


תניא ר"ש אומר מלוי רבית יותר ממה שמרויחים מפסידים ולא עוד אלא שמשימים משה רבינו חכם ותורתו אמת ואומרין אילו היה יודע משה רבינו שיהיה ריוח בדבר לא היה כותבו
Translation: It was taught in a Baraisa: R. Shimon says: Those who lend with interest, they lose more than they gain. Not only that, but they make Moshe Rabbeinu into a Sage and his Torah as truth, (This really means that they c"v view Moshe as a fool and his Torah as false. -Rashi) and they foolishly say: If Moshe Rabbeinu had known that there's profit in lending with interest, he would not have written that it's forbidden.

What is unique about charging interest, that they lose more than they gain?


Chasam Sofer: For all other sins, even though the loss of a sin is certainly greater than its gain, Hash-m only punishes Midah Keneged Midah. However, since one who lends on interest is receiving more than he lent, Hash-m acts with him, measure for measure and punishes him with more severity than other sins.



כי אתא רב דימי אמר מנין לנושה בחבירו מנה ויודע שאין לו שאסור לעבור לפניו ת״ל לא תהיה לו כנושה
Translation: When Rav Dimi came to Bavel from Eretz Yisrael he said: From where do we derive that one who was a creditor for another for a maneh, and the lender knows that the borrower doesn't have anything to pay with, that he may not pass in front of him? The Pasuk teaches us by saying, 'Do not be like a creditor to him.' (Rashi: Do not appear to him like one who is demanding payment, thereby causing him to be embarrassed.)

How is this learned from the Pasuk?


Iyun Yaakov: It is possibly learned from the letter Kaf before the word Nosheh. It indicates that although he is not actually demanding payment, it is similar to that if he passes in front of him.



תנו רבנן שלשה צועקין ואינן נענין ואלו הן מי שיש לו מעות ומלוה אותן שלא בעדים והקונה אדון לעצמו ומי שאשתו מושלת עליו קונה אדון לעצמו מאי היא איכא דאמרי תולה נכסיו בנכרי איכא דאמרי הכותב נכסיו לבניו בחייו איכא דאמרי דביש ליה בהא מתא ולא אזיל למתא אחריתא
Translation: Our Rabbis taught in a Baraisa: Three cry out (in Beis Din) and are not answered, and they are: One who has money and lends it without witnesses, and one who acquires a master for himself, and one whose wife rules over him. One who acquires a master for himself, what is that? Some say: One who attributes his wealth to a non-Jew. (So that people will think he is not wealthy. The problem is that the non-Jew may learn of this and demand the assets from the Jew even though it truly belongs to the Jew.) Some say: One who writes his assets to his children while he is still alive. Some say: One who is having a bad time in this town, and yet does not go to another town (to see if he can improve his situation there).

In what why does one whose wife rules over him cry out and not be answered?


Yalkut Gershoni citing Kerem Shlomo: On a Torah level, a man may divorce his wife against her will and there is no minimum amount that he must pay her as her Kesuvah. Thus, on a Torah level, she cannot control him, as he can divorce her easily. But Beis Din decreed that he must pay 200 zuz, in order that he should not view lightly the option of divorce. He will cry out (to Beis Din to be permitted to divorce her, even though he does not have the money) but he will not be answered. Therefore, it is a situation where she is controlling him as he is not able to divorce her.


What is the case of a person who does not go to another town?


Ein Eliyahu: He is in a town that charges a lot of taxes, but he could move to a town that does not charge as much. If he does not move there, he is 'acquiring a master for himself', as he will be forced to pay the high taxes.