[82a - 21 lines; 82b - 35 lines]

1a)[line 1]לקיחהLEKICHAH- (lit. taking) picking

b)[line 1]והבאהHAVA'AH- bringing [the Bikurim fruits to Yerushalayim]

2)[line 9]מסקא ארעא שירטוןMASKA AR'A SEIRATON- the level of the land will rise due to silt (O.F. limon - thin, slippery mud that is soft, sticky, and half-liquid) [and branches emanating from the trunk might be covered to the extent that they look like separate trees, and the buyer may claim to have bought three trees with the land in which they are planted]

3)[line 11]יקוץYAKUTZ- [those branches belong to the owner of the tree but] he must cut [them off]

4)[line 12]נקיטינןNEKITINAN- we have a tradition from our teachers

5)[line 12]דקל אין לו גזעDEKEL EIN LO GEZA- a palm tree does not have a trunk (that is, the one who buys the tree is not entitled to the growths that come from the trunk, as the Gemara will explain)

6a)[line 14]דכיון דלמחפר ולשרש קאיKEIVAN DEL'MICHPAR UL'SHARESH KAI- since it (the palm tree) is going to be dug up and uprooted (when it dries up, since the buyer did not purchase the land beneath it)

b)[line 14]אסוחי מסח דעתיהASUCHEI MASACH DA'ATEI- he removes his mind [from acquiring any of the outgrowths; i.e. he does not have intention to acquire anything that grows out from the trunk]


7)[line 1]כמלוא אורה וסלוKI'MELO OREH V'SALO- like the width of the fig-picker and his basket

8)[line 2]דרך אין לוDERECH EIN LO - [when the buyer purchases the three trees in the seller's field,] he does not have a path [to get to his trees] (MOCHER, B'AYIN RA'AH MOCHER / B'AYIN YAFAH MOCHER)

Rebbi Akiva and the Chachamim argue about what the nature of a seller is when he sells property without specifying if he is keeping anything for himself. "Mocher, b'Ayin Yafah Mocher" means that a seller sells with good will and does not keep any part of what he sells for himself. For example, when a person sells a field and does not sell the well in it, the seller must purchase a path through the field from the buyer in order to be able to get to his well, since he sold the field with "good will," not leaving a path for himself. If the seller sells "b'Ayin Ra'ah," it means that he keeps a certain part of what he is selling for himself.

9a)[line 13]בורBOR- a pit that is dug in impermeable ground and that is not lined with stones

b)[line 13]ודותDUS- a pit in the ground that is lined with stones that rise above the surface of the ground. A Dus also has a cover on top. (BI'UR HALACHAH Orach Chayim 587:1 in his explanation of the opinions of Rashi and Rambam)

10)[line 13]דלא מכחשי ארעאD'LO MEKACHASHEI AR'A- they do not weaken the ground

11)[line 15]שקוצץ מלא מרדע מעל גבי מחרישהKOTZETZ MELO MARDE'A ME'AL GABEI MACHAREISHAH- one is permitted to cut branches up to the height of the ox-goad that one holds (upright) above the plow (so that there is sufficient room for someone to get under them while plowing)

12)[line 20]החיצון זורע את הדרךHA'CHITZON ZORE'A ES HA'DERECH- the owner of the outer garden may sow the path [which the owner of the inner garden uses to get to his garden]

13)[line 22]קמיטנפי פיריKA'MITANFEI PEIREI- my fruits are getting dirty (by falling on the sowed area, the soil of which is loose, and on which fertilizer has been spread - RABEINU GERSHOM)

14)[line 23]וזה וזה אינן רשאין לזורעהZEH VA'ZEH EINAN RASHA'IN L'ZOR'AH- both this one (the owner of the outer garden) and this one (the owner of the inner garden) are not allowed to sow it

15)[line 30]לרב יוסףRAV YOSEF- after Rav Yosef forgot all of his learning due to illness, his student, Abaye, often questioned Rav Yosef's statements based on teachings that he had heard himself from Rav Yosef before his illness, or based on statements of other Amora'im or Tana'im that Rav Yosef might have forgotten, and, consequently, Abaye was able to help Rav Yosef regain all of his knowledge

16)[line 31]הנוטע את כרמו שש עשרה אמה על שש עשרה אמה, מותר להביא זרע לשםHA'NOTE'A ES KARMO SHESH ESREI AMAH AL SHESH ESREI AMAH, MUTAR L'HAVI ZERA L'SHAM- one who plants his vineyard [by planting each row of grapevines at a distance of] sixteen Amos [between each row], it is permitted for him to plant [wheat] seeds there (and there is no Isur of Kil'ayim involved) (KIL'EI HA'KEREM - see Background to Bava Basra 36:4)

17)[line 32]בצלמוןTZALMON- the name of a place

18a)[line 33]והיה הופך שֵׂעָר שתי שורות לצד אחדHAYAH HOFECH SEI'AR SHTEI SHUROS L'TZAD ECHAD- he would bend the branches of two parallel rows (of grapevines) over to one (the same) side (between the grapevines)

b)[line 34]וזורע את הנירV'ZORE'A ES HA'NIR- and he would sow [wheat in] the open space on the outer sides of the grapevines

19a)[line 34]היה הופך את השער למקום הזרעHAYAH HOFECH ES HA'SEI'AR LI'MKOM HA'ZERA- he would bend the branches (of the grapevines) back to the place that he had sowed

b)[line 34]וזרע את הבורV'ZARA ES HA'BUR- and he sowed the area (between the grapevines) that had been left fallow the year before

20)[last line]אנא לא ידענאANA LO YADANA- I do not hold of that

21)[last line]עובדא הוהUVDA HAVA- there was an incident