[76a - 33 lines; 76b - 51 lines]

***************GIRSA SECTION******************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Rashi 76a DH v'Chen she'Nital Tzomes ha'Gidin åëï ùðéèì öåîú äâéãéï :

This Dibur ends with the words "Min ha'Tzomes" îï äöåîú. The following words "u'Rechuvah Gufah" åøëåáä âåôä are a new Dibur ha'Maschil.

[2] Tosfos 76a DH Ela:

The words "v'Od d'Rav Yehudah deka'Amar" åòåã ãøá éäåãä ã÷àîø

should be "v'Od d'Rav Yehudah Hu deka'Amar" åòåã ãøá éäåãä äåà ã÷àîø


1)[line 1]àøëåáäARKUVAH- the knee-joint (RASHI); there are two joints called Arkuvah (see below, entry #3)

2)[line 2]îï äàøëåáä åìîòìä ôñåìäMIN HA'ARKUVAH UL'MAILAH PESULAH- if its hind legs were cut off above the knees, it is a Tereifah (The Tana of our Mishnah argues with Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar (Tosefta 3:3), who rules that this is not a Tereifah. In the list of the eighteen Simanei Tereifah of Perek Elu Tereifos (Daf 42a et seq.), this Siman Tereifah also includes the removal of the "Tzomes ha'Gidin," the "meeting point of the sinews (or tendons)," tendons that attach the muscles of the middle of the leg to the bones of the lower leg; the exact location is discussed in our Gemara — see next entry)

3)[line 3]öåîú äâéãéïTZOMES HA'GIDIN - the "meeting point of the sinews (or tendons)," tendons that attach the muscles of the middle of the leg to the bones of the lower leg (TZOMES HA'GIDIN)

(a)The hind leg of Kosher animals consists of three major limbs: the Yerech, thigh (which contains the Kulis, femur or thigh bone), the Shok, calf (which contains the Shok, tibia), and the Etzem ha'Tachton, the lower limb of the leg (which contains the metatarsus).

(b)The bones of these three limbs are connected by two joints. The joint that separates the Kulis and the Shok is called the Arkuvah Elyonah, the knee (O.F. jenoil - the knee). This joint is clearly visible in a camel, while in most animals, such as the cow, it is covered by the animal's torso. The Tzomes ha'Gidin is situated near the bottom of the Shok. The joint that separates the Shok and the Etzem ha'Tachton is called the Arkuvah ha'Tachtonah (O.F. cencron), the ankle joint, also known as the "Arkuvah ha'Nimkeres Im ha'Rosh." One of the six joint bones of the Arkuvah ha'Tachtonah is the Arkuma, the talus.

(c)From the Arkuma and up, for a length of about two or three Etzba'os, the Shok has no flesh, only hide. The Gidin of the Tzomes ha'Gidin at this point are all clumped together and lie directly on the bone. Above that area, flesh covers the Shok, and the Gidin are embedded in the flesh. At the lowest part of the flesh, the Gidin are still clumped together (RASHI). As they go up the Shok, they spread out into the flesh.

(d)There are three major opinions as to the location of the Tzomes ha'Gidin:

1.Rabah, quoting Rav Ashi, states that the Tzomes ha'Gidin is located at the lowest part of the flesh that covers the Shok, where the Gidin are clumped together.

2.Rabah bar Rav Huna, also quoting Rav Ashi, states that the Tzomes ha'Gidin is at the point where the Shok has no flesh, where the Gidin that are clumped together lie directly on the bone.

3.Rava the son of Rabah bar Rav Huna, also quoting Rav Ashi, states that the Tzomes ha'Gidin includes both areas mentioned by the previous two Amora'im.

4a)[line 18]îãìéMADLEI- raises [the knife higher up, closer to the main part of the animal and its vital organs] (but above the Tzomes ha'Gidin)

b)[line 19]îúúéMETATEI- lowers [the knife lower down, further away from the main part of the animal and its vital organs] (but at the Tzomes ha'Gidin)

5a)[line 21]ãàâøîà åìáøD'A'GARMA UL'VAR- that are on the bone and above (lit. outward) (i.e. the Gidin that are in the flesh)

b)[line 22]ãàâøîà åìâéåD'A'GARMA UL'GAV- that are on the bone and downward (lit. inward) (i.e. the Gidin that are directly on the bone)

6)[line 23]ãòéìåé òø÷åîàD'ILAVEI ARKUMA- that are above the Arkuma (one of the six bones of the ankle joint)

7)[line 24]ìà úöéúå ìéäLO TATZISU LEI- do not listen to him

8)[line 25]äéëà ãôøòé èáçéHEICHA D'PAR'EI TABACHEI- where the butchers tear open [the hide of the animal in order to remove the flesh]

9)[line 30]àøáòä áèãéARBA'AH BITDEI- (a) four Etzba'os, finger-breadths (RASHI); (b) four measures of four Etzba'os each (RIF, RAMBAM, RASHBA, TOSFOS, RABEINU CHANANEL)

10a)[line 31]áìéèéBELITEI- protruding

b)[line 31]áìéòéBELI'EI- embedded in the flesh

11a)[line 31]àùåðéASHUNEI- hard

b)[line 32]øëéëéRECHICHEI- soft

12a)[line 32]àìéîéALIMEI- thick

b)[line 32]÷èéðéKETINEI- thin

13a)[last line]çååøéCHIVREI- white

b)[last line]ìà çååøéLO CHIVREI- (lit. not white) off-white


14)[line 1]ãæéâéD'ZIGEI- that are clear (O.F. clers), i.e. only slightly whitish

15)[line 11]ðôöéäNAPTZEI- (O.F. charpir) he disentangled it; he split it

16)[line 18]ëçåè äñøáìK'CHUT HA'SARBAL- like the string used to tighten the collar of a woolen cloak

17)[line 21]úìúà ãëì çã åçãTILSA D'CHOL CHAD V'CHAD- a third of each and every one

18)[line 26]æä åæäZEH V'ZEH- (lit. this and that) the animal and the limb

19)[line 37]äãåøé àôéøëé ìîä ìê?HADUREI A'PIRCHEI LAMAH LACH?- Must you search for questions [from Beraisa'os that are unknown and need not be considered when dealing with Halachic rulings]?

20a)[line 40]ééùø! åëï úøâîä àøéåê áááìYEYASHER! V'CHEN TIRGEMA ARYOCH B'BAVEL- You did well! and that is how Aryoch (see next entry) explained it in Bavel

b)[line 40]àøéåêARYOCH- Shmuel, who was called by this name because he was compared to a king (Reicha means king or nobleman in Aramaic), as follows: (a) the Halachah follows his opinion in monetary matters just like a king, and the name "Aryoch" is the name of a king in the verse "Aryoch Melech Elasar" (Bereishis 14:1) (RASHI; the name of this king was chosen because the word "Ari," "lion," is embedded in it — TOSFOS to Shabbos 53a DH Aryoch); (b) the Halachah follows his opinion in monetary matters just like "Dina d'Malchusa Dina" ("the laws of kingdoms are binding") (RASHI to Menachos 38b); (c) He was thoroughly versed in the Halachos of monetary matters and he sat in judgment like a king who presides over the court in his land (TOSFOS RI HA'ZAKEN to Kidushin 39a, RASHI to Shabbos 53a)

21)[line 43]øåá òåáéåROV OVYO- the majority of the thickness [of the bone] (i.e. flesh covers the majority of the edge of the broken bone)

22)[line 43]øåá ä÷éôåROV HEKEIFO- the majority of the perimeter [of the bone] (i.e. the flesh covers the majority of the sides of the broken bone, even if the edge is sticking out)