
IF A SHARECROPPER LEFT THE LAND FALLOW (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 32b)

[דף לב עמוד ב] משנה המקבל שדה מחבירו אם משזכה בה הבירה


(Mishnah): If a sharecropper (in Arisus, meaning that he gives a percentage of its produce to the owner) received a field from his friend and he left it fallow -

שמין אותה כמה היא ראויה לעשות ונותנין לו


We evaluate the amount that this field would usually produce and the sharecropper must pay the percentage accordingly.

שהוא כותב לו אם אוביר ולא אעביד אישלם במיטבא:


This is because a sharecropper writes into their contract, "If I will leave it fallow without cultivating it, I will pay as if it had been cultivated properly.''

גמרא א''ר יצחק הדא אמרה המבטל כיס חבירו אין לו עליו אלא תרעומת


(Gemara) - R. Yitzchak: (The Beraisa earlier in Dapim 65-67 1) (d) taught - If one gave money to his friend to buy produce and divide the profits and the friend later denied receiving it - since the giver has no proof - all he has is complaints.) This (Beraisa) shows that if one prevents his friend from making profit, all his friend can do is complain.

המבטל שדה חבירו חייב לשפות לו.


If one prevents his friend from planting his field, he must compensate him.

המבטל ספינתו וחנותו מהו:


If one prevents his friend's boat from sailing or his shop from opening, what is the law? (Perhaps these are different to a field because their profit is not guaranteed. This question remains unresolved.) (Note: The last three laws were taught by R. Yitzchak there in entries (j), (k) and (l).)