BERACHOS 24 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[24a - 49 lines; 24b - 55 lines]

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We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashi 24a DH va'Afilu Ishto Imo ד"ה ואפילו אשתו אמו:

The words "va'Afilu Ishto Imo" ואפילו אשתו אמו are the end of the previous Dibur. This Dibur should begin "she'Yachzir Panav" שיחזיר פניו. (Rashash)

[2] Rashi DH Dorshei Reshumos ד"ה דורשי רשומות:

The words קשרים ... דורשי חמורות גרסינן "Kesharim... Dorshei Chamuros Garsinan"

should be "Dorshei Chamuros. Kesharim... Dorshei Reshumos Garsinan..." דורשי חמורות קשרים ... דורשי רשומות גרסינן

(This is because "Chamuros" are knots — see Ritva and Talmidei Rabeinu Yonah. The Girsa of Dikdukei Sofrim #200 in our Gemara is also "Reshumos," as Rashi concludes according to our emendation.)

[3] Gemara 24b [line 7]:

"v'Yesh Omrim, Nikar she'Hu Mechu'ar" ויש אומרים ניכר שהוא מכוער

In Rashi's text, this line appears earlier, after the words "Harei Zeh mi'Gasei ha'Ru'ach" הרי זה מגסי הרוח (line 6). It is referring to Megahek and Mefahek. Rashi's reasoning is that sneezing is involuntary, and therefore one cannot be labeled Mechu'ar (repulsive) for doing so. (Vilna Ga'on in Imrei No'am — accordingly, there is no need for the emendation of the Bach #1.)

[4] Gemara [line 54]:

"Amar Rav Huna, Hayesah Taliso Chagurah Lo" אמר רב הונא היתה טליתו חגורה לו

This statement does not appear to belong here, between the statements about filth and excrement. Rather, it belongs earlier on the Daf, following the words "Kasavar, Libo Ro'eh Es ha'Ervah Mutar" קסבר לבו רואה את הערוה מותר (line 39), which is discussing the same subject. (M. KORNFELD)

[5] Rashi 24b DH Chotzetz b'Taliso ד"ה חוצץ בטליתו:

The words "u'Lemailah Min Kesefav" ולמעלה מן כספיו

should be "Lemialah Min Kesefav" למעלה מן כספיו


1)[line 1]כל לנטורינהוKOL L'NATURINHU- whatever protects them (the Tefilin) [is preferable, even if they are subjected to disgrace]

2)[line 3]כובעKOVA- a bag for Tefilin

3)[line 4]דמפיק ליה למורשא דכובע לברD'MAPIK LEI LA'MURSA D'KOVA L'VAR- [the Gemara answers that in the case of Rebbi Chiya,] the point or corner of the bag was sticking out (and the Tefilin were in this corner; therefore they were not directly under his head)

4)[line 5]בכילתאB'CHILASA- [tied them up] in the bed-canopy

5)[line 7]אשרשיפאA'SHARSHIFA- to a bench

6)[line 12]לאגמורןL'AGMURAN- to teach us

7)[line 16]הכי אמר שמואלHACHI AMAR SHMUEL- This is what Shmuel stated with regard to reading Shema in bed.

8)[line 27]עגבותAGAVOS- buttocks

9)[line 28]קוצה לה חלתהKOTZAH LAH CHALASAH- she cuts off and sets aside Chalah, and recites the proper blessing

10)[line 29]לכסות פניה בקרקעL'CHASOS PANEHA BA'KARKA- she can cover her Ervah (genital area) by [sitting on] the ground

11)[line 30]טוחותTUCHOS- flattened (the Ervah and the buttocks were covered)

12)[line 33]"שדים נכונו ושערך צמח""SHADAYIM NACHONU, U'SE'ARECH TZIME'ACH"- "Your breasts were firm and your hair was grown" (Yechezkel 16:7)

13)[line 35]אטו כולהו בחדא מחתא מחתינהו?ATU KULHU B'CHADA MACHATA MACHTINHU?- (lit. "Are they all woven in one tapestry?" or "Are they all stitched together with one stitch?") "Do all of Shmuel's rulings go together, such that the Halachah should be like him in every case?"

14)[line 37]שער יוצא בבגדוSEI'AR YOTZEI B'VIGDO- pubic hair that is visible when it extends from a hole in his garment

15a)[line 39]תכשיטין שבחוץTACHSHITIN SHEBA'CHUTZ- jewelry worn on exposed parts of the body, such as a ring. That is, the verse implies that the warriors needed to be forgiven even for looking at the women's rings, and not just at their more private ornaments.

b)[line 39]תכשיטין שבפניםTACHSHITIN SHE'BIFNIM- the more private ornaments

16)[line 40]מקום התורףMEKOM HA'TOREF- a woman's genital area

17a)[line 41]"גלי שוק עברי נהרות""GALI SHOK IVRI NEHAROS"- "Uncover your legs; pass over the rivers." (Yeshayah 47:2)

b)[line 41]שוקSHOK- (a) thigh (MISHNAH BERURAH 75:2); (b) lower leg (CHAZON ISH Orach Chayim 15:8)

18)[line 42]"תגל ערותך (ו)גם תראה חרפתך""TIGAL ERVASECH (V')GAM TERA'EH CHERPASECH"- "Your nakedness shall be uncovered, your shame shall also be seen" (Yeshayah 47:3)

19)[line 42]קול באשה ערוהKOL B'ISHAH ERVAH

The voice of a woman is considered like her nakedness (and arouses a person to sin).

20)[line 44]תלה תפיליוTALAH TEFILAV- hung his Tefilin

21)[line 45]דורשי חמורותDORSHEI CHAMUROS- (a) those who expound the difficult verses (RASHI); (b) those who explain the consequences of actions (RAV SA'ADYAH GA'ON, cited by the ARUCH in TOSFOS DH Dorshei) (See Insights to Chulin 134:6)

22)[line 46]קציצהKETZITZAH- a box of the Tefilin (i.e. the part in which the parchments are placed)

23a)[last line]שגיהקSHE'GIHEK- (a) (O.F. roter) that he belched; (b) (O.F. estendeillier) he stretched his body

b)[last line]פיהקPIHEK- (O.F. badaillier) he yawned

c)[last line]נתעטשNIS'ATESH- (O.F. esternuder) he sneezed

d)[last line]רקRAK- he spat


24)[line 2]סנטרוSANTERO- (O.F. menton) his chin

25)[line 4]מקטני אמנהMI'KETANEI AMANAH- from some of little faith (since they do not believe that HaSh-m can hear a silent prayer)

26)[line 7]מכוערMECHU'AR- repulsive, indecent

27)[line 13]אבלעא ליIVLA'A LI- I was taught the following lesson

28)[line 14]תקילא ליTEKILA LI- it is as valuable to me [as all of my learning]

29)[line 20]מבליעו בטליתוMAVLI'O B'TALISO- [he spits into his garment and] it is absorbed by his garment

30)[line 24]אנינא דעתאיANINA DAITAI- I am fastidious of taste, easily disgusted

31)[line 27]למיטרדL'MITRAD- to disturb

32)[line 27]הוה קא משתמיט מיניה דרב יהודהHAVAH KA MISHTAMIT MINEI D'RAV YEHUDAH- he was avoiding Rav Yehudah

33)[line 28]למיסקL'MEISAK- to go up

34)[line 30]בית וועדאBEIS VA'ADA- the Beis ha'Midrash

35)[line 31]הדר אפיקHADAR APIK- afterwards I will leave (for Eretz Yisrael)

36)[line 37]תנו רבנן היה ישן בטליתוTANU RABANAN, HAYAH YASHEN B'TALISO- the Rabanan taught: If one sleeps covered only by his garment. This subject is discussed here because it is related to the Mishnah's discussion

37)[line 38]הצנהHA'TZINAH- the bitter cold

38)[line 38]לבו רואה את הערוהLIBO RO'EH ES HA'ERVAH

(a)It is prohibited mid'Oraisa for a person to pray or learn Torah when he can see any of the parts of the body that are classified as Ervah, as is learned from Devarim 23:15.

(b)It is prohibited mid'Rabanan for a person to pray or learn Torah when there is no separation between his heart and his Ervah (genital area), even if he is not naked (SHULCHAN ARUCH Orach Chayim 75:1). The Chachamim were stringent in this case since we find a verse that attributes seeing to the heart, "v'Libi Ra'ah Harbeh Chochmah" - "and my heart saw much wisdom" (Koheles 1:16) (MISHNAH BERURAH 75:4).

39)[line 39]מבואות המטונפותMAVO'OS HA'METUNAFOS- streets or alleys that have filth and excrement in them

40)[line 40]לא צייתנא ליהLO TZAYISNA LEI- I would not abide by his ruling

41)[line 47]להיכן אהדר?L'HEICHAN AHADAR?- (lit. "To where should I return?") "Now that we have left the Mavoy ha'Metunaf, should I continue Keri'as Shema from where I left off or start at the beginning?"

42)[line 52]"הוי! מושכי העון בחבלי השוא.""HOI! MOSH'CHEI HE'AVON B'CHAVLEI HA'SHAV."- "Woe to those who pull iniquity upon themselves with cords of falsehood, [and pull sin upon themselves with the ropes of a wagon.]" (Yeshayah 5:18)