12th Cycle dedication

CHULIN 45 (10 Av) - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Ra'anana, Israel, in memory of his father, Reb Yisrael Shimon ben Shlomo ha'Levi Turkel. Isi Turkel, as he was known, loved Torah and worked to support it literally with his last ounce of strength. He passed away on 10 Av 5740.

[45a - 36 lines; 45b - 39 lines]

1)[line 1]àéúéé÷åøé äåà ãîúéé÷øå áéISYAKUREI HU D'MISYAKRO BI- they are honored by having me as a guest

2)[line 2]ðé÷áä ëðôä, îöèøôéí ìøåáàNIKVAH K'NAFAH, MITZTARFIM L'RUBA- if the trachea was punctured like a sieve, the holes combine to compose a majority of the circumference

3)[line 3]åáâåìâåìú ùéù áä ð÷á àçã àøåêUV'GULGOLES SHE'YESH BAH NEKEV ECHAD AROCH- and with a skull that has one long hole. (In the Mishnah in Ohalos 2:3, Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel disagree about the degree of damage or deficiency a body part must have in order for it not to be Metamei b'Ohel. With regard to a skull with a hole, Beis Shamai says that a skull with a hole is not Metamei b'Ohel when the hole is the size of the hole made by a surgeon's drill. Beis Hillel says that a skull is not Metamei b'Ohel when it has a hole that would cause a living person to die.)

4)[line 4]îöèøôéï ìîìà î÷ãçMITZTARFIN L'MELO MAKDE'ACH- they combine to compose the size of a hole bored by a drill (which renders the skull incomplete so that it does not cause Tum'as Ohel)

5)[line 6]ëéåï ãùéòåøéä ëàéñøKEIVAN D'SHI'UREI K'ISAR- since its minimum amount is the size of an Isar (a coin), [small holes should join to combine the size of an Isar (a coin) to make it Tereifah]

6)[line 7]àéùúîéèúéäISHTEMITSEI- it escaped him (he forgot it)

7)[line 12]ðéèìä äéîðä øöåòäNITLAH HEIMENAH RETZU'AH- if a narrow strip of skin running down the length of the trachea was removed from it

8)[line 17]î÷ôìå åîðéçå òì ôé ä÷ðäMEKAPLO U'MENICHO AL PI HA'KANEH- if one folds the flap over the mouth of the trachea

9)[line 17]àí çåôä àú øåá ä÷ðä, èøéôäIM CHOFEH ES ROV HA'KANEH, TEREIFAH- if the flap covers a majority of the mouth of the trachea, the animal is a Tereifah (since the material that covered the holes is actually missing and the holes are close together, like the holes of a sieve)

10)[line 18]ðôçúä ëãìúNIFCHESAH K'DELES- if the trachea is deficient like a door; i.e., the trachea was partially cut out so that it forms a flap, like a door that swings open and shut

11)[line 18]ëãé ùéëðñ àéñø ìøçáåKEDEI SHE'YIKANES ISAR L'ROCHBO- [if the hole (the part missing from the trachea) that is exposed when the flap is opened] is large enough for an Isar to enter widthwise into the hole

12)[line 19]çåìéà àçúCHULYA ACHAS- when one ring (or, according to RASHI, three rings) on each end remains intact, it is not a Tereifah

13)[line 23]éãòéï ááìàé ìôøåùé ëé äàé èòîà?YAD'IN BAVLA'EI LI'FERUSHEI KI HAI TAIMA?- Do the Babylonians (i.e., Rebbi Yonasan) know how to interpret the Mishnah using this logic? [I am impressed!]

14)[line 24]îèáòú äâãåìäMITBA'AS HA'GEDOLAH- the great ring; i.e., the topmost of the rings of cartilage that surround the trachea

15)[line 24]ëðôé øéàä äúçúåðäKANFEI REI'AH HA'TACHTONAH- the lobes of the lower lung; i.e., where the trachea reaches the lower lobes of the lung

16)[line 25]äúçúåðä ùäéà òìéåðäHA'TACHTONAH SHE'HI ELYONAH- the lower lung that is actually the upper lung; i.e., when the Beraisa speaks of "lower" it refers to what is actually the upper part of the lung, when viewed from its hind legs. This is the upper part of the lung when one removes the lung and allows it to dangle from the severed trachea.

17)[line 25]ëì ùôåùèú öåàøä åøåòäKOL SHE'POSHETES TZAVARAH V'RO'AH- [the area valid for Shechitah is the part of the animal's neck which is exposed] when it stretches out its neck and grazes

18)[line 25]åáìáã ùìà úàðñU'VILVAD SHE'LO TE'ANES- as long as the animal is not forced [and has her neck stretched further than she extends it on her own]

19)[line 27]ðô÷ îéìúà îáéðééäåNAFAK MILSA MI'BEINAIHU- this matter went out from between them; i.e., they agreed on the matter

20)[line 28]ðé÷á ä÷ðä ìîèä îï äçæä, ðéãåï ëøéàäNIKEV HA'KANEH L'MATAH MIN HE'CHAZEH, NIDON K'REI'AH- if the trachea was punctured below the point where the breast starts, it is judged like a puncture of the lung [and is a Tereifah]

21)[line 28]àéæäå çæäEIZEHU CHAZEH - what is the breast with regard to a Shelamim? (KORBAN SHELAMIM)

(a)A person may offer a Korban in the Beis ha'Mikdash as a voluntary sacrifice (Olas Nedavah), as it states in Vayikra 1:2. Voluntary Korbanos may be Olos (which are burned entirely on the Mizbe'ach, see Vayikra 1:2-17, 6:1-6), Shelamim (parts of which are eaten, see Vayikra 3:1-17, 7:11-21, 7:28-37) or Menachos (flour offerings, see Vayikra 2:1-13, 6:7-11, 7:9-10).

(b)Korbenos Shelamim that are offered by an individual may be brought from male or female sheep, cows or goats. They are Kodshim Kalim, and may therefore be slaughtered in the entire Azarah (and not only in its northern part). Before its slaughter, the owner presses his hands on the head of the animal (Semichah). The blood of the Shelamim is cast on the northeastern and southwestern corners of the Mizbe'ach (Shenayim she'Hen Arba). Nesachim (a flour offering consisting of flour and oil and a wine libation) are brought as part of the Korban (Bamidbar 15:3-12). The flour offering is completely burned on the Mizbe'ach and the wine is poured into one of the Sefalim (the silver libation pipes located at the top of the southwestern corner of the Mizbe'ach) (RAMBAM and RA'AVAD Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 2:1). The amount of flour, oil and wine needed depends upon the animal offered, as specified in Bamidbar (ibid.).

(c)The Chazeh (breast) and Shok (right hind thigh) of the Shelamim were given to the Kohen (Vayikra 7:34). Certain fats and other parts of the Korban ("Eimurim,") were offered on the Mizbe'ach (Vayikra 3:3-4, 9-10, 14-15). The Eimurim consist of: 1. the layer of fat covering the stomachs; 2. all other fat attached to the stomachs; 3. the two kidneys; 4. the fat on the kidneys; 5. The Yoseres, which is either the diaphragm (RASHI, RADAK) or a lobe of the liver (RAV HAI GA'ON) (Vayikra 3:3-4).

(d)The owner and his guests (men or women) eat the rest of the Korban inside the borders of the city of Yerushalayim. The meat may be cooked in any fashion and is eaten for two days and the intervening night.

22)[line 28]æä äøåàä àú ä÷ø÷òZEH HA'RO'EH ES HA'KARKA- this is the part of the animal that faces the ground

23)[line 29]çåúê ùúé öìòåú îùúé ãôðåú àéìê åàéìêCHOTECH SHTEI TZELA'OS MI'SHTEI DEFANOS EILACH V'EILACH- one cuts off two ribs from two sides here and there; i.e., (a) one cuts the first small rib near the neck on either side of the animal, and this too is part of the portion given to the Kohen (RASHI). (b) Another explanation is that two ribs on either side are cut off and given to the Kohen as part of the breast (TOSFOS)

24)[line 31]÷øîà òéìàäKERAMA ILA'A- the upper membrane [that is attached to the brain]

25)[line 32]çééúà ãîúðç áéä îåçàCHAISA D'MISNACH BEI MOCHA- the pouch in which the brain lies

26)[line 33]ëðâãå ááéöéí ðéëøKENEGDO B'VEITZIM NIKAR- there are similar membranes that surround the testicles

27)[line 34]ëì îä ùá÷ãéøäKOL MAH SHEB'KEDEIRAH- whatever is contained within the cranium [is considered like the brain]

28)[line 35]ëçåè äùãøäK'CHUT HA'SHIDRAH- like the spinal cord


29)[line 1]îåðçéï òì ôé ä÷ãøäMUNACHIN AL PI HA'KEDEIRAH- they look like two beans lying at the entrance to the cranium

30)[line 6]ìáéú çìì ÷èïL'VEIS CHALAL KATAN- a small chamber of the heart

31)[line 10]ìñîôåï äâãåìL'SIMPON HA'GADOL- the primary bronchi in each of the two main lobes

32)[line 11]ìäéëà ãùôëé ñîôåðåú ëåìäåL'HEICHA D'SHAFCHEI SIMPONOS KULHU- to the place where all the other bronchi converge

33)[line 15]çìá ùòì âáé ãôðåúCHELEV SHE'AL GABEI DEFANOS- the fat that is on the walls

34)[line 16]úìúà ÷ðé äååTELASA KANEI HAVU- there are three pipes that branch off from the trachea after it enters the chest of the animal

35)[line 17]ãøéàä ëøéàä, ãëáãà ëëáãàD'REI'A K'REI'AH, D'KAVDA K'KAVDA- the pipe of the lung is treated like the lung itself (it is considered a Tereifah by the slightest puncture), and the pipe of the liver is like the liver itself (it is not rendered Tereifah unless it is completely removed)

36)[line 20]àáàABA- Rav. Rav was called Aba by Shmuel a) meaning "father" as a title of respect, since Rav was older than Shmuel (RASHI here and to Yevamos 57b); b) out of familiarity, since that was his name (and "Rav" was his title) (RASHBAM to Bava Basra 52a, ARUCH, Erech Abaye, cited by TOSFOS DH Itztrich)

37)[line 27]ðúîøêNISMARECH- it became liquefied

38)[line 28]ðúîñîñNISMASMES- it softened

39)[line 28]ëì ùðùôê ë÷éúåïKOL SHE'NISHPACH K'KITON- [liquefying refers to] anything that pours out like a jug of water; i.e., the nerve tissue liquefied to such a degree that it pours from one end to the other, and would come out if a puncture was made

40)[line 30]ðúîæîæNISMAZMEZ- if the nerve tissue of the brain lost substance (ROSH)

41)[line 32]ìåé äåä éúéá áé îñåúàLEVI HAVAH YASIV BEI MASUSA- Levi was sitting in the bathhouse

42)[line 32]ãèøééä ìøéùéäD'TARYEI L'REISHEI- a certain man smashed his head into the wall

43)[line 34]áéï äôøùåúBEIN HA'PERASHOS- the cord that runs between the branches; i.e., the spinal cord begins to branch out above the animal's hind legs, with one branch of the cord going down to one leg, another branch going down to the other leg, and the middle branch continuing down the spine toward the tail

44)[line 36]ìéçåé ìé îøLICHVI LI MAR- would the master show me...

45)[line 37]áìéòä èôéBELI'AH TEFEI- if, between the branches, it is too deeply embedded in the fat and therefore not recognizable

46)[line 37]ëçåùKACHUSH- lean

47)[line 38]áìéèï èôéBELITAN TFEI- the hipbone protrudes too much and flattens out the branch nerves so that they are not recognizable

48)[line 38]òã àçú, èøéôäAD ACHAS TEREIFAH- until the first [area between the branches], [if the majority is cut] it is Tereifah