Tum'ah touches its back. A Kli Cheres becomes Tamei through its interior, all the more so it should become Tamei through its exterior!
Answer (Rava): "Any open Kli without a Tzamid Pasil (flush seal) on it" refers to Klei Cheres, which become Tamei as soon as Tum'ah enters their opening.
If it has no Tzamid Pasil, it becomes Tamei (in a tent with a Mes). If it has a Tzamid Pasil, it remains Tahor (it does not receive Tum'ah from its exterior).
Suggestion: A Kal va'Chomer should teach that any other Kli becomes Tamei if Tum'ah enters its interior!
A Kli Cheres does not become Tamei through its back, but it becomes Tamei if Tum'ah enters its interior. Any other Kli becomes Tamei through its back. All the more so it should become Tamei through its interior!
Rejection: "Its inside" teaches that only Klei Cheres become Tamei from their interior.
Question: We already expounded "its inside"!
Answer: We learn four things from the words "its inside" (since this appears twice, and each time it could have said just "inside",
One is needed for the simple meaning;
One is for the Gezeirah Shavah, which teaches that Tum'ah is Metamei the Kli even without touching it;
One teaches that only Klei Cheres become Tamei in this way;
One teaches that inside the inside (something in a Kli in the Kli Cheres), even if the inner Kli is not earthenware, is not considered like being inside the outer Kli.
Suggestion: A Kal va'Chomer should teach that other Kelim do not become Tamei through their backs, rather, only if Tum'ah touches their interior!
Klei Cheres become Tamei if Tum'ah enters their interior, but not from their backs. Other Kelim do not become Tamei through their interior. All the more so they should not become Tamei through their backs!
Rejection: "Any open Kli without a flush seal" teaches that Klei Cheres without a Tzamid Pasil become Tamei (in a tent with a Mes). If they have a Tzamid Pasil, they remain Tahor;
Other Kelim become Tamei (from their exterior) even if they have a Tzamid Pasil.
(Mishnah): The kinds of wooden Kelim that are Tehorim, such metal Kelim are (able to become) Teme'im. The kinds of metal Kelim that are Tehorim, such wooden Kelim are Teme'im.
(Gemara - Beraisa): Unfinished wooden Kelim are Teme'im. Simple wooden Kelim (i.e. without an interior) are Tehorim. Unfinished metal Kelim are Tehorim. Simple metal Kelim are Teme'im;
The kinds of wooden Kelim that are Tehorim, such metal Kelim are Teme'im. The kinds of metal Kelim that are Tehorim, such wooden Kelim are Teme'im.
Unfinished wooden Kelim are those that must still be rubbed, smoothed, engraved, or adorned with small nails;
If it is missing a base, rim or handle, it is Tamei. If it has not yet been carved out, it is Tahor.
Question: Obviously, if it has not yet been carved out it is Tahor!
Answer: The case is, it has been partially carved out. The owner intends to carve out more.
Unfinished metal Kelim are those that must still be rubbed, smoothed, engraved, adorned with small nails;
If it is missing a base, rim or handle, it is Tahor. If it is missing a cover, it is Tamei.
Question: Why are the laws of unfinished wooden and metal Kelim different?
Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): Metal Kelim are made to give status to their owners. (They do not fulfill their purpose until they enhance their owner's status.)
Answer #2 (Rav Nachman): Metal Kelim are expensive. (They are made to be sold.)
These answers differ about Kelim made of bone. They are expensive, but they are not made for honor.
Rav Nachman taught similarly elsewhere;
(Rav Nachman): Bone Kelim are like metal Kelim.
Question: This implies that bone Kelim can become Tamei. What is the source for this?
Answer (Beraisa - R. Yishmael, son of R. Yochanan ben Brokah): "You will sprinkle (water with ashes of the Parah Adumah, to be Metaher from Tum'as Mes) everything made from sheep" includes things made from the horns and hooves.
We learn Kelim from bones of other animals from "everything made from sheep".
Question: If so, why did the Torah specify sheep?
Answer: It excludes fowl.
(Mishnah): The kind (i.e. size) of bitter almonds that are Tevel (Ma'aser must be taken), such sweet almonds are exempt. The kind of sweet almonds that are Tevel, such bitter almonds are exempt.
(Gemara - Beraisa): Small bitter almonds are Tevel. Large ones are exempt. Large sweet almonds are Tevel. Small ones are exempt;
Version #1 (R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi): Both kinds (Rashi - small bitter or sweet; Tosfos - small or large bitter) are exempt.
Version #2 (R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi): Both kinds (Rashi - large bitter or sweet; Tosfos - small or large bitter) are Tevel.
Question: Why are large (bitter) almonds Tevel? They are not proper to eat!
Answer: They can be sweetened through cooking.
(Mishnah): If Temed (water that absorbed taste from dregs of wine, or from grape skins and pits) has not yet fermented, one may not buy it with money of Ma'aser Sheni;
If (three Lugim of) such Temed was in a Kli and fell into an incomplete Mikveh (less than 40 Sa'im), this disqualifies the Mikveh (even if proper water is later added to it);
If it fermented, one may not buy it with Ma'aser money, and it does not disqualify a Mikveh.
If brothers split an inheritance -
If they are obligated to add a Kalbon (a small coin added to the half-Shekel that one gives each year for Korbanos Tzibur) (i.e., they already divided the inheritance, and later made a partnership), they are exempt from Ma'aser Behemah (tithing animals born each year);
If they are obligated in Ma'aser Behemah (i.e., before they divide the inheritance), they are exempt from adding a Kalbon.
(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah is not like R. Yehudah, nor like Chachamim. Like whom is it?
(Beraisa): If Temed was made from Tevel dregs or grape pieces, and its volume is the same as the water put in, it is exempt from Ma'aseros;
R. Yehudah obligates.
The Mishnah is unlike Chachamim. They consider Temed to be water, even if it fermented!
It is unlike R. Yehudah. He considers Temed to be wine, even if it did not ferment!