[119a - 27 lines; 119b - 33 lines]

1)[line 3]ארץ ישראל מוחזקת היאERETZ YISRAEL MUCHZEKES HI- Eretz Yisrael was considered to be in the possession [of those who left Mitzrayim, even before they entered Eretz Yisrael]

2)[line 10]ראוי הואRA'UY HU- that land was only Ra'uy (it was due to come to their grandfather (Chefer), but was not yet in his possession, and thus even had Tzelofchad been alive he would not have received a double portion)

3)[line 10]ואין הבכור נוטל בראוי כבמוחזקEIN HA'BECHOR NOTEL BA'RA'UY KEVA'MUCHZAK - a firstborn son does not take [a double-portion inheritance] of Ra'uy like he does with Muchzak (YERUSHAS BECHOR)

(a)The first viable male born to a father inherits a double portion of the estate upon his father's death (Mishnah Bava Basra 122b). For example, if there are two brothers, the money is divided into three, and the Bechor receives two thirds; if there are three brothers, the money is divided into four, and the Bechor receives two quarters.

(b)A Bechor only receives a double portion from the assets that were in the possession of the father at the time of death. These assets are termed "Matzuy," as the verse states, "כִּי אֶת הַבְּכֹר בֶּן הַשְּׂנוּאָה יַכִּיר לָתֶת לוֹ פִּי שְׁנַיִם בְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִמָּצֵא לוֹ" "Ki Es ha'Bechor Ben ha'Senu'ah Yakir, Lases Lo Pi Shenayim b'Chol Asher Yimatzei Lo" - "He must recognize the firstborn son of the hated wife to give him a double portion of everything in his possession (lit. that is found with him)" (Devarim 21:17). Assets that will come into the possession of the estate after the father's death are termed "Ra'uy," i.e. "expected [to come into his possession]." The following are a few examples of assets that are Ra'uy, in which a Bechor does not receive a double portion:

1.If one of the father's relatives dies after the father, the Bechor does not receive a double portion of that inheritance.

2.If the father is owed money, even if the debt was written in a document that was in the possession of the father, the Bechor does not receive a double portion of the debt if it is paid after the father's death.

3.There is a Machlokes Tana'im (Bava Basra 124a) as to whether a Bechor receives a double portion of "Shevach she'Shibechu Nechasim l'Achar Misas Avihem," the appreciation of property that is brought about by human efforts after the father's death; e.g. stalks of wheat that produce grain and trees that produce fruit. However, a Bechor does receive a double portion of a small tree that grows on its own, without any expenditure, into a large tree; this is called Matzuy l'Aviv since the tree has not changed form after the father's death (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #400).

4)[line 12]ביתדות אהליםYESEDOS OHALIM- (a) tent pegs (or anything else that was in his possession at the time of his death; the reason why the Gemara mentions specifically tent pegs is that since they lived in the desert in tents, everyone had this item in his possession - RASHBAM); (b) according to the Girsa יתדות ואהלים YESEDOS V'OHALIM - pegs and tents (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #9, see RASHASH)

5)[line 14]"וַיִּפְּלוּ חַבְלֵי מְנַשֶּׁה עֲשָׂרָה, לְבַד מֵאֶרֶץ הַגִּלְעָד וְהַבָּשָׁן אֲשֶׁר מֵעֵבֶר לַיַּרְדֵּן""VA'YIPLU CHAVLEI MENASHEH ASARAH, LEVAD ME'ERETZ HA'GIL'AD VEHA'BASHAN ASHER ME'EVER LA'YARDEN"- "Ten portions fell to Menasheh, besides the land of Gil'ad and the Bashan, which were on the other side of the [River] Yarden" (Yehoshua 17:5).

6)[line 16]שמעון השקמוניSHIMON HA'SHIKMONI- the Tana, Rebbi Shimon from Shikma, who was among the students of Rebbi Akiva

7)[line 23]שהמקוששMEKOSHESH- the person who gathered kindling sticks on Shabbos, thus incurring the death penalty (Bamidbar 15:32-36)


8)[line 1]שמגלגלים זכות על ידי זכאי וחובה על ידי חייבMEGALGELIM ZECHUS AL YEDEI ZAKAI V'CHOVAH AL YEDEI CHAYAV- a meritorious act is brought about by Heaven through a meritorious person and an iniquitous act through a guilty person

9)[line 3]היא גופה קא מסתפקא ליהHI GUFA KA MISTAFKA LEI- he was in doubt about this itself (i.e. whether Eretz Yisrael was considered Muchzak, in their possession, even while they were still in the desert, before they entered the land)

10)[line 6]שמורישין ואינן יורשיןSHE'MORISHIN V'EINAN YORSHIN- they bequeath their portions [to their children as an inheritance,] but they do not inherit [for themselves an inheritance in Eretz Yisrael, and therefore Eretz Yisrael was not considered Muchzak while they were in the desert]

11)[line 8]"תְּבִאֵמוֹ וְתִטָּעֵמוֹ בְּהַר נַחֲלָתְךָ""TEVI'EMO V'SITA'EMO BEHAR NACHALASCHA"- "You will bring them and plant them on the mountain of Your heritage" (Shemos 15:17).

12)[line 14]סרס המקרא ודרשהוSARES HA'MIKRA V'DARSHEHU- cut up the verse and expound it (i.e. the verse should be read as if it says that the daughters of Tzelofchad stood before Moshe, but before they stood before Moshe, they stood before Aharon, but before they stood before Aharon, they stood before Elazar, etc.)

13)[line 21]דפליג ליה רביה יקראPALIG LEI RABEI YEKARA- his master gives him (the student) respect

14a)[line 23]חכמניות הןCHOCHMANIYOS HEN- they were wise

b)[line 23]דרשניות הןDARSHANIYOS HEN- they knew how to expound the Torah

c)[line 23]צדקניות הןTZIDKANIYOS HEN- they were righteous

15)[line 24]שלפי שעה דברוLEFI SHA'AH DIBRU- they spoke at the appropriate time

16)[line 31]יולדת עד ששיםYOLEDES AD SHISHIM- gives birth until the age of sixty

17)[last line]"וַיֵּלֶךְ אִישׁ מִבֵּית לֵוִי, וַיִּקַּח אֶת בַּת לֵוִי""VA'YELECH ISH MI'BEIS LEVI [VA'YIKACH ES BAS LEVI]"- "And a man from the house of Levi went and took [for a wife] the daughter of Levi" (Shemos 2:1).