[29a - 34 lines; 29b - 32 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 29a [line 33]:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #10 (which matches the Girsa of Rashi)

[2] Rashi 29a DH Bein ã"ä áéï:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #11

[3] Gemara 29b [line 11]:

The words "v'Lo Oros she'Einan Avudin" åìà òåøåú ùàéðï òáåãéï

should be preceded and followed by colons

[4] Rashi 29b DH Chayik ã"ä çéé÷:

The word "v'Omer" åàåîø

should be "Omer" àåîø


1)[line 4]ðôéù èéøçéäNAFISH TIRCHEI- it involves a greater amount of toil

2a)[line 13]ìäæåúL'HAZOS- to sprinkle the water that is mixed with the ashes of the Parah Adumah upon the person or object that is Tamei to make it Tahor

b)[line 13]ì÷ãùL'KADESH- to mix the ashes of the Parah Adumah with the water

3)[line 14]îé îòøäMEI ME'ARAH- ordinary rainwater that has collected in a cave (and not spring water that is required for the ashes of the Parah Adumah)

4)[line 14]àôø î÷ìäEFER MAKLEH- ashes from burned wood that are found in stoves and ovens

5)[line 28]áùëø äáàä åîìåéBI'SECHAR HAVA'AH U'MILUY- as compensation for bringing the ashes of the Parah Adumah from Yerushalayim and filling the vessel with water from the spring

6)[line 33]áéú äôøñBEIS HA'PRAS

See Background to Bechoros 22:7.


7)[line 4]ëôåòì áèì ùì àåúä îìàëäK'PO'EL BATEL SHEL OSAH MELACHAH- like a laborer who is idle from his work; i.e. the compensation that a laborer would demand in order to do your work instead of his (RASHI), or in order to remain idle (TOSFOS)

8)[line 9]îìåáï åöåàéMELUBAN V'TZO'I- clean and dirty (the Gemara will explain this phrase)

9)[line 9]èåéTAVI- spun wool

10)[line 16]çéé÷ ìæëøåúéäCHAYIK L'ZACHRUSEI- he will cut the genitals out of the hide

11)[line 17]áé òëáøéíBEI ACHBARIM- the area where mice have nibbled

12)[line 22]ðîèéNIMTEI- (O.F. feltres) felt; a cloth made of wool fibers that have been pressed together and not woven

13)[line 24]ñø÷SARAK- flax that has been combed [to remove the coarse parts of the flax from the fiber]

14)[line 24]åàøéâV'ARIG- and woven (the Gemara will explain this term in the context of the Mishnah)

15)[line 26]úéëéTIKEI- (O.F. trecedoirs) twisted strands

16)[line 29]ëì ùéù áå æé÷ú úøåîä åîòùøåúKOL SHE'YESH BO ZIKAS TERUMAH U'MA'ASROS- anything from which one is obligated to separate Terumos and Ma'asros