
A CHAZAKAH TAKES THREE YEARS (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 7b)

משנה חזקת הבתים בורות שיחין ומערות ומרחצאות ושובכות בית הבדין בית השלחין ועבדים וכל שהוא עושה פירות תדיר חזקתן שלש שנים מיום ליום


To create a chazakah on houses, pits, long pits, roofed pits, bathhouses, dovecotes, olive presses, irrigated fields, slaves or anything that frequently produces fruit; it takes until the same day three years later. (A chazakah means to become the established owner, meaning that he is believed to say that he bought the property and lost the purchase document.)

שדה הבעל חזקתה שלש שנים ואינה מיום ליום:


For a rain subsisted field, it takes three years but not until the same day.

גמרא מנין לחזקה


(Gemara): What is the source of the concept of chazakah?

א''ר יוחנן שמענו מהולכי אושא משור המועד למדו.


R. Yochanan: We heard from those going to Usha, that they learned it from shor hamu'ad (the habitually goring ox - in Shemos 21:29, the Torah differentiates between an ox that gored less than three times and one that gored three times).

[דף ז עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] א''ר יוסי מאן אית ליה שור המועד לשלשה ימים לא רבי יודה


Question (R. Yosi): Which tana holds that an ox becomes a mu'ad after three days? It is R. Yehudah, as follows...

דתנינן תמן רבי יודה אומר לא אמרו שלש שנים אלא כדי שיהא באיספמיא ויחזיק שנה וילכו ויודיעוהו שנה ויבא שנה.


Mishnah - R. Yehudah: They said three years, in order to give enough time, that if the owner is in Ispamiya (a distant land) and the 'new owner' would occupy it for one year, they could go and inform the owner of this in the second year and he could come in the third year (to protest). (But beyond this amount of time, it is clear that he is not coming to protest, indicating that the one who is occupying the land is the new owner.)