[124a - 24 lines; 124b - 39 lines]

1)[line 8]שטר חובSHTAR CHOV- a loan document (the father was owed money at the time of his death)

2)[line 11]"לָתֶת לוֹ פִּי שְׁנַיִם""LASES LO PI SHENAYIM"- "[He must recognize the firstborn son of the hated wife,] to give him a double portion of everything in his possession (lit. that is found with him)." (Devarim 21:17)

3)[line 18]למיתבא ליה אַחַד מצראL'MEISVA LEI A'CHAD MEITZRA- to give to him [both of his shares] on one border (adjacent to each other)

4a)[line 20]דיקלא ואליםDIKLA V'ALIM- a date-palm that became thicker (after the death of the father)

b)[line 21]ארעא ואסיק שירטוןAR'A V'ASIK SEIRATON- land that became covered with silt, which fertilizes and improves the field

5a)[line 22]בחפורה והוה שובליCHAFURAH V'HAVAH SHUBLEI- unripe grain that became ripe ears of grain (after the father's death)

b)[line 22]שלופפי והוו תמריSHELUFAFEI V'HAVU TAMREI- undeveloped dates that became [fully-grown] dates

6)[line 23]אישתניISHTENI- it has changed (that is, when unripe grain becomes ripe ears of grain, and undeveloped dates become fully-grown dates, this is considered a fundamental change and the new object is considered entirely different from the old object, and, therefore, the firstborn is not considered Muchzak)


7)[line 1]הלכה כרבי מחבירו, ולא מחביריוHALACHAH K'REBBI ME'CHAVEIRO, V'LO ME'CHAVEIRAV- [he is in doubt whether] the Halachah follows Rebbi (Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nasi) when he is opposed by a single colleague, but not when he is opposed by many colleagues

8)[line 5]מותר לעשותMUTAR LA'ASOS- one is obligated to do [like Rebbi] (the reason why Rav Nachman uses the term "Mutar," which literally means "it is permitted," and not the word "Chayav" (obligated), is because he is responding to Rav who states that one is prohibited to follow the view of Rebbi - RITVA)

9)[line 9]מטין איתמרMATIN ITMAR- it was said that we lean or incline; i.e. we teach the ruling of the Chachamim publicly, but if someone acts in accordance with the view of Rebbi, we do not revoke his ruling (see RITVA)

10)[line 9]בשאר ספרי דבי רבBI'SHE'AR SIFREI D'VEI RAV- (lit. in the other writings of the Yeshiva of Rav) the other Halachic Midrashim taught in the Yeshivah of Rav (besides the "Toras Kohanim," as follows). "Sifra d'Vei Rav" refers to the book of Beraisa'os known as the "Toras Kohanim," which expounds the verses in Vayikra. "She'ar Sifrei d'Vei Rav" refers to the books of Beraisa'os known as the "Sifri" (which expounds the verses in Bamidbar and Devarim, beginning with Bamidbar 5:1), and the "Mechilta" (which expounds the verses in Shemos, beginning with Shemos 12:1).