[151a - 39 lines; 151b - 45 lines]

1)[line 2]כיון שהחזיקKEIVAN SHE'HECHEZIK- when he has taken possession [of the land, then the Shtar, wherever it is, also becomes his]; see Background to Bava Basra 149:18

2)[line 6]המקדיש נכסיוHA'MAKDISH NECHASAV- one who sanctifies his property to become the property of the Beis ha'Mikdash

3a)[line 7]זכרים, [יִמָּכְרוּ לצרכי] עולותZECHARIM [YIMACHRU L'TZORCHEI] OLOS- the male animals shall be sold for the purposes of being brought as Olah offerings [and the money the seller receives for them shall be given to the Beis ha'Mikdash] (Girsa of the BACH, based on the Girsa of the Mishnah in Shekalim 4:7). The Gemara proves from this Mishnah that animals are included in the term "Nechasim."

b)[line 8]ונקבות ימכרו לצרכי זבחי שלמיםNEKEVOS YIMACHRU L'TZORCHEI ZIVCHEI SHELAMIM- the female animals shall be sold for the purposes of being brought as Shelamim offerings

4)[line 8]עולות... שלמיםOLOS... SHELAMIM

(a)A person may offer a Korban in the Beis ha'Mikdash as a voluntary sacrifice (Nedavah), as it states in Vayikra 1:2. Voluntary Korbanos may be Olos (which are burned entirely on the Mizbe'ach, see Vayikra 1:2-17, 6:1-6), Shelamim (parts of which are eaten, see Vayikra 3:1-17, 7:11-21, 7:28-37), or Menachos (flour offerings, see Vayikra 2:1-13, 6:7-11, 7:9-10).

(b)See Background to Kidushin 55:2 and Bava Kama 13:1 for the details of each type of Korban.

5)[line 9]עופותOFOS- birds

6)[line 10]יינות, שמניםYEINOS, SHEMANIM - wines, oils (NESACHIM)

(a)The Nesachim are wine libations that are brought together with a Korban Shelamim or Olah, whether the Korban is offered by the Tzibur (Bamidbar 28:11-15, 20-21) or by an individual (Bamidbar 15:3-16). They are brought along with the Minchas Nesachim, a meal offering that is offered with these Korbanos.

(b)See Background to Kidushin 37:12 for the details of the Nesachim.

7)[line 12]מעלין לו תפליןMA'ALIN LO TEFILIN- (a) We assess for him the value of his Tefilin (and, instead of taking them away as a result of his sanctifying all of his property to Hekdesh, we let him keep his Tefilin and we let him borrow money in the amount of the value of the Tefilin and give the money to Hekdesh) (RASHI to Bava Kama 102b); (b) We give him his Tefilin and let him redeem them for money (RASHBAM here, RASHI to Erchin 23b); (c) We remove his Tefilin from [upon] him (RAMBAM, Perush ha'Mishnayos, Erchin 6:4; RABEINU GERSHOM here); (d) We sell his Tefilin for the highest amount ("Iluy") that one will pay for it, and we require him to give that money to Hekdesh (TIFERES YISRAEL to Erchin 6:4)

8)[line 14]דאסור לזבוניהASUR LI'ZEVUNEI- it is forbidden to sell it

9)[line 18]אימיה ד...IMEI D'...- the mother of...

10)[line 19](כתבינהו) [כתבתינהו] לנכסהKASVINHU L'NICHSAH- she wrote (as a gift) her property to...

11)[line 20]דבעיא לאנסוביה ליה ל...BA'AYA L'INSUVEI LEI L'...- she wanted to get married to...

12a)[line 22]משום (דאתו) [דאתיתו] ממולאיMISHUM (D'ASU) [D'ASISU] MI'MULA'EI- (a) since you come from a family with a permanent, incurable blemish (RASHI to Kesuvos 85a); (b) i. since you come from a severed (short-lived) family (the House of Eli, whose male members were cursed to die young - see Shmuel I 2:27-35) (RASHI to Yevamos 76a and to Bava Metzia 109a); ii. since you come from the town of Memula, the residence of the House of Eli (RASHBAM here, TOSFOS to Yevamos ibid.); (c) since you are a great person (ARUCH)

b)[line 22]אמריתו מילי מולייתאAMRISU MILEI MULYASA- (a) you say blemished words (RASHBAM here, RASHI to Bava Metzia 109a); (b) you say severed words (that have no foundation) (RASHBAM 137a, second explanation, and RASHI to Eruvin 25b); (c) you say great (impossible) words (ARUCH)

13a)[line 25]באורתאB'URSA- at night

b)[line 25]בצפראB'TZAFRA- in the morning

14)[line 27]אוקמיה בנכסיUKMEI B'NICHSEI- he set him up with his property (i.e. he ruled in his favor)

15)[line 29]והא שכיבאV'HA SHECHIVA- but she died (and a Shechiv Mera can retract her gift only if she recovers (Mishnah 146b); if she dies, then the original recipient of the gift should acquire it)!

16)[line 30]כל דאילו עמד חוזר, חוזר במתנתוKOL SHE'ILU OMED CHOZER, CHOZER B'MATANASO- in any case in which the Shechiv Mera may retract the gift if he or she recovers, the Shechiv Mera may retract the gift (and give it to a second person, and the second person acquires it even if the Shechiv Mera does not recover, and dies)

17)[line 30]לעצמוL'ATZMO- for himself (i.e. a Shechiv Mera may retract his gift, even if he does not recover, and keep the property for himself)

18)[line 32]מלוגא דשטראיMELUGA D'SHTAREI- a bag of documents (of debt)

19)[line 34]אחתיהACHATEI- his sister

20)[line 35]לפניאL'FANYA- in the evening

21)[line 36]בכה להBACHAH LAH- he cried to her

22)[line 36]מר צורבא מרבנן, ומר לאו צורבא מרבנןMAR TZURBA D'RABANAN, U'MAR LAV TZURBA D'RABANAN- [when people see that you gave me nothing, they will say,] "That master is a Torah scholar, and that master (i.e. me) is not a Torah scholar"

23)[last line]פיסקתא דפרדיסאPISKETA D'FARDEISA- a piece of land of an orchard

24a)[last line]כל אימת דהות חלשאKOL EIMAS D'HAVAS CHALSHA- whenever she would become sick

b)[last line]הוה מקניא ליה ניהליהHAVAH MEKANYA LEI NIHALEI- she would transfer [ownership of] it to him


25)[line 1]וכי קיימא, הות הדרא בהV'CHI KAIMA HAVAS HADRA BAH- and when she would recover, she would retract it (the gift)

26)[line 2]תא קניTA KENI- come, acquire it

27)[line 2]לא בעינאLO BA'INA- I do not want [to come to acquire it, because when you recover you will just retract the gift]

28)[line 3]כל היכא דבעיתKOL HEICHA D'VA'IS- in whatever manner you want

29)[line 4]שיירה וקנו מינהSHAIRAH V'KANU MINAH- [he made sure that] she left some property [in her own possession] and he made a Kinyan to acquire [the rest of the property] from her

30)[line 6]מאי איתי?MAI EISI?- Why should I come?

31)[line 7]מחינא לך בסילוא דלא מבע דמאMACHINA LACH B'SILVA D'LO MABA DAMA- I will torture (lit. hit) you with a thorn or barb that does not let blood when it pierces the skin; i.e. I will excommunicate you (RASHBAM)

32)[line 8]אמר להו לסהדיAMAR LEHU L'SAHADEI- he (Rav Nachman) said to witnesses

33)[line 9]אמרה הכי, "ווי דקא מיתה הך איתתא"AMRAH HACHI, "VAI D'KA MEISAH HACH ITESA"- [the witnesses replied that] she said this, "Woe that this woman (i.e. me) is dying!"

34)[line 11]ומצוה מחמת מיתה חוזרMETZAVEH MACHMAS MISAH CHOZER- [in a case in which a Shechiv Mera gives away only a part of his property, but] he commands [to give it] because of [his impending] death, he may retract [the gift if he recovers]

35)[line 12]מתנת שכיב מרע במקצתMATNAS SHECHIV MERA B'MIKTZAS- a gift of a Shechiv Mera in which he gives away only part of his property (see Background to Bava Basra 138:9, and see Chart #9)

36)[line 19]לא תיתלו בוקי סריקי ברב נחמןLO TEISLU BUKEI SERIKEI B'RAV NACHMAN- (lit. do not suspend empty bottles from Rav Nachman) do not attribute empty statements to Rav Nachman

37)[line 30]באמן של בני רוכלIMAN SHEL BENEI ROCHEL- the mother of the sons of Rochel (the name of their father)

38)[line 31]תנתן כבינתי לבתיTINASEN KEVINASI L'VITI- (O.F. nosche) my brooch shall be given to my daughter

39)[line 31]בשנים עשר מנהSHNEIM ASAR MANEH- 12 Maneh, equal to 1,200 silver Dinerin

40)[line 34]ושטר שחרור זה לעבדיSHTAR SHICHRUR ZEH L'AVDI - [one who says, "Give] this bill of release to my slave" (GET SHICHRUR)

(a)A Jew who owns a Nochri slave (an Eved Kena'ani) may release the slave from bondage in one of two ways: by accepting payment for the slave's release, or by giving the slave a "Get Shichrur," or bill of release (Kidushin 22b). If the slave is not released in one of these two ways, he is still considered to be a slave for all Halachic matters (such as with regard to whom he is allowed to marry and what Mitzvos he is obligated to keep.)

(b)Like a Get given to a woman to divorce her, a Get Shichrur must be given during the lifetime of the master, and it is not effective after the master's death (rather, the heirs inherit the slave).

41)[line 37]מה גט לאו בר קניןMAH GET LAV BAR KINYAN- just like a Get does not need an act of Kinyan (in order for the woman to acquire it and be divorced)

42a)[line 41]הני מתנייתאHANEI MASNAISA- these Beraisos (quoted above, which imply that one does not need to make a Kinyan when one specifically states that he is giving the gift because he thinks he is going to die)

b)[line 41]במחלק כל נכסיוB'MECHALEK KOL NECHASAV- are discussing a case in which the Shechiv Mera is distributing all of his property (and thus it is clear beyond any doubt that he is giving the gift only because he thinks he is going to die, since he is leaving nothing for himself)