

[דף כה עמוד א] משנה האומר זה בני נאמן


(Mishnah): If Reuven says, "this is my son', he is believed (this will be explained);

וזה אחי אינו נאמן יטול עמו בחלקו


If Reuven says, "this is my brother', he is not believed (to make his other brothers share their inheritance with this person. Rather, Reuven divides his own share of their father's estate with this person, since he had testified that this person was his brother).

מת יחזרו נכסים למקומן


When this person dies, Reuven gets back what the person took from Reuven's share.

נפלו לו נכסים ממקום אחר יורשו אחיו עמו


If this person had received property from another place, all the brothers share it.

מי שמת ונמצאת דייתיקי קשורה לו על יריכו הרי זו אינה כלום


If a person died and he had a daitiki (gift document of a deathly ill person) tied to his thigh, it is worthless.

יזכה בה לאחר בין מן היורשין ובין שאין מן היורשין דבריו קיימין


If he said, "I give to ploni what is written in this document'', whether ploni could inherit him or not, ploni acquires it.

גמרא אם היו מוחזקין בו שהוא בנו ובשעת מיתתו אמר אינו בני [אינו נאמן] ושאינו בנו אמר בני נאמן.


(Gemara): If a person is known to be his son and on his death bed he said that the person is not actually his son, he is not believed. If he said about a person not known to be his son that he is, in fact, his son, he is believed.

היה עומד בצד המוכס ואמר בני הוא וחזר ואמר עבדי הוא נאמן.


If he was standing near the tax collector and he said, "he is my son'' and then later said, "he is my slave'' - he is believed.

עבדי הוא וחזר ואמר בני הוא אינו נאמן


If he first said, "you are my slave'' and then said, "you are my son'', he is not believed.

אית תני תניי נאמן.


Some have the text, "he is believed''.

א''ר מנא כגון אילין נפתאי דמשעבדין בבניהון יתיר.


R. Mana: When people of Nafta refer to their sons as slaves, they merely mean that they make them work hard like slaves.