
NO MINIMUM QUANTITY (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 1 Daf 1a)

îùðä àìå ãáøéí ùàéï ìäí ùéòåø äôéàä åäáéëåøéí åäøàéåï åâîéìåú çñãéí åúìîåã úåøä


(Mishnah): The following do not have a minimum quantity (according to the Torah, in order to fulfil one's obligation, but there is a Mitzvah to increase them) - Peah (that one must leave the crops on the corners of his field for the poor); Bikurim (the first fruits that are brought to the Kohen in the Temple); Ra'ayon (the requirement to come to the Temple on the three Regalim - Pesach, Shavuos and Succos); Gemilus Chasadim (acts of kindness) and Talmud Torah (Torah study).

àìå ãáøéí ùàãí àåëì îôéøåúéäí áòåìí äæä åä÷øï ÷ééîú ìòåìí äáà ëéáåã àá åàí åâîéìåú çñãéí åäáàú ùìåí áéï àãí ìçáéøå åúìîåã úåøä ëðâã ëåìï:


For the following Mitzvos, a person eats from their fruits (i.e. a small part of the reward) in this world and the principal (reward) is in the world to come - honoring one's parents, Gemilus Chasadim, making peace between people; and the reward for Torah study is equal to all of them.

âîøà øáé áðéîéï áø ìåé àîø øáé éöç÷ åøáé àîé äååï éúáåï î÷ùéé ìîä ìà úðéðï úøåîä òîäï


(R. Binyamin bar Levi): R. Yitzchak and R. Ami both asked - why does the Mishnah not include separating Terumah in its first list?

[ãó à òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé àîé îôðé äîçìå÷ú


Answer (R. Ami): Because it is a dispute (in Maseches Terumos Perek 4 Mishnah 5) as to whether or not it has a specific amount.

àîø øáé éåñé àãí òåùä ëì ùãäå áéëåøéí åàéï àãí òåùä ëì ùãäå úøåîä


Answer #2 (R. Yosi): A person may make his entire field into Bikurim but he may not make his entire field Terumah (meaning that even though it does not have a lower limit, Terumah has an upper limit).

äúéáåï äøé äåà àåîø ôéàä åäøé àéï àãí òåùä ëì ùãäå ôéàä åúðéúä


Rebuttal: Peah is listed in the Mishnah and one may not make his entire field Peah...?

à"ø éåñé ÷öéøú ùéáåìú äøàùåðä ãåîä ìîéøåçå òã ùìà ÷öø äùéáåìú äøàùåðä ìà ðúçééáä ùãäå áôéàä îù÷öø ùéáåìú øàùåðä ðúçééáä ùãäå áôéàä áé÷ù ìòùåú ëì ùãäå ôéàä òåùä [ãó á òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] áøí äëà òã ùìà ðúîøç äëøé ìà ðúçééá ëøéå úøåîä ðúîøç áé÷ù ìòùåú ëì ëøéå úøåîä àéðå òåùä


Response (R. Yosi): The cutting of the first stalk (for Peah) is like the smoothing of the pile (for Terumah, that makes it obligated in Terumah) - before he cuts the first stalk of the field, it is not yet obligated in Peah - once he does, he may make his entire field Peah. However, before he smoothed the pile, it is not obligated in Terumah and once he does smooth it, he may not make the entire pile Terumah...

ãúðéðï úîï äàåîø ëì âøðé úøåîä åëì òéñúé çìä ìà àîø ëìåí òã ùéùééø î÷öú:


As the Mishnah teaches - One who says that all of his threshing floor should be Terumah or all of his dough should be Challah, has not said anything unless he leaves a small part.

ùéáåìú äøàùåðä îäå ùúäà çééáú áôéàä


Question: When the obligation comes onto the field, does the first stalk also become obligated in Peah?

àéôùø ìåîø ëï äéà çééáú ëì ùãäå ôéàä åäéà çééáú áôéàä


Answer: Since cutting the first stalk obligates the field, you cannot obligate the first stalk in Peah.

÷öø ùéáåìú äøàùåðä åðùøôä îäå ùéäà öøéê ì÷öåø ôòí ùðééä


Question: If he cut the first stalk and it was somehow burned up, must he cut a second stalk to obligate the field?

ðùîòéðä îï äãà ÷öø çöéä åîëø îä ù÷öø ÷öø çöéä åä÷ãéù îä ù÷öø ðåúï îï äîùåééø òì äëì åä÷ãù ìàå ëùøåó äåà äãà àîøä ÷öø ùáåìú äøàùåðä åðùøó àéï öøéê ì÷öåø ôòí ùðééä


Answer: If a person cut half the field and then sold or consecrated that half, he must separate Peah for the entire field. Isn't consecrating like burning (since one may not gain benefit from it)? This shows that if the first stalk burned, there is no need to cut another one.

ëéìä àú ùãäå àú àîø çæøä ôéàä ìòåîøéï


If a person cut the whole field without leaving Peah, he must separate it from the detached stalks.

îäå ùúçæåø ôéàä ì÷öéø' ùéáåìú äøàùåðä


Question: Since the obligation comes on the detached stalks, is the first stalk also obligated?

àîø øáé [ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ôéàú òåîøéí îôéàú ÷îä îä ôéàú ÷îä ìà çæøä ôéàä ì÷öéøú ùéáåìú åäøàùåðä àó ôéàú òåîøéí ìà úçæåø ôéàä ì÷öéøú ùéáåìú äøàùåðä


Answer (R. Yosi): Learn about the Peah of the detached stalks from the the Peah when it was still standing - just as when standing, the obligation of Peah does not go onto the first stalk, the same applies to the detached stalks.