[19a - 47 lines; 19b - 36 lines]

1)[line 5]àðà ìà çéì÷ éãòðà åìà áéì÷ éãòðàANA LO CHILEK YADANA V'LO VILEK YADANA- (a) "I do not know [what the Rabanan said about a case of] Chilek, and I do not know [what Rebbi Yosi said about a case of] Bilek." "Chilek" refers to a case of "Mechalek" - dividing or cutting the Taba'as (see Background to Chulin 18:10) into two. "Bilek" refers to a case of "Mevalek" (O.F. decharognier), tearing the Simanim. (b) "I do not know Chilek or Bilek." "Chilek" and "Bilek" are general names of indistinct persons. Rav Nachman was saying that he does not know anything about the views of the Rabanan and Rebbi Yosi.

2)[line 21]áòéðï øåáà áùçéèäBA'INAN RUBA BI'SHECHITAH- we require that a majority [of the act that terminates the animal's life] be done through Shechitah

3)[line 25]çöé ÷ðä ôâåíCHATZI KANEH PAGUM- half of the trachea was [already] torn (and the rest was cut with Shechitah)

4)[line 28]øåáå ùì àçã ëîåäåRUBO SHEL ECHAD KAMOHU- cutting a majority of one Siman is like cutting it entirely


5)[line 4]ñåøàSURA- a town in southern Bavel between the canals, and the seat of the great Yeshiva founded by Rav

6)[line 7]ùçéèä äòùåéä ëîñø÷SHECHITAH HA'ASUYAH K'MASREK- a Shechitah that is performed in the form of a comb (in a zigzag, crisscross manner)

7)[line 9]ùçéèä îôåøòúSHECHITAH MEFURA'AS- an exposed, revealed cut (that is easy to see, which is accomplished only with a straight cut, and not a cut made in a zigzag manner)

8)[line 10](ñéîï áë''ã)(SIMAN BK"D)- this is a mnemonic device that stands for the names of the Amora'im who were sitting together and discussing the laws of Shechitah (see next entry):

1.Rebbi Aba

2.Rav Kahana

3.Rav Yehudah

9)[line 10]éúéá øáé àáà àçåøéä ãøá ëäðà åéúéá øá ëäðà ÷îéä ãøá éäåãä åéúéá å÷àîøYASIV REBBI ABA ACHOREI D'RAV KAHANA V'YASIV RAV KAHANA KAMEI D'RAV YEHUDAH V'YASIV V'KA'AMAR- Rebbi Aba was sitting behind Rav Kahana, and Rav Kahana was sitting in front of [and facing] Rebbi Yehudah [their teacher], and he sat and he taught

10a)[line 15]ùçè áî÷åí ð÷áSHACHAT BI'MKOM NEKEV- he cut in the place that there was a tear. (The tear in the trachea was at the point where the knife entered, before it cut anything.)

b)[line 15]ùçè åôâò áå ð÷áSHACHAT U'FAGA BO NEKEV- he cut and then encountered the tear. (The tear was on the opposite side of the point where the knife entered, and thus the knife cut through half of the trachea before reaching the tear.)

11)[line 23]äîåì÷HA'MOLEK - one who performs Melikah (MELIKAH)

Shechitah was not performed on birds that were brought as Korbanos. Instead, the Kohen performed Melikah by cutting the back of the neck of the bird with his right thumbnail, making sure to cut both Simanim (the trachea and the esophagus) of the Olas ha'Of or one Siman (either one) of the Chatas ha'Of. When performing Melikah on the Chatas ha'Of he would make sure not to sever both Simanim of the bird ("v'Lo Yavdil" - Vayikra 5:8).

12a)[line 24]äòåøóHA'OREF- the nape (back of the neck; see below, entry #13)

b)[line 25]äöåàøHA'TZAVAR- the [front of the] neck

13)[line 27]òåøó îîùOREF MAMASH- the literal "Oref," referring to the back of the head

14)[line 28]"[... åÌîÈìÇ÷ àÆú øÉàùÑåÉ] îÄîÌåÌì òÈøÀôÌåÉ...""... MI'MUL ORPO..."- "[... And he shall gash its head] from the nape..." (Vayikra 5:8).

15)[line 29]îîåì òåøóMI'MUL OREF- [the area] facing the back of the head (i.e. the back of the neck)

16)[line 30]îåì äøåàä àú äòåøóMUL HA'RO'EH ES HA'OREF- from the area that sees the back of the head

17)[line 31]"... åÀäåÌà éÉùÑÅá îÄîÌËìÄé""... V'HU YOSHEV MI'MULI"- "And he sits opposite me" (Bamidbar 32:5).

18)[line 31]"... ëÌÄé ôÈðåÌ àÅìÇé òÉøÆó åÀìÉà ôÈðÄéí...""... KI PANU ELAI OREF V'LO FANIM..."- "For they have turned their backs to me, and not their faces" (Yirmeyahu 2:27).

19)[line 33]ìäãé ôðéíLA'HADEI FANIM- [the "Oref" refers to the area] towards the opposite side of the face (i.e. the back of the head, and not the back of the neck)