[34a - 29 lines; 34b - 37 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 34a [line 3]:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #2

[2] Gemara 34b [line 19]:

The words "Lo ul'Itztaliso veli'Chesuso" ìå åìàöèìéúå åìëñåúå

appear in the Rishonim (here and in Moed Katan 7b); however, it is unclear what the difference is between "Itztaliso" àöèìéúå and "Chesuso" ëñåúå. In the printed Mishnayos the text reads, "Lo ul'Veiso veli'Chesuso" ìå åìáéúå åìëñåúå, which is also the Girsa of our Gemara in Moed Katan 7b. Perhaps the text of the Rishonim should read "Lo ul'Itztaliso ul'Veiso" ìå åìàöèìéúå åìáéúå.

[3] Gemara 34b [last line]:

The "(*" before the words "Amar Abaye" àîø àáéé should be two lines above, next to the word "Nekitinan" ð÷éèéðï

[4] Rashi 34b DH b'Gufo ã"ä áâåôå:

The words "d'Manchei l'Sefeika" ãîðçé ìñôé÷à

should be "deka'Nachis l'Sefeika" ã÷ðçéú ìñôé÷à (MAR'EH KOHEN)


1)[line 2]ãáéìä åáö÷DEVEILAH U'VATZEK- a fig (used for pressing) and dough

2)[line 6]"åàðé äðä ðúúé...""VA'ANI HINEI NASATI..."- "And I, behold, have given you the charge of my elevated gifts" (Bamidbar 18:8). The word "Terumosai" (my elevated gifts) is plural, indicating two types of Terumos.

3)[line 8]úøåî' úìåéäTERUMAH TELUYAH- Terumah that is "suspended" (in a state of doubt) because it is not certain whether or not it is Tamei

4)[line 11]"ááâãå áä""B'VIGDO VAH" - "[If she pleases not her master, who [should have] designated her for himself, then shall he let her be redeemed; he has no power to sell her to a foreign nation,] since he has been disloyal to her ['b'Vigdo Vah']" (Shemos 21:8) (AMAH HA'IVRIYAH: YI'UD)

(a)A destitute father, under certain circumstances, may sell his daughter into servitude to a Jewish master as long as she is a minor. The sale is for a period of six years or until she becomes a Gedolah (when two pubic hairs grow after she enters her 12th year) or until the Yovel year (the year after seven Shemitah cycles), whichever comes first. During this period she is called an "Amah ha'Ivriyah."

(b)The Torah gives to the master of a Jewish maidservant the option of marrying her by first being Mekadesh her through a procedure called "Yi'ud." The Kidushin takes effect through the money that he initially gave to her father when he purchased her, as described in Kidushin (19a).

(c)If the master does not want to Mekadesh her with "Yi'ud," the Torah allows his son to Mekadesh her with "Yi'ud" (Vayikra 21:9). If neither the master nor the son wants to marry her, no one else may marry her until she is released from servitude.

(d)The words "b'Vigdo Vah" can be understood in two different ways: "his garment is upon her," and "he was disloyal to her."

5)[line 11]ëéåï ùôéøù èìéúå òìéäKEIVAN SHE'PIRES TALISO ALEHA- once he has "spread out his garment over her" [in an act that demonstrates his taking of her as his wife]

6)[line 13]ëéåï ùáâã áäKEIVAN SHE'BAGAD BAH- since he has acted towards her with disloyalty


7)[line 3]òã ùúôøç áëåìåAD SHE'TIFRACH B'CHULO- until the leprous mark spreads over his entire body, thereby rendering him Tahor as stated in the verse, "Kulo Hafach Lavan, Tahor Hu" (Vayikra 13:13)

8)[line 3]ùúîòè áäøúå îëâøéñSHE'TIMA'ET BEHARASO MIK'GRIS- if his leprous spot was less the size of a Cilcian bean (the minimum measurement of Nega'im) when he cut it off

9)[line 19]àöèìéúåITZTALISO- his [expensive] robe

10)[line 21]ðèøéï ìéäNATRIN LEI- we wait for him, and we postpone having the Kohen examine at the Nega to see whether or not it is Tamei (even if the Kohen proclaims the Nega as Tamei, it does not become Tamei retroactively)

11)[line 28]ëååï îìàëúå áîåòãKIVEN MELACHTO BA'MO'ED - if he purposely left over work to be done on the festival, [it is forbidden to benefit from that work] (CHOL HA'MO'ED:MELACHAH)

(a)It is prohibited to perform Melachos (creative acts) on Chol ha'Mo'ed, except in certain circumstances when the Chachamim were lenient. One of these circumstances is termed a Davar ha'Aved, when doing the Melachah will prevent a loss.

(b)Delaying the completion of certain projects for the week of the festival will cause a person to incur a loss. When such a project involves a Melachah, it is forbidden to begin the project immediately before Yom Tov, such that it will become necessary to finish it on Chol ha'Mo'ed in order to prevent a loss. One who does so has been "Mechaven Melachto ba'Mo'ed," intentionally arranging for his Melachah to be done on Chol ha'Mo'ed, and it is prohibited for him to finish his project on Chol ha'Mo'ed.

(c)The Gemara (Mo'ed Katan 12b) discusses whether the son of a person (who died) who was Mechaven Melachto ba'Mo'ed is also prohibited from performing the Melachah on Chol ha'Mo'ed, or whether only the father was penalized, but not the son.

12)[line 29]ìà òáãà ìàéñåøàLO AVDA L'ISURA- no prohibition was transgressed

13)[line 32]ùðú÷ååöäSHE'NISKAVTZAH- that [the field] was cleared [of detached thorns]

14)[line 33]ðéèééáäNITAIVAH- (a) [a field that] was fertilized by scattering gathered manure (RASHI); (b) [a field that] was plowed a second time (TOSFOS, RABEINU CHANANEL, based on the YERUSHALMI)

15)[line 34]ðéãééøäNIDAIRAH- [a field that] was fertilized by leaving cattle in the field for an extended period of time

16)[line 35]ð÷èéðïNAKTINAN- we have a tradition