A JEW'S DONKEY CARRYING YAYIN NESECH (Yerushalmi Halachah 2 Daf 32a)
משנה השוכר את החמור להביא עליו יין נסך שכרה אסור שכרה לישב בה אע"פ שהניח הנכרי לגינו עליה שכרה מותר:
(Mishnah): If an idolater hired a donkey (from a Jew) to bring Yayin Nesech, its payment is prohibited to the Jew. If the idolater hired it to sit on (meaning to put food and drink there), even if he put his jar of Yayin Nesech on it, its payment is permitted.
גמרא עד היכן
(Gemara) Question: How much food and drink is he putting on it that the Mishnah must teach that it is permitted to put his jar of Yayin Nesech on it?
עד כדי שלא יהא (החמור)[החמר] מקפיד:
Answer: Even if there is a small amount for which a donkey driver would not be particular.