[67a - 25 lines; 67b - 34 lines]

1)[line 1]אגבה עישׂור נכסיAGVAH ISUR NICHSEI - collect for her a tenth of the estate (ISUR NECHASIM)

Although a daughter does not inherit part of her father's estate when there are sons to inherit it, the Rabanan enacted that she receive a tenth of the estate upon her engagement, to provide her needs for the marriage. If there is more than one daughter, then each one receives a tenth of the remaining part of the estate.

2)[line 2]כי הוינן בי רב כהנאKI HAVEINAN BEI RAV KAHANA- when we were in the house (Yeshiva) of Rav Kahana

3)[line 2]מגבינן אפילו מעמלא דבתיMAGVINAN AFILU ME'AMLA D'VATEI- we collected [the Isur Nechasim] even from the rental money received from renting out houses [of the estate of the father] (RASHBAM; see RABEINU GERSHOM)

4)[line 5]המטלטליןMETALTELIN- mobile objects

5)[line 7]המרחץMERCHATZ- a bathhouse

6)[line 7]בית הבדBEIS HA'BAD- an oil press

7)[line 9]אוירה של חצרAVIRAH SHEL CHATZER- the airspace of the courtyard

8)[line 11]ובית החולסאותBEIS HA'CHULSA'OS- (a) a sand-quarry (an area of the land that contained sand that was quarried for making glass) (RASHBAM); (b) rocky ground (RABEINU GERSHOM) from which stones were quarried (RASHI to Erchin 32a)

9)[line 14]מילוסא של חצרMILUSA SHEL CHATZER- the airspace of the courtyard

10a)[line 16]לגוL'GAV- towards the outside (towards the public area, away from the Chatzer)

b)[line 16]לברL'VAR- towards the inside

11a)[line 17]דירתאDIRESA- a residence

b)[line 18]דרתאDARTA- a courtyard

12)[line 18]תרביצאTARBITZA- a garden

13a)[line 21]חולסיתCHULSIS- see above, entry #8

b)[line 22]ומצולהMETZULAH- (a) the riverbed (from which gold and silver are panned) (RABEINU CHANANEL) or from which fish are caught (YESH MEFARSHIM cited by the RASHBAM. Metzulah can either mean a swamp or river - see Rashi to Bava Metzia 107a DH Ha Lan, or the depths of the sea, where there are no fish - see RASHI to Berachos 9b. In our Gemara, it is referring to the former); (b) a sand-quarry (RASHI to Erchin 32a - perhaps Rashi means a mud-quarry, where mud for building was drawn from the bottom of a river)

14)[line 24]דסדנא דארעא חד הואSADNA D'AR'A CHAD HU- the block of the earth is a single entity


15a)[line 7]היםYAM- see below, entry #19

b)[line 7]הממלMEMEL- see below, entry #20

c)[line 7]הבתולותBESULOS- see below, entry #21

16)[line 8]העביריםAVIRIM (alt. ACHIRIM)- see below, entry #22

17)[line 8]הגלגלGALGAL- see below, entry #23

18)[line 9]הקורהKORAH- the thick, heavy beam of the oil press [with which the olives are pressed]

19)[line 11]טלפחאTELAFCHA- (O.F. mait) tub or trough in which the olives are placed in order to be pressed

20)[line 12]מפרכתאMEFARCHESA- (a) a hollowed stone in which the olives are placed in order to be crushed by a wooden mortar (before they are placed in the actual press to be pressed); (b) the wooden mortar itself which is used to crush the olives (before they are placed in the actual press to be pressed) (RASHBAM)

21)[line 13]כלונסות של ארז שמעמידין בהן את הקורהKELUNSOS SHEL EREZ SHE'MA'AMIDIN BAHEN ES HA'KORAH- two vertical posts of cedar-wood which support the beam in the press (O.F. jumeles - twins, alt. O.F. serors - sisters)

22)[line 14]כבשיKIVSHEI- boards placed over the olives, upon which the press-beam presses (the boards are placed there in order to distribute the pressure of the beam evenly over all of the olives)

23)[line 14]חומרתאCHUMRESA- (O.F. viz) the screw or crane of the oil press, which, when turned, lowers the beam to press the olives

24a)[line 16]נסריםNESARIM- (a) wooden boards placed (and affixed) around the olives in the press so that the oil will not splatter out (RASHBAM); (b) "NETZARIM" - the branches used to make the box-like, flexible woven basket made of thin branches or palm leaves, used as a receptacle in an oil press, which covers and keeps together the olives beneath the press (TOSEFTA cited by RASHBAM)

b)[line 16]היקביםYEKAVIM- see above, entry #19

c)[line 16]המפרכותMIFRACHOS- see above, entry #20

d)[line 17]הריחים (התחתונות) התחתונהREICHAYIM (HA'TACHTONOS) HA'TACHTONAH- the lower mill, used to grind the olives (after they have been crushed (see above, entry #20) and before they are pressed)

e)[line 17]העליונהHA'ELYONAH- the upper mill

25a)[line 20]השקיןSAKIN- bags made of goat-hair

b)[line 20]המרצופיןMARTZUFIN- bags made of leather

26)[line 23][בית] המרחץ[BEIS] HA'MERCHATZ- bathhouse

27a)[line 24]הנסריןNESARIN- boards placed upon the floor of the bathhouse to protect the feet of the bathers from the heat, or from the dirt (RASHBAM)

b)[line 24]הספליןSEFALIN- tubs in which water was placed for the bathers to wash themselves

c)[line 25](הבלניות) [הוילאות](BALANIYOS) [VILA'OS]- (a) curtains in front of the entrance to the bathhouse (RASHBAM); (b) towels used by the bathers to dry themselves; (c) aprons used by the bathers to cover themselves, for modesty, while sitting in the bathhouse (BARTENURA)

28a)[line 27]המגורות של מיםMEGUROS SHEL MAYIM- vats (MEIRI), or water supplies such as springs or channels (RASHBAM)

b)[line 28]אוצרות של עציםOTZAROS SHEL ETZIM- storehouses of wood

29a)[line 29]בית הנסריןBEIS HA'NESARIN- the chamber in which the boards (see above entry #27a) are kept

b)[line 30]בית היקמיןBEIS HA'YEKAMIN- the chamber in which the clothes or towels that are wrapped around the bathers' heads to protect them from the heat are stored

30)[last line]הבריכות המספקות לו מיםBEREICHOS HA'MESAPKOS LO MAYIM- the springs which provide water for it (the bathhouse)