TOSFOS DH Chutz Min ha'Kil'ayim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä çåõ îï äëìàéí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it did not mention Nidmeh.)
äåä îöé ðîé ìîéúðé ðãîä ãäà îôøù èòîà áâîøà îùåí ãéìôéðï úçú úçú î÷ãùéí
Implied question: It could have taught a Nidmeh (a child that does not resemble its mother), for the Gemara explains the reason that we learn "Tachas-Tachas" from Kodshim!
àáì áëì î÷åí ãçùéá (èøôä) [ö"ì ëìàéí - öàï ÷ãùéí] øâéì ìãìâ ðãîä ëàéìå äåà áëìì ëìàéí îùåí ããîé ìéä ÷öú
Answer: Wherever it lists Kil'ayim, it normally skips Nidmeh, as if it is included in Kil'ayim, because it resembles it a little.
TOSFOS DH Prat li'Tereifah she'Einah Overes
úåñôåú ã"ä ôøè ìèøôä ùàéðä òåáøú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it does not depend on ability to walk.)
ãáäîä ùðçúëå øâìéä îï äàøëåáä åìîòìä äéà îé''ç èøôåú
Remark: An animal whose legs were cut from the knee and above is among the 18 Tereifos;
åäúí áîðçåú (ãó å.) îöøéê úìúà ÷øàé áèøôä çã ìèøôä îîòé àîå ãìà äéúä ìä ùòú äëåùø åçã ìèøôä åàçø ëê ä÷ãéùä åçã ìä÷ãéùä åàçø ëê ðèøôä
There in Menachos (6a) we require three verses about Tereifah - one for a Tereifah from its mother's womb, which never had Sha'as ha'Kosher, one for a Tereifah that he was Makdish it after (it became Tereifah), and one for when he was Makdish it, and afterwards it became Tereifah;
åîï äàøëåáä åìîèä çùáéðï ìéä òåáøú ëéåï ãàéðä ðèøôä
[If its legs were cut] from the knee and below, it is considered that it can pass, since it did not become Tereifah.
TOSFOS DH Kol sheha'Mum Posel Bo Devar Ervah v'Avodah Zarah Poselim Bo
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ùäîåí ôåñì áå ãáø òøåä åòáåãä æøä ôåñìéï áå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos says that all agree with this Drashah.)
ëåìé òìîà àéú ìäå äê ãøùà àôé' îàï ãîîòè øåáò åðøáò îå÷öä åðòáã îîï äáäîä åîîï äá÷ø áô' ëì äàñåøéï (úîåøä ëç.) ëãôéøùúé (ìòéì áôø÷ äìå÷ç áäîä) [ö"ì áçåìéï ëâ.ã"ä ëé]
Assertion: Everyone agrees to this Drashah, even the one who excludes Rove'a, Nirva, Muktzeh and Ne'evad from "Min ha'Behemah" and from "Min ha'Bakar", in Temurah (28a), like I explained (Chulin 23a DH Ki).
TOSFOS DH Zachar Vadai Nekevah Vada'is Lo Tumtum v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä æëø åãàé ð÷áä åãàéú ìà èåîèåí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that some disagree with this.)
äê ñåâéà ãìà ëøá çñãà åøéù ì÷éù ëãôøéùéú ìòéì áñåó òì àìå îåîéï (ãó îá:):
Observation: This Sugya is unlike Rav Chisda and Reish Lakish, like I explained above (42b DH Ki Pligi).
TOSFOS DH bi'Fros ha'Pesach
úåñôåú ã"ä áôøåñ äôñç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses sources for 14 or 15 days before Yom Tov.)
îôøù áâîøà è''å éåí ãôøåñ ìùåï ôøåñä ôìâà ãì' éåí ùãåøùéï áäìëåú äôñç ÷åãí äôñç
Explanation: The Gemara explains that this is 15 days, for Pros is an expression of half of the 30 days that we expound laws of Pesach before Pesach.
åáï òæàé ãàîø [áë''è] áàãø àø' ò÷éáà ìà ôìéâ àìà áàãø äñîåê ìðéñï ãìáï òæàé ìòåìí çñø å÷áéòà ìéä æîðå ìòåìí áë''è áàãø
Ben Azai, who says Adar 29, argues with R. Akiva only about [the length of] the Adar next to Nisan. Ben Azai holds that it is always Chaser (29 days), and the time of the Goren is fixed. It is always Adar 29.
îùîò ãòøá ôñç äåé áëìì äðé è''å éåí ãôøåñ
Inference: Erev Pesach is among the 15 days of Pros.
åáôø÷ ÷îà ãø''ä (ãó æ.) ðîé îùîò ëï ùîéåí äôåøéí îúçéìéï ìãøåù åìà î÷åãí âáé äí äòéãå ùîòáøéï àú äùðä ëì àãø
Support #1: Also in Rosh Hashanah (7a) it connotes so, that from the day of Purim we begin to expound [laws of Pesach] and not before, regarding "they testified that we may be Me'aber the year all of Adar";
ùäéå àåîøéí òã äôåøéí îùåí ããåøùéï áäìëåú äôñç ÷åãí äôñç ùìùéí éåí åàúé ìæìæåìé áçîõ
They used to say until Purim, because we expound laws of Pesach 30 days before Pesach], and [if after expounding we are Me'aber the year and permit Chametz at the end of the 30 days], we they will come to disgrace [the Isur of] Chametz.
[ö"ì åîãçùéá - öàï ÷ãùéí] îéåí äôåøéí ÷åãí äôñç ùìùéí éåí ùîò îéðä ãòøá äôñç áëìì äùìùéí éåí
Inference: Since we consider from the day of Purim to be 30 days before Pesach, this shows that Erev Pesach is among the 30 days.
åëï ø''à åø''ù ãàîøé áñîåê áàçã áðéñï îôøù áâîøà ãñáøé ëîàï ãàîø ùúé ùáúåú ùîò îéðä òøá ôñç îï äîðéï
Support #2: Also R. Elazar and R. Shimon, who say below on Nisan 1, the Gemara explains that they hold like the opinion that says two weeks. This shows that Erev Pesach is among the count.
åúéîä ã÷úðé áîéìúà ãø' àìòæø åø''ù åìîä [ìà] àîøå áàçã áúùøé îôðé ùäåà é''è åàé àôùø ìòùø áé''è ìôéëê ä÷ãéîåäå áë''è áàìåì
Question #1: In the words of R. Elazar and R. Shimon, it is taught "why didn't they say Tishrei 1? It is because it is Yom Tov, and one cannot tithe on Yom Tov. Therefore, they put it early on Elul 29";
åäìà îï äãéï äåà áùðéí (áàìåì) [ö"ì áúùøé] ãéåí øàùåï ùì ñåëåú îîðéï ùúé ùáúåú ëîå òøá ôñç ãòé÷ø îä ùãåøùéï áäìëåú äøâì ÷åãí ìøâì àéðå àìà îôðé ÷øáðåú ëãîùîò ô''÷ ãò''æ (ãó ä:)
According to letter of the law, it should be Tishrei 2, for the first day of Sukos is part of the count of two weeks! This is like Erev Pesach, for primarily they expound before the festival 30 days due to Korbanos, like it connotes in Avodah Zarah (5b);
ãôøéê ìôðé çâéäï â' éîéí åúå ìà åäúðéà ãåøùéï áäìëåú äôñç ëå' [åîùðé] ìãéãï àôé' ãå÷ ùáòéï ôñìéðï ìä÷øáä îéáòé ì' éåí
It asks "why is the Isur [to do business with Nochrim] only three days before their festivals, and no more? A Beraisa teaches that we expound laws of Pesach [30 days before], and answers that for us, even a film on the eye disqualifies an animal for Hakravah, so 30 days are needed;
åòé÷ø ãøùà ãäìëåú ôñç îùåí ôñç âåôéä äðùçè ò''ô åìà îùåí éîåú äôñç ãäà ðô÷à ô''÷ ãôñçéí (ãó å:) îùåí ãðáéà òåîã áôñç øàùåï åîæäéø áôñç ùðé åòé÷ø (ùðé ìùçéèú ôñç ùðé ðàîø åòé÷ø ãøùà) [ö"ì äìëåú ôñç ùðé ìùçéèú äôñç áé"ã àééø - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
The primary expounding of laws of Pesach is due to [Korban] Pesach itself, which is slaughtered on Erev Pesach, and not due to the days of Pesach, for we learn from [30 days] in Pesachim (6b) because the Navi (Moshe) stood on Pesach Rishon and warned about Pesach Sheni, and the primary laws of Pesach Sheni are Shechitas ha'Pesach on Iyar 14 (30 days later).
)ãùúé ùáúåú( [ö"ì åùúé ùáúåú ðîé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãøùá''â îôé÷ ìäå îðáéà òåîã áøàù çãù åîæäéø òì ôñç åòé÷ø äìëåú ôñç îöøéí ìà äåöøëå àìà ìéåí ùçéèú ôñç ùìà äéä ùí (áôñç) ÷øáðåú àçøéí
The two weeks of R. Shimon ben Gamliel, we derive from that the Navi stood on Rosh Chodesh and warned about Pesach, and the primary laws of Pesach Mitzrayim was needed only for the day of Shechitas Pesach, for there were no other Korbanos.
(åáôø÷ áúøà ãîâéìä (ãó ëè:) îùîò) [ö"ì åòåã ÷ùä áôø÷ áúøà ãîâéìä ãîùîò - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äúí ãùúé ùáúåú ãøùá''â àéï éåí äîòùä áëìì
Question #2: In Megilah (29b), it connotes that the two weeks of R. Shimon ben Gamliel, the day of action is not included;
ãîå÷é äúí ëååúéä îúðé' (ãî÷ãéîéï) [ö"ì ãáàçã áàãø îùîéòéï òì äù÷ìéí åîôøù ãëéåï ãàîø îø áçîéùä òùø áå äùåìçðåú éåùáéï áîãéðä ëå' îùåí ùåìçðåú î÷ãéîéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] å÷øéðï
There it establishes like him our Mishnah that on Adar 1 we announce about Shekalim, and it explains that since it was taught that on the 15th [of Adar] tables sit in the Medinah (outside the Mikdash), due to the tables we read early.
åì' éåí ãðô÷à ìï îðáéà òåîã áôñç øàùåï åîæäéø òì ôñç ùðé ðîé äí áìà éåí äîòùä ãäà àéëà äúí é''æ ãðéñï åé''ã ãàééø ùäï ì''à éåí
And the 30 days that we derive from that the Navi stood on Pesach Rishon and warned about Pesach Sheni, also it is without the day of action, for [if we would include the day of warning and the day of action,] there are 17 days [left] in Nisan and 14 days in Iyar, which are 31!
åîääéà ùîòúéï ãîâéìä òöîä é÷ùä ìîöåà é''ã éåí áìà éåí äîòùä
And from that Sugya in Megilah itself, it is hard to find 14 days without the day of action (he warned on Rosh Chodesh about the 14th of the month)!
åé''ì ãìòåìí àéï éåí äîòùä áëìì åìà çì÷å çëîéí áéï ôñç ìñåëåú åäìëå àçø òé÷ø é''è ìäúçéì (áùúé) [ö"ì äùúé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùáúåú îáàçã áðéñï åîáàçã áúùøé ùáé''è ÷øáðåú îøåáéï øàééä çâéâä åùîçä
Answer: Really, the day of action is not included. Chachamim did not distinguish between Pesach and Sukos. They followed the primary day of Yom Tov to begin the two weeks from the first of Tishrei, for on Yom Tov there are many Korbanos - Re'iyah, Chagigah and Simchah.
åàò''â ãðáéà òåîã áø''ç åîæäéø òì ôñç äééðå òì ùçéèú ôñç ùáé''ã
Implied question: The Navi stood on Rosh Chodesh and warned about Pesach, i.e. Shechitas Pesach on the 14th!
î''î ìãåøåú îîä ùéù ìäæäéø òì ëì ôñç ìà çùå çëîéí ìîäø éåí àçã áôñç éåúø îáçâ
Answer: In any case, for all generations, for what there is to warn about Pesach, Chachamim were not concerned to rush (begin expounding) one day [earlier] for Pesach than for Sukos.
åâáé ù÷ìéí ÷áòå çëîéí æîï áø''ç àãø åìà çùå ìä÷ãéí éåí àçã ìôðé ø''ç ëãé ùéäå ì' éåí ùìéîéí ëéåï (ùãáø) [ö"ì ùäãáø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îñåø ìá''ã ùì äáàú úîéãéï îúøåîä çãùä àò''â ãáîúðéúéï ãäëà ãéé÷éðï ìëåéï äçùáåï [ö"ì îë"è àãø - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
And regarding Shekalim, Chachamim fixed the time on Rosh Chodesh Adar, and they were not concerned to make it a day earlier before Rosh Chodesh, so there would be 30 full days, since the matter depends on Beis Din, to bring Temidim from the new Terumah (Shekalim), even though in our Mishnah here, we are meticulous to make the calculation exactly [15 days before Pesach] on Adar 29!
[ö"ì åúãò ãàò"â ãìø"ò äåé àãø ôòîéí îìà åôòîéí çñø ìà îùèîéè ùéùúðä áëê - ùéèä î÷åáöú] æîï äùîòú ù÷ìéí ìòåìí áàçã áàãø îùîéòéí òì äù÷ìéí:
Support: Even though according to R. Akiva, sometimes Adar is full and sometimes it is Chaser, we never find that they changed the time of announcing Shekalim. Always on Adar 1 we announce about Shekalim.