[96a - 28 lines; 96b - 19 lines]

1)[line 1]להיות מפריש עליה תרומה והולךLIHEYOS MAFRISH ALEHA TERUMAH V'HOLECH - in order to separate Terumah [and Ma'asros] each day from this [barrel for all of the wine that he will drink or sell each day] (TERUMAH: TOREM MI'MIN AL SHE'EINO MINO)

(a)After a crop that is grown in Eretz Yisrael is harvested and brought to the owner's house or yard, he must separate Terumah Gedolah from the crop and give it to a Kohen. Although the Torah does not specify the amount to be given (a single grain exempts the entire batch), the Rabanan set the requirement at one fiftieth of the total crop.

(b)After Terumah is removed from the produce, one tenth of the produce that remains must be designated "Ma'aser Rishon," and given to a Levi. The Levi, in turn, must separate one tenth of his Ma'aser Rishon as Terumas Ma'aser, to be given to a Kohen, as stated in Bamidbar 18:26.

(c)The produce may not be eaten until both Terumos have been removed, and it is known as Tevel. The punishment for eating Tevel is Misah b'Yedei Shamayim.

(d)A second tithe is given every year after Ma'aser Rishon has been separated. The tithe that is separated in the third and sixth years of the 7-year Shemitah cycle is called Ma'aser Ani and is given to the poor.

(e)The tithe that is separated during the first, second, fourth and fifth years is called Ma'aser Sheni. The Torah requires that Ma'aser Sheni be brought and eaten by its owner in Yerushalayim.

(f)A person must separate Terumah from every type of produce independently. This is learned from the verse "כֹּל חֵלֶב יִצְהָר [וְכָל חֵלֶב תִּירוֹשׁ וְדָגָן... " "Kol Chelev Yitzhar [v'Chol Chelev Tirosh v'Dagan...." If he separated mi'Min Al she'Eino Mino, his action is invalid and he must separate Terumah again. According to Rebbi (Daf 84a-84b), wine and vinegar are considered two independent products with regard to Terumos and Ma'asros.

2)[line 5]חמרא מעילאי עקרCHAMRA ME'ILA'EI AKAR- wine begins to turn into vinegar at the top [of the barrel]

3)[line 6]והאי טעימיה ולא עקרV'HAI TE'IMEI V'LO AKAR- and he tasted it and it had not yet begun to turn [into vinegar]

4)[line 7]הוה ריחא חלא וטעמיה חמראHAVAH REICHA CHALA V'TA'AMEI CHAMRA- it has the aroma of vinegar and the taste of wine (when it begins to turn into vinegar)

5)[line 11]מתתאי עקרMI'TATA'EI AKAR- [wine] begins to turn into vinegar at the bottom [of the barrel]

6)[line 12]עקר ולאו אדעתיהAKAR V'LAV A'DA'ATEI- it had already started to turn into vinegar (at the bottom of the barrel) and he did not notice it

7)[line 16]דרומאיDEROMA'EI- the Elders from the south (YA'AVETZ)

8)[line 22]חלא סיפתקאCHALA SIFTEKA- strong, very sour vinegar (that has been complete vinegar for at least three days, and as such, it must have started to turn to vinegar at least six days ago)

9)[line 26]המוכר חבית יין לחברוHA'MOCHER CHAVIS YAYIN L'CHAVERO- a person who sells a barrel of wine to another person

10a)[last line]ברשות מוכרBI'RESHUS MOCHER- (lit. in the possession of the seller) the seller is responsible to replace the vinegar with wine

b)[last line]ברשות לוקחBI'RESHUS LOKE'ACH- (lit. in the possession of the buyer) the buyer suffers the loss and the seller is not responsible to replace the vinegar with wine


11)[line 1]חמרא אכתפא דמאריה שווארCHAMRA A'KASPA D'MAREI SHAVAR- (a) lit. wine jumps onto the shoulder of its owner, i.e. the Mazal (fate) or sins of the buyer caused the wine to spoil (RASHBAM); (b) lit. wine jumps [and spoils when it is transported] on the shoulder of its owner, i.e. when the buyer transports the wine to his home on his shoulder, the rocking of the barrel causes the wine to spoil (RABEINU TAM, RABEINU GERSHOM)

12)[line 2]בשיכראSHICHRA- beer

13)[line 2]עבד ר' יוסף עובדא כוותיה דרב בשיכרא, וכוותיה דשמואל בחמראAVAD RAV YOSEF UVDA KAVASEI D'RAV B'SHICHRA V'CHAVASEI DI'SHMUEL B'CHAMRA- Rav Yosef ruled, in practice, according to Rav with regard to [a purchase of] beer [that went sour], and according to Shmuel with regard to [a purchase of] wine [that went sour]. (See BACH to Tur Choshen Mishpat 230:7, who explains that the reason Rav Yosef ruled like this (according to the Rashbam) is because it is only wine that depends on a person's Mazal and not beer.)

14)[line 3]והלכתא כוותיה דשמואלHILCHESA KAVASEI DI'SHMUEL- the Halachah follows the opinion of Shmuel (with regard to both wine and beer; it seems that many Rishonim did not have this line in their Gemara, and they therefore ruled like Rav Yosef; see RIF, ROSH, and RAMBAM, and BACH to Tur Choshen Mishpat 230:7)

15a)[line 4]שכר תמריםSHECHAR TEMARIM- date beer

b)[line 5]שכר שעוריםSHECHAR SE'ORIM- barley beer

c)[line 5]שמרי ייןSHEMAREI YAYIN- lees/dregs of wine

16)[line 9]רמא תלתא ואתא ארבעהRAMA TELASA V'ASA ARBA'AH- he put in three [portions of water] and four [portions of Temed, the liquid obtained from soaking Shemarei Yayin in water,] came out

17)[line 11]כל חמרא דלא דרי על חד תלת מיאKOL CHAMRA D'LO DARI AL CHAD TELAS MAYA- any wine that is not diluted with three parts water to one part wine

18a)[line 15]תלתא עיילTELASA AYIL- three [portions of water] went in

b)[line 15]תלתא נפיקTELASA NAFIK- three [portions of water] came out

19)[line 15]פש ליה פלגאPASH LEI PALGA- a half [portion of wine] remains

20)[line 17]פש ליה כוזאPASH LEI KUZA- a [complete] cup [of wine] remains

21)[line 18]וכוזא בתרי ופלגא חמרא מעליא הואKUZA BI'TREI U'FALGA CHAMRA MA'ALYA HU- a cup [of wine] in two and a half [portions of water] is good wine

22)[last line]וביותר מכדי מדתוB'YOSER MI'CHEDEI MIDASO- in a case in which more [liquid came out] than the amount of the original measure [of water that was added]