[83a - 44 lines; 83b - 53 lines]

1)[line 1]היכא דליכא ראיהHEICHA D'LEIKA RE'AYAH- where there is no proof (testimony of witnesses)

2)[line 17]בריסתקא דמחוזאRISTEKA D'MECHOZA- the marketplace of Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

3)[line 17]ותברהV'TAVRAH- and he broke it

4)[line 17]בזיזאZIZA- a beam that was sticking out of the wall, a practice that was common among the builders in Mechoza

5)[line 20]דני חמראDANEI CHAMRA- barrels of wine

6)[line 21]ותקיפו להוTEKIFU LEHU- they turned into vinegar

7)[line 25]בסיכראSICHRA- a town in Bavel, near Mechoza

8)[line 25]הני דדרו באגראHANEI D'DARU B'AGRA- those who move barrels using a curved beam that is placed upon the shoulders, where the barrels are hung from the ends of the beam

9a)[line 25]נפיש לחדNAFISH L'CHAD- it (the weight) was more than [the normal weight of] one [load]

b)[line 26]וזוטר לתריV'ZUTAR LI'TREI- and was less than [the normal weight of] two [loads, for which he would have made two trips]

10)[line 26]בדיגלאDIGLA- a branched carrying pole with long ends, where the barrels are attached at the ends

11)[line 27]שקולאיSHEKULA'EI- porters

12)[line 27]שקל לגלימייהוSHAKAL LI'GELIMAIHU- he took their cloaks [to reimburse of his loss]

13)[line 28]אמר ליה, "דינא הכי?" אמר ליה "אין"AMAR LEI "DINA HACHI?" AMAR LEI "IYN" (LIFNIM MI'SHURAS HA'DIN)

There are times when a judge rules that one of the litigants should act "Lifnim mi'Shuras ha'Din," literally, further inside from the line of the law. That is, he is expected to go beyond what the law requires, such as the case of our Gemara.

14)[line 30]וכפינןKAFINAN- we are hungry


15a)[line 33]להשכיםL'HASHKIM- to get to work early (that is, earlier than the customary time of the local population, in a case where there was no prior stipulation — TOSFOS)

b)[line 33]ולהעריבL'HA'ARIV- to finish work later (than the customary time of the local population, in a case where there was not prior stipulation — TOSFOS)

16)[line 34]אינו רשאי לכופןEINO RASHAI L'CHOFAN- he is not able to force them, [even if he paid them extra with this in mind]

17)[line 35]לספק במתיקהL'SAPEK BI'MESIKAH- to provide them sweets, e.g. a coffee break

18)[line 36]ופסק להם מזונותU'FASAK LAHEM MEZONOS- he made an agreement with them that they will receive "Mezonos," meals from their employer (this is an unnecessary condition, since it is the custom everywhere to receive meals)

19)[line 40]וקטניתKITNIS- legumes, beans

20)[line 42]דטפא להו אאגרייהוD'TAFA LEHU A'AGRAIHU- he increased their wages [more than was customary]

21)[line 43]אדעתא דמקדמיתו ומחשכיתו בהדאיA'DA'ATA D'MEKADMISU U'MECHASHCHISU BAHADA'I- with the intention that you come to work earlier [then is customary] and leave work later [than is customary], as I do

22)[last line]עבידתא שפירתאAVIDTA SHAPIRTA- better quality work


23)[line 2]"תִּזְרַח הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ יֵאָסֵפוּן וְאֶל מְעוֹנֹתָם יִרְבָּצוּן. יֵצֵא אָדָם לְפָעֳלוֹ וְלַעֲבוֹדָתוֹ עֲדֵי עָרֶב""TIZRACH HA'SHEMESH YE'ASEFUN V'EL ME'ONOSAM YIRBATZUN. YETZEI ADAM L'FA'ALO V'LA'AVODASO ADEI AREV"- "The sun rises, they (the animals) gather themselves together, and lie down in their dens. Man goes forth to his work and to his labor until the evening." (Tehilim 104:22-23)

24)[line 5]בנקוטאיNEKOTA'EI- a population that migrated from different places

25)[line 6]דאגריתו לי כפועל דאורייתאD'AGRISU LI K'FO'EL D'ORAISA- where he stipulated that he was hiring them to work according to the guidelines of the verses (in Tehilim, entry #23, where Reish Lakish proves that the verses require a worker to begin at sunrise and work until nightfall)

26)[line 8]"תָּשֶׁת חֹשֶׁךְ וִיהִי לָיְלָה; בּוֹ תִרְמוֹשׂ כָּל חַיְתוֹ יָעַר""TASHES CHOSHECH V'YHI LAILAH; BO SIRMOS KOL CHAYESO YA'AR"- "You make darkness, and it is night; when all the beasts of the forest creep forth." (Tehilim 104:20)

27)[line 15]מדורMADOR- a residence [in Olam ha'Ba]

28)[line 18]אשכחASHKACH- found

29)[line 19]פרהגונאPARHAGONA- the king's official to apprehend bandits; a sheriff

30)[line 20]לאו כחיותא מתילי?LAV K'CHEIVASA MESILEI?- Are they not likened to the wild animals?

31)[line 22]"יֶאֱרֹב בַּמִּסְתָּר כְּאַרְיֵה [בְסֻכֹּה]...""YE'EROV BA'MISTAR K'ARYEH V'SUKO..."- "He (a wicked person) lies in wait secretly, like a lion in his den; [he lies in wait to catch the poor; he catches the poor, when he draws him into his net]." (Tehilim 10:9)

32)[line 24]הרמנא דמלכא הואHARMANA D'MALKA HU- it is one of the king's royal appointments [which I cannot decline]

33)[line 24]תא, אגמרךTA, AGMERECH- Come, I will teach you

34)[line 25]עול בארבע שעי לחנותאUL B'ARBA SHA'EI L'CHANUSA- At four hours to the day ( approximately 10 AM, the time of most people's first meal), go into the restaurants and coffee shops

35)[line 27]וקא מנמנםV'KA MENAMNEM- and he is dozing

36)[line 27]צורבא מרבנןTZURBA ME'RABANAN- an intense Torah scholar

37)[line 30]רדודי רדידREDUDEI RADID- he works at night, pulling and stretching hammered metal into needles and the like

38)[line 32]קריינא דאיגרתא איהו ליהוי פרונקאKARYANA D'IGARTA IHU LEHEVEI PARVANKA- (lit. the one who reads the letter should be the agent to carry out its contents) Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon should be the new sheriff, since he is an expert in catching thieves

39)[line 33]וקא תפיס גנבי ואזילV'KA TAFIS GANAVEI V'AZIL- he went about catching [Jewish] thieves

40)[line 38]כובסKOVES- a clothes-washer

41)[line 41]לבתר דנח דעתיה, אזל בתריה לפרוקיה, ולא מציL'VASAR D'NACH DA'ATEI, AZAL BASREI LI'FERUKEI, V'LO MATZI- after he calmed down, he went after him to redeem him, but he was not able to

42)[line 43]זקפוהוZAKFUHU- they hanged him

43)[line 43]קם תותי זקיפאKA TUSEI ZEKIFA- he stood under the gallows

44)[line 46]בני מעיוBENEI ME'AV- his abdomen (lit. intestines)

45a)[line 48]שאין רמה ותולעה שולטת בכםSHE'EIN RIMAH V'SOLE'AH SHOLETES BACHEM- you will not be effected by worms and rot

b)[line 49]אשקיוהו סמא דשינתאASHKEYUHU SAMA D'SHEINESA- they gave him a sleeping potion

46)[line 49]ועיילוהו לביתא דשישאAILUHU L'VEISA D'SHISHA- they took him into a room made of marble (that was to be the operating room)

47)[line 49]וקרעו לכריסיהV'KAR'U LI'KEREISEI- they cut open his abdomen

48)[line 50]הוו מפקו מיניה דיקולי דיקולי דתרבאHAVU MAFKU MINEI DIKULEI DIKULEI D'SARBA- they took out of him baskets and baskets of fat

49)[line 50]ומותבי בשמשא בתמוז ואב ולא מסרחיU'MOSVEI B'SHIMSHA B'SAMUZ V'AV V'LO MASRECHEI- and they put them in the sun in the [summer] months of Tamuz and Av, and they did not rot

50)[line 51]שורייקי סומקיSHURAIKEI SUMKEI- streaks/traces of blood, such as veins and capillaries that bring the blood to the fatty parts of the body