
TOSFOS DH ha'Lan veha'Yotzei

úåñôåú ã"ä äìï åäéåöà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why many cases were omitted.)

àò''â ãúðé àìå úðà åùééø äðê ãçùéá ááøééúà áâî'


Implied question: Even though it taught "these", the Tana omitted the matters taught in the Beraisa in the Gemara!

åùîà îùåí ãîäðé ãäëà ùîòéðï ãë''ù äðäå


Answer: Perhaps it is because from these [in the Mishnah] we know all the more so those.

åááøééúà ðîé áâî' ãäðê ãéøãå ìà çùéá æ÷ï åçåìä åîæåäí åðãîä åèåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ


Implied question: Also in the Beraisa in the Gemara of those that descend, it does not list an old, sick or disgusting animal, one that resembles [another species], Tumtum or Androginus!

åùîà äåé áëìì äðäå ãçùéá


Answer: Perhaps these are included in those taught.


TOSFOS DH v'Chutz li'Mkomo

úåñôåú ã"ä åçåõ ìî÷åîå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with Rava's teaching in Menachos.)

úéîä ãáô' äúåãä (îðçåú ãó òè.) àîøéðï çèàú ùùçèä çåõ ìî÷åîå øáà àîø úøã ëå'


Question: In Menachos (79a), we say that if a Chatas was slaughtered Chutz li'Mkomo, Rava says that Yered...!

åø''ú âåøñ úåãä ãàééøé áä äúí åîéäå áæä ìà äåòéì ëìåí


Remark: R. Tam's text says Todah, which it was discussing there. However, this does not help at all [to answer the question].

åé''ì ãäåòéì ãùàðé úåãä ãäåé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí åìéëà îòéìä áàéîåøéï î÷îé æøé÷ä


Answer: It does help! Todah is different, for it is Kodshim Kalim, and there is no Me'ilah in the Eimurim before Zerikah;

åëé ùçéè çåõ ìî÷åîå ìà îééúé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) äæøé÷ä ìîòéìä ìëê úøã ãäà çñéøä æøé÷ä äçùåáä áä


When he slaughters it Chutz li'Mkomo, the Zerikah does not bring to Me'ilah. Therefore, Yered, for it is lacking an important Zerikah.

àáì çåõ ìæîðå ìà éøã îùåí ãîøöä ìôéâåìå ì÷åáòå áëøú ëãàé' áîñëú îòéìä (ãó á.) âáé îòéìä åä''ä áàí òìå ìà éøãå ëé äàé âååðà


However, Chutz li'Zmano Lo Yered, because [Zerikah] causes it to be accepted to make it Pigul, to obligate Kares (for one who will eat it), like it says in Me'ilah (2a) regarding [uprooting] Me'ilah, and likewise Im Alah Lo Yered in such a case.

àáì äëà áùîòúéï îééøé á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ãàéëà îòéìä ÷åãí æøé÷ä ìäëé ëé àéôñìà áçåõ ìî÷åîå ìà úøã ãáæøé÷ä äçñéøä àéï ÷ôéãà ãìà îäðé îéãé


However, in our Sugya we discuss Kodshei Kodoshim, which have Me'ilah before Zerikah. Therefore, when they are disqualified through Chutz li'Mkomo, Lo Yered, for there is no adamancy about the lack of Zerikah, since it does not affect anything.

åëé äàé âååðà îôìéâ áñîåê (ãó ôä.) âáé àéîåøéï ùäòìï ìôðé æøé÷ä áéï ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí áéï ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí


Support: We distinguish like this below (85a) regarding Eimurim brought up before Zerikah, both for Kodshim Kalim and Kodshei Kodoshim.

å÷ùä ìé ôñç ùìà ìùîå àîàé ìà éøã îàé ùðà îùìà áî÷åîå áúåãä ãàéãé åàéãé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí åîçùáä ôåñìí (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ÷åãí æøé÷ä


Question: Pesach Lo Lishmah, why is the law Lo Yered? Why is it different than Chutz li'Mkomo of Todah? Both of them are Kodshim Kalim, and intent disqualifies them before Zerikah!

åé''ì ôñåì ãùìà áî÷åîå çîéø èôé îôñåì ãùìà ìùîå åäåé ëîå ùçèï áãøåí á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ãéøãå ìø' éäåãä ô''÷ ãîòéìä (ãó á:) ãäééðå ðîé çåõ ìî÷åîå


Answer #1: The Pesul of Chutz li'Mkomo is more stringent than the Pesul Lo Lishmah. It is like Kodshei Kodoshim slaughtered in the south, which is Yered according to R. Yehudah in Me'ilah (2b), for also it is Chutz li'Mkomo.

åáôø÷ äúåãä (îðçåú ãó òè.) ðîé îåëç ãçåõ ìî÷åîå ðîé ãéøã äééðå ãå÷à ìø' éäåãä àáì ìø''ù ìà éøãå


Support: Also in Menachos (79a) it is proven that Chutz li'Mkomo that is Yered, this is only according to R. Yehudah, but R. Shimon holds that Lo Yered.

àé ðîé ùìà ìùîå ÷éì ìôé ùëùø áëì äæáçéí ìáã çèàú åôñç


Answer #2: Lo Lishmah is more lenient, because it is Kosher [b'Di'eved] for all Zevachim except for Chatas and Pesach.

åöøéê òéåï àé îöé ìîéîø ãâáé úåãä îééøé ãçùéá ìàëåì äáùø çåõ ìéøåùìéí ãàéï (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) äî÷åí øàåé ìùåí æáç ìëê úøã


Answer #3: This requires investigation, if we can say that regarding Todah he discusses when he intended to eat the meat outside Yerushalayim, for the place is not proper for any Korban. Therefore, Yered...

àáì ëàï îééøé ãçéùá (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìàëåì áùø çèàú åàùí çåõ ì÷ìòéí àå ìä÷èéø àéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí çåõ ì÷ìòéí ìà éøã ëéåï ãæä äî÷åí øàåé ì÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ìàëéìú ùìîéí


However, here we discuss that he intended to eat meat of Chatas or Asham outside the Kela'im, or to burn Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim outside the Kela'im. Lo Yered, since the place is proper for Kodshim Kalim, e.g. to eat Shelamim.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah veshe'Kiblu Pesulin v'Zarku Daman

úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä åù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å ãîï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there are two opinions about how to understand this.)

áâî' (ì÷îï ãó ôæ:) ôìéâé ø' éåçðï åø''ì àé îééøé ã÷áìå åæø÷å ãúøåééäå ðòùå áôñåìéï åëîå ëï îã÷ã÷ áøéù îòéìä (ãó ä.)


Citation: In the Gemara (below, 87b) R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about whether we discuss when the Pesulim both received and did Zerikah. The Gemara in Me'ilah (5a) is likewise meticulous about this.


TOSFOS DH Kol she'Pesulo b'Kodesh

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a Pesul after Shechitah or Kedushas Kli.)

ùàéøò ìàçø ùçéèä åðú÷ãù (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) áëìé ëãôøéùé' ìòéì áô' çèàú äòåó (ã' ñç: ã''ä àîø)


Explanation: [The Pesul] occurred after Shechitah or [after] it became Kodesh in a Kli, like I explained above (68b DH Amar).


TOSFOS DH Zos Hi ha'Olah

úåñôåú ã"ä æàú äéà äòåìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what we exclude from these exclusions.)

æàú úåøú äòåìä äéà äòåìä æàú åäéà åä''à ãäòåìä ùðé äééðå â' îéòåèéï


Explanation: [It says] "Zos Toras ha'Olah Hi ha'Olah" - Zos, Hi and the [initial] Hei in "ha'Olah" are three exclusions;

àáì äòåìä ÷îà àúà ìòåìä øàùåðä ëã÷àîø øáà áô' úîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ãó ðç:)


However, the first ha'Olah comes to teach the first Olah (the first Korban every day must be the morning Tamid), like Rava says in Pesachim (58b);

åúåøú äåé øáåé ìøáåú àéãê (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ôñåìéï ãàí òìå ìà éøãå ëø"ù (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ãìà îîòè àìà äðê â'


"Toras" is an inclusion to include the other Pesulim, that Im Alah Lo Yered, like R. Shimon. He excludes only these three.

åàí úàîø äà ø' éäåãä ñáø ìòéì áô''÷ (ãó éã.) øöôä î÷ãùä ëîæáç (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) à''ë ëåìï òìå åäéëé îùëçú ìä ôñåì áëì äðäå (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


Question: R. Yehudah holds above (14a) that the floor is Mekadesh like the Mizbe'ach. If so, all of [these Pesulim] ascended. According to him, how do we find all of these Pesulim?

åé''ì ëâåï ùéù äôñ÷ áéï äáäîä ìøöôú äòæøä


Answer: The case is, there was an interruption between the animal and the floor of the Azarah. (Therefore, it is not as if it ascended.)


TOSFOS DH Prat l'Nishchetah ba'Laylah

úåñôåú ã"ä ôøè ìðùçèä áìéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses R. Yehudah's source for other Pesulim.)

øåáò åðøáò ìà öøéëé îéòåèà ìøáé éäåãä åëì äðé ãîøáä ø''ù îøáä ðîé øáé éäåãä ëãì÷îï (ãó ôã:) åîñúáø ìøáåú äðé èôé îùåí ãîùëç ìäå äéëùøà


Explanation: Rove'a and Nirva do not need an exclusion according to R. Yehudah. All those that R. Shimon includes, also R. Yehudah includes them, like it says below (84b). It is reasonable to include these, for we find that they are permitted [in some case].

åàí úàîø ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí ã÷àîø áøéù îòéìä (ãó á:) úøã ìø''é äà ìéú áéä îéòåè øáéòé


Question: If Kodshei Kodoshim were slaughtered in the south, it says in Me'ilah (2b) that Yered according to R. Yehudah. He does not have a fourth exclusion!

åé''ì îùåí ããøùéðï ìòéì áôø÷ ëì äôñåìéï (ãó ìå.) ëì ãáø øò øéáä çèàú ùùçèä áãøåí (ãàí òìå ìà éøãå) åùðëðñ ãîä ìôðéí


Answer #1: It is because we expound above (36a) "Kol Davar Ra" - this includes a Chatas slaughtered in the south, or its blood was brought inside (he intended to do so);

åàó òì âá ã÷øà ììàå ùîòéðï ðîé ãàí òìúä úøã


Even though the verse comes to teach a Lav, we learn also that Im Alah Yered.

à''ð ùçè áãøåí ëòéï ùçéèú çåõ äéà


Answer #2: Shechitah [of Kodshei Kodoshim] in the south is like Shechitah outside.


TOSFOS DH ha'Nisnim l'Ma'alah she'Nasnan l'Matah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä äðéúðéï ìîòìä ùðúðï ìîèä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yehudah agrees about these.)

áëì äðé îåãä øáé éäåãä åäëé àîøéðï ìòéì áôø÷ á' (ãó ëæ:) ÷úðé îéäà äðéúðéï ìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä åìà ôìéâ øáé éäåãä


Explanation: Regarding all of these, R. Yehudah agrees. So we said above (27b) - "in any case we taught Nisnim below that was put above, and R. Yehudah does not argue."

åáô' ëì äôñåìéï (ìòéì ãó ìå.) ðîé àîøéðï ãìà ôñì øáé éäåãä áîçùáä ãìîèä ìîòìä åìîòìä ìîèä ëé äéëé ãôñéì áîçùáú äéðåç


And also above (36a), we said that R. Yehudah does not disqualify due to intent for Nisnim below to put it above, or to put Nisnim above below, like he disqualifies due to intent to leave over;

îùåí ãøáé éäåãä ìèòîéä ãàîø ùìà áî÷åîå ëáî÷åîå ãîé


This is because R. Yehudah holds like he taught elsewhere, that not in its place is like in its place.

åúéîä ãáøéù îòéìä (ãó á:) îùîò ãôìéâ øáé éäåãä âáé ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí ãøáä àîø àí òìå éøãå åøá (îëàï îòîåã á) éåñó ìà éøãå


Question: In Me'ilah (2b) it connotes that R. Yehudah argues about Kodshei Kodoshim slaughtered in the south. Rabah said that Im Alah Yered, and Rav Yosef said Lo Yered;


å÷àîø àìéáà ãøáé éäåãä ë''ò ìà ôìéâé ãéøãå ëé ôìéâé àìéáà ãø''ù øá éåñó ëø''ù


And it says that according to R. Yehudah, all agree that Yered. They argue according to R. Shimon. Rav Yosef holds like R. Shimon;

åøáä àîø ìê ò''ë ìà ÷àîø ø''ù àìà áðéúðéï ìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä ëå' åìòåìí áðùçèéï áöôåï å÷áì ãîï áöôåï


And Rabah can tell you, R. Shimon said [Lo Yered] only for Nisnim below and it was put above... but they were slaughtered in the north and Kabalah was in the north...

åîãð÷è ìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä îùîò ãôìéâé áä ãä''ì ìîð÷è ðùçèä áìéìä åðùôê ãîä åéöà ãîä


Since he mentioned below and it was put above, this connotes that they argue about this. It should have said what was slaughtered at night, the blood spilled or the blood was Yotzei!

åé''ì ãäëé ôé' øá éåñó ëø''ù ãîùîò ìéä ðéúðéï ìîòìä ùðúðï ìîèä àôéìå òåìú äòåó ùîì÷ä åîéöä ãîä ìîèä ãäåé ëòéï ùéðåé î÷åí ãùçéèú ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí å÷áìú ãîï îöôåï ìãøåí


Answer: It means as follows. Rav Yosef holds like R. Shimon. It connotes to him that Nisnim above and it was put below, even Olas ha'Of, that Melikah and Mitzuy of the blood were below, which is like changing the place of Shechitas Kodshei Kodoshim and Kabalah of their blood from the north to the south;

åøáä àîø ò''ë ìà ÷àîø ø''ù àìà áæáçéí äðéúðéï ìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä åìòåìí áùçèä áöôåï


And Rabah says that you are forced to say that R. Shimon said only about Zevachim Nisnim below and it was put above, and really he slaughtered in the north;

àáì áòåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä åá÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí îåãä ø''ù ìøáé éäåãä ùéøãå


However, Olas ha'Of that was done below, and Kodshei Kodoshim slaughtered in the south, R. Shimon agrees to R. Yehudah that Yered.

åäà ã÷àîø ìòéì áôø÷ ùðé (ãó ëæ:) ÷úðé îéäà äðéúðéï ìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä åìà ôìéâ øáé éäåãä


Implied question: Why does it say above (27b) "in any case we taught Nisnim below and it was put above, and R. Yehudah does not argue"?

àò''â ãìøá éåñó éù áîùîò ðéúðéï ìîòìä ùðúðï ìîèä àôéìå òåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä ãôìéâ ø' éäåãä


According to Rav Yosef, Nisnim above that was put below connotes even Olas ha'Of done below, which R. Yehudah argues about!

ëéåï ãîåãä áãîé æáçéí ùééê ùôéø ìåîø ãìà ôìéâ ø' éäåãä àìà éøãå ãðéúðéï ìîòìä ùðúðï ìîèä


Answer: Since [R. Yehudah] agrees about blood of Zevachim, it is proper to say that R. Yehudah does not argue [with R. Shimon's opinion that] Lo Yered for Nisnim below and it was put above.

ëîå á÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å àú ãîï ã÷àîø áñîåê ãìà ôìéâ øáé éäåãä


Support: This is like Pesulim who did Kabalah or Zerikah. It says below that R. Yehudah does not argue about this [even though he does not totally agree]...

àò''â ãìà îåãä ìø''ù àìà áäðê ãçæå ìòáåãú öéáåø åø''ù àôéìå áäðê ãìà çæå ìòáåãú öéáåø ÷àîø ãìà éøãå


Even though he agrees to R. Shimon only about these [Pesulim] that are proper for Avodas Tzibur, and R. Shimon said even about [Pesulim] that are not proper for Avodas Tzibur, that Lo Yered!

ãìà âøò îùðùôê äãí åðàáã ìâîøé ãìà éøãå ìø''ù


Source: [Even those Pesulim are] no worse than when the blood spilled or was totally lost. R. Shimon says that Lo Yered.

åîéäå öøéê òéåï ëé ùîà áùðùôê äãí åðàáã ÷åãí ÷áìä ìà éàîø ø''ù ìà éøãå áùáéì ùçéèä ìáãä àìà áùðùôê îï äëìé åðàáã àçø ÷áìä


Question: This requires investigation. Perhaps when the blood spilled or it was lost before Kabalah, due to Shechitah alone R. Shimon would not say Lo Yered. He would say so only when it spilled from the Kli and was lost after Kabalah!

åôñåìéï ãìà çæå ìòáåãú öéáåø ãìà àùëçï ìäå äëùø áùåí î÷åí àí ÷áìå ðîé àú äãí ìà éàîø ø''ù àí òìå ìà éøãå


And Pesulim that are not proper for Avodas Tzibur, that we do not find for them a Hechsher anywhere, if they also received the blood, R. Shimon would not say Im Alah Lo Yered;

ãîùåí ùçéèä ìáãä ùðòùä áäëùø (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìà éçùáðå ôñåìå á÷ãù ëãîùîò áøéù îòéìä (ãó á: åâ.) ùàôéìå ùçè áöôåï å÷áì áãøåí ìà äéä çåùáå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) øáä ôñåìå á÷ãù


Due to Shechitah alone that was Kosher, he would not consider it Pesulo b'Kodesh, like it connotes in Me'ilah (2b, 3a). Even if he slaughtered in the north and received in the south, Rabah would not consider it Pesulo b'Kodesh;

ã÷îåúéá ìéä øá éåñó îîúðé' ãçèàú äòåó (ìòéì ãó ñå:) åëåìï àéï îèîàéï áâãéí àáéú äáìéòä áòåìú äòåó ùòùä ìîèä


Rav Yosef challenged [Rabah] from our Mishnah (above, 66b) "all of them are not Metam'ah Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah" regarding Olas ha'Of done below;

åìòéì îå÷îéðï ìä áâî' áîéöåé åìà áîìé÷ä åîééúé îéðä øàéä ìãøåí âáé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ãçùéá ôñåìå á÷ãù


Above we established it in the Gemara (there) to discuss Mitzuy (below), and not Melikah, and we bring a proof to [Shechitah] in the south for Kodshei Kodoshim, that it is considered Pesulo b'Kodesh;

à''ë àò''ô ùðòùéú äîìé÷ä áäëùø ùäéä áî÷åí ùçéèä ìà äéä çåùáå ôñåìå á÷ãù ìøáä òã ãàåúáéä øá éåñó


Consequence: Even though the Melikah was Kosher, and it is in lieu of Shechitah, Rabah did not consider it Pesulo b'Kodesh, until Rav Yosef challenged him.

àìîà áùçéèä ìáãä áäëùø ìà çùéá ìøáä ôñåìå á÷ãù


Inference: Rabah does not consider Kosher Shechitah alone to be Pesulo b'Kodesh!

åîéäå éù ìãîåú ôñåì îéöåé ìôñåì ùçéèä éåúø î÷áìä ëéåï ùáîéöåé äåà îîöä åîåöéà äãí îï äâåó ëîå ùòåùä áùçéèä


Answer: We can compare a Pesul of Mitzuy to a Pesul of Shechitah more than [to a Pesul of] Kabalah, since in Mitzuy he squeezes and extracts the blood from the body, like Shechitah does.


TOSFOS DH u'Motzi Ani Es Elu she'Lo Hayah Pesulan b'Kodesh

úåñôåú ã"ä åîåöéà àðé àú àìå ùìà äéä ôñåìï á÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how Kedushah takes effect on Pesulim.)

áøéù ôø÷ éåöà ãåôï (ðãä ãó îà.) îùîò ãìà àéöèøéê äàé ÷øà ìðôñìå ëùäï çåìéï àìà ìðôñìå ìàçø ùäå÷ãùå


Citation: In Nidah (41a) it connotes that we do not need this verse for when they became Pasul when they were Chulin, rather, for when they became Pasul after they were Hukdash.

åäùúà øåáò åðøáò ãéàñøå ðéçà àáì îå÷öä åðòáã ÷ùä ãàéï àãí àåñø ãáø ùàéðå ùìå


Question: Granted, Rove'a and Nirva became forbidden. However, Muktzah and Ne'evad are difficult, for one cannot forbid what is not his [since they depend on intent]!

åé''ì ãàééøé á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí åàìéáà ãø' éåñé äâìéìé ãàîø îîåï áòìéí äåà åëï îôøù áôø÷ áúøà (ì÷îï ãó ÷éã.)


Answer: We discuss Kodshim Kalim, according to R. Yosi ha'Gelili who says that they are the owner's property. It says explicitly like this below (114a).

åà''ú àúðï åîçéø àé ìàçø ùäå÷ãùå ðúï ìæåðä åá÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ëøáé éåñé äâìéìé äà ìà äåé àúðï ëããøùéðï áùìäé ëì äàñåøéï (úîåøä ãó ì:) ìëì ðãø ôøè ìðãåø


Question: Esnan and Mechir - if he gave it to the Zonah [or traded it for a dog], regarding Kodshim Kalim like R. Yosi ha'Gelili, it is not an Esnan, like we expounded in Temurah (30b) "l'Chol Neder" excludes what was already vowed!

åé''ì ááäîú ÷ãùéí îòåáøú åðúï ìä äòåáø å÷ñáø ååìãåú ÷ãùéí áäåééúï äï ÷ãåùéí ìàçø ùéöàå ìàåéø äòåìí


Answer: An animal of Kodshim was pregnant and he gave to her the fetus. He holds that offspring of Kodshim become Kodesh when they are born, after they enter the air of the world;

åî''î äåé ëìàçø ùäå÷ãù ëéåï ã÷ãéù àâá àéîéä


In any case, it is like after it was Hukdash, since it became Kodesh through its mother.

åëï áô' áúøà (ì÷îï ãó ÷éã.) ÷øé ìéä øàåé ìôúç àäì îåòã àò''â ãäåé çåìéï òã ùòú éöéàúå


Support: Below (114a) this is called proper for Pesach Ohel Mo'ed, even though it is Chulin until it leaves [the womb].

åëìàéí åéåöà ãåôï áåìãåú ÷ãùéí


We find that Kil'ayim and Yotzei Dofen [received Kedushah], in a case of offspring of Kodshim.

åäúí áô' éåöà ãåôï (ðãä ãó îà.) ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãì''â áäååééúï äï ÷ãåùéí åìôé îä ùôéøùúé ðéçà


Alternative text: Rashi in Nidah (41a) explained that the text does not say that they become Kodesh when they are born. According to what I explained, it is fine.


Note: Shitah Mekubetzes' text explains that all the more so, according to the opinion that they are Kodesh in the womb, we need to exclude from "Zos"! We can say that it means as follows. Even according to the opinion that they become Kodesh when they are born, it is fine that we need a verse to exclude, since the Pesul did not come first, rather, together. However, the text cannot say "he holds that they are Kodesh in the womb", for we need to exclude from "Zos"!

åò''ë äà ùîòéðï ìø''ù áñåó ãí ùçéèä (ëøéúåú ãó ëâ:) ã÷ñáø áäååééúï äï ÷ãåùéí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) åâí îùåí äê ãàúðï åîçéø ãùîòúéï ãìà îùëçú ìä àìà áåìãåú ÷ãùéí åáäååééúï äï ÷ãåùéí


Assertion: You are forced to say that we know that R. Shimon holds (Kerisus 23b) that they become Kodesh when they are born, and also due to Esnan and Mechir in our Sugya. We find them only through Vlados Kodshim, and [like the opinion that] they become Kodesh when they are born.

àáì ÷ùä ëìàéí åéåöà ãåôï äéëé îùëçú ìä ã÷ãåùéí äååìãåú ãëéåï ãìà çæå ìä÷øáä


Question: How do we find Kil'ayim and Yotzei Dofen, that the Vlados are Kedoshim, since they are not proper to be offered?

åâí ÷ñáø áäååééúï ÷ãåùéí ìà çì òì ååìãåú ÷ãåùä ëìì ëãúðï ôø÷ ëéöã îòøéîéï (úîåøä ãó ëã:)


Even if he holds that they become Kodesh when they are born, Kedushah does not take effect on the Vlados at all, like the Mishnah in Temurah (24b);

øùá''â àåîø éìãä èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ àéï ÷ãåùä [çìä] òìéäï å÷àîø ã÷ñáø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áäåééúï [äï] ÷ãåùéí åìà çìä àôéìå ÷ãåùú ãîéí


R. Shimon ben Gamliel says that if it gave birth to a Tumtum or Androginus, Kedushah does not take effect on it at all, and it says that he holds that they become Kodesh when they are born, and even Kedushas Damim does not take effect on them!

åé''ì ãî÷ãéùï ááèï ÷ãåùú äôä ãàó òì âá ãàéï ÷ãåùú àîï çìä òìéäï ÷ãåùú ôä çìä òìéäï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, åç÷ ðúï)


Answer: He is verbally Makdish them while they are in the womb. Even though the mother's Kedushah does not take effect on it, verbal Kedushah takes effect on it.

å÷ùä òì ø''ù ãñáø áäåééúï îîúðé' ãñåó úîåøä (ãó ìâ:) àìå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) äð÷áøéï ÷ãùéí ùäôéìå


Question #1: R. Shimon holds that they become Kodesh when they are born. The Mishnah in Temurah (33b) says "these are buried - Kodshim that miscarried"! (He should say that they never received Kedushah. Why must they be buried?)

åáìàå äëé ÷ùä îáùø áçìá ãúðé áäãééäå ãîùîò ãìà ôìéâ òìééäå ø''ù àìà òì çåìéï ùðùçèå áòæøä


Question #2: Even without this, it is difficult from meat and milk which was taught with [those Isurei Hana'ah that must be buried]. It connotes that R. Shimon argues only about Chulin slaughtered in the Azarah;

åäìà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ÷ãùéí ùäôéìå àéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéäï ëéåï ãñáø áäåééúï ÷ãåùéí ëîå èåîèåí åàãøåâéðåñ


Kodshim that miscarried, Kedushah does not take effect on them, since he holds that they become Kodesh when they are born, just like Tumtum and Androginus!

åâí áùø áçìá àîø ø''ù ãîåúø áäðàä áô''÷ ãáëåøåú (ãó é.) à''ë àîàé äåå á÷áåøä


Also meat and milk, R. Shimon holds that one may benefit from it, in Bechoros (10a). If so, why must it be buried?

åö''ì ãôìéâ òìééäå ø''ù åìà ìéäåå á÷áåøä


Answer #1: R. Shimon argues with them. He holds that they are not buried.

à''ð á÷ãùéí ùäôéìå îåãä ãá÷áåøä ã÷ãåùä çìä òéìåéä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îùåí ãàé äåå áø ÷ééîà äåå çæå ìä÷øáä ìäëé ìà ãîå ìèåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ


Answer #2: He agrees that Kodshim that miscarried are buried. Kedushah takes effect on them, for if they were viable, they would be proper for Hakravah. Therefore they are unlike Tumtum and Androginus.

åäëé öøéê ìôøù ùéìäé áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï ãó òæ.) âáé äôéìä ùìéà áîå÷ãùéí ú÷áø åîôøù èòîà îùåí ãøåáà áø ä÷ãù äåà


Support: We must explain so in Chulin (77a) regarding an animal that miscarried a fetus. If [the mother] was Kodesh, [the fetus] is buried. It explains that this is because most [offspring] can become Kodesh.

å÷ùéà ìø''ú àé ñáø ååìãåú ÷ãùéí îîòé àîï ÷ãåùéï àôéìå ëåìï ÷ãåùéï


Question (R. Tam): If he holds that [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh in their mother's womb, even all of them should be Kodesh;

åàé ñáø áäåééúï ÷ãåùéï àéï çìä ÷ãåùä òì ùåí ãáø ãìà çæé ìä÷øáä ëãàîø øùá''â âáé èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ


And if he holds that they are Kodesh when they are born, Kedushah should not take effect on anything not proper for Hakravah, like R. Shimon ben Gamliel said about Tumtum and Androginus!

àìà é''ì ãðôìéí òãéôé ëéåï ãàé äåå áø ÷ééîà äåå çæå ìä÷øáä åçì òìééäå ÷ãåùä


Answer: We can say that a Nefel is different, since if it were viable, it would be proper for Hakravah, and Kedushah takes effect on it.

åäééðå [ãàîø] äúí øåáà áø î÷ãù ìàôå÷é èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ


Support: This is why it says there "most can become Kodesh", to exclude Tumtum and Androginus.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah Yotzei she'Harei Yotzei Kosher b'Bamah

úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä éåöà ùäøé éåöà ëùø ááîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we learn from a Bamah, and improper from proper.)

éåöà ãàáøé òåìä åàéîåøéï ÷àîø àáì éåöà ããí ôñéì ø' éäåãä


Explanation: He discusses Yotzei of limbs of Olah. However, R. Yehudah disqualified Yotzei of blood.

åà''ú îäàé èòîà ðîé ìéúëùø éåöà ããí


Question: For this reason (Yotzei of limbs of Olah is Kosher), also Yotzei of blood should be Kosher!

åé''ì ãäëùø ãí çîåø åìà éìôéðï îáîä àí ìà ðîöà ìå äëùø áôðéí


Answer #1: Hechsher of blood is stringent. We do not learn from a Bamah, unless we find a Hechsher inside.

åòåã é''ì ãááîä äåé áäëùøå


Answer #2: [We do not learn from a Bamah, for] on a Bamah it is Kosher [l'Chatchilah].

åàò''â ãáàéîåøéï éìôéðï ùìà áäëùøå îáäëùøå ò''é øéáåé úåøú


Implied question: Regarding Eimurim, we learn improper [Linah] from what is proper (Linah of meat), due to the inclusion "Toras"!

îéäå áãí äîúéø ìà éìôéðï ëãôéøùðå ìòéì áô' àéæäå î÷åîï (ãó ðà. ã''ä îôðé)


Answer: Regarding blood, which is a Matir, we do not learn [improper from proper], like I explained above (51a DH Mipnei);

ããéé÷ ãáø äìîã ááðéï àá çåæø åîìîã ááðéï àá îãéìôéðï ìï ãîä îìï ãàéîåøéï åìï ãàéîåøéï îìï ãáùø


[The Gemara] infers that a Binyan Av returns to teach through a Binyan Av, since we learn Linah of blood from Linah of Eimurim, and Linah of Eimurim from Linah of meat;

åàîàé ðéìó ãí ùðôñì áù÷éòú äçîä ãàí òìå ìà éøãå (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìîàéîåøéï ãëùøéï ãìà îéôñìé àìà áòîåã äùçø


Question: What is the reason [to learn in two steps]? We should learn [directly] that blood, which is disqualified at Shki'ah, Im Alah Lo Yered, from Eimurim, which are disqualified only at dawn!

åë''ú îùåí ãìï áãí àçø òîåã äùçø ìà îöé âîø îàéîåøéï


Suggestion: It is because we cannot learn Linah of blood after dawn from Eimurim.

îä áëê äà ìà îöéðå ôñåì òîåã äùçø áãí ëìì


Rejection #1: This is not a problem! We do not find a Pesul of blood at dawn at all!

åòåã ëéåï ùìîãðå ãàçø ùðôñì ìà éøã àéï çéìå÷ áéï ù÷éòú äçîä ìòîåã äùçø


Rejection #2: Since we learned that after it is disqualified, Lo Yered, there is no distinction between Shki'ah and dawn.

ãàé ìà úéîà äëé ìï áãí ùúé ìéìåú (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îðéï äà àéï ëéåöà áå ëùø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ááùø


Proof: If you will not say so, what is the source for two nights for blood? We do not find like this Kosher regarding meat!

àìà åãàé ìà âîøéðï ôñåì (äâäú äá"ç) ãí îäëùøå åìäëé çùéá ìéä áðéï àá îáðéï àá ãìà îöé ìîéìó àìà îìï ãòîåã äùçø ãàéîåøéï


Answer: Rather, surely we do not learn Pasul blood from what is Kosher. Therefore it is considered a Binyan Av from a Binyan Av, for we can learn only from Linah of dawn of Eimurim.

åìäëé ðîé ìà ëééì ìäå ãìéîà (äâäú äá"ç) ìï áãí åáàéîåøéï ëùø ùäøé ìï ëùø ááùø


Support: Also, this is why we do not teach them together, to say Linah of meat and Eimurim is Kosher, because Linah of meat is Kosher.

åìëê ðîé àöèøéê ìîéîø çåõ ìî÷åîå äåàéì åàéú÷ù ìçåõ ìæîðå ãìà îöé ìîéîø äåàéì åëùø ááîä


Support #1 (for Answer #2): Also, this is why we need to say "Chutz li'Mkomo, since it is equated to Chutz li'Zmano", and we cannot say "because it is Kosher on a Bamah."

åëï ÷áìå ôñåìéï ìà îëùø àìà áäðê ãçæå ìòáåãú öéáåø àáì æø ìà àó òì âá ãëùø ááîä


Support #2 (for Answer #2): Also when Pesulim did Kabalah, we are Machshir only for those who are proper for Avodas Tzibur, but not a Zar, even though he is Kosher on a Bamah.

åîéäå àùëçï ãéìôéðï ôñåì îäëùøå áëê (äâäú äá"ç) áãí îãí ëâåï ðéúðéï ìîòìä åìîèä ìôé ùëì àçã ëùø áçáéøå åâí ìà äåöøê ëàï ìôøù äèòí ìôé ùäåà ôùåè


Distinction: However, we find that we learn Pasul from Kosher l'Chatchilah regarding blood from blood, e.g. Nisnim above and below, because each is Kosher for the other. Also, here we did not need to explain the reason (why this is Lo Yered), because it is obvious.

åëï ùìà ìùîå ãôñç åçèàú ìôé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùëùø áùàø ÷øáðåú


And similarly Lo Lishmah of Pesach and Chatas (we did not need to explain why Lo Yered), because it is Kosher for other Korbanos.

åîéäå ÷ùä ãìòéì áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ñç:) âáé æø åñëéï îèîàéï ááéú äáìéòä ôøéê ãðéìó æø îáîä ãúðéà îðéï ìéåöà ëå'


Question #1: Above (68b) regarding [Melikah through] a knife or Zar is Metam'ah b'Beis ha'Bli'ah, [the Gemara] asks that we should learn a Zar from a Bamah, for a Beraisa teaches "what is the source for Yotzei [Im Alah Lo Yered]...?"

åîàé ÷åùéà äà äàé úðà âåôéä ìà éìéó ëãôé' ãîå÷é áçæå ìòáåãú öáåø åìà âîøé ðîé ãí îáîä


What was the question? This Tana himself does not learn [a Zar from a Bamah], like I explained, that he establishes [the Pesulim] to be those proper for Avodas Tzibur, and also he does not learn from blood from a Bamah!

åòåã äà ãîëùø äúí îìé÷ú ùîàì îùåí ãàùëçï ìéä äëùéøà áéåä''ë äà ìà éìôéðï îáäëùøå


Question #2: We are Machshir there Melikah with the left hand because we find that [Smol] is Kosher on Yom Kipur. We do not learn [Pasul] from Kosher!

åëï ìéìä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îàáøéí åôãøéí äà øáé éäåãä ôñéì ìéä äëà


Question #3: Similarly, night from limbs and Chelev. R. Yehudah disqualifies it here!

åé''ì ãìòéì ôéøùúé ãääéà ñåâéà ëø''ù åëåìä îúðé' ãäúí ãîôìâà ìòðéï èåîàú áéú äáìéòä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áéï ôñåìå á÷ãù ëø''ù ãäëà


Answer #1: Above (68a DH Malak bi'Smol, 68b DH Amar) I explained that that Sugya is like R. Shimon, and the entire Mishnah there that distinguishes regarding Tum'as Beis ha'Bli'ah between Pesulo b'Kodesh [and Ein Pesulo b'Kodesh] is like R. Shimon here;

ãáøéù îòéìä îãîé èåîàú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áéú äáìéòä åàí òìä ìà éøã ìäããé


In Me'ilah (3a) it compares Tum'as Beis ha'Bli'ah and Im Alah Lo Yered to each other.

åä''÷ ðéìó îáîä ìø''ù ëé äéëé ãâîø ááøééúà ôñåì ãàéîåøéí îáîä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìøáé éäåãä


Explanation: [The Gemara there] says as follows. We should learn from a Bamah according to R. Shimon, just like the Beraisa learns a Pesul of Eimurim from a Bamah according to R. Yehudah.

åîéäå ìà ìâîøé àúéà ëø''ù îãôñìä îìé÷ú ùîàì åø''ù îëùø ìä ìôé âéøñú ø''ú ãìòéì áôø÷ ùðé (ãó ëã:) ãâøéñ åäà úðï îì÷ áùîàì ëå'


Disclaimer: However, [the Sugya above] is not totally like R. Shimon, since it disqualifies Melikas Smol, and R. Shimon is Machshir it, according to R. Tam's text above (24b). His text says "but the Mishnah taught, if he did Melikah bi'Smol...!"

à''ð é''ì ãìøáé éäåãä ìà éòîéã äîéòåèéï áòåó


Answer #2: [I explained above (68a DH Malak) that] alternatively [that Sugya is R. Yehudah;] R. Yehudah would not establish the exclusions to discuss a bird;

îéäå ìòéì (ãó ôâ:) ôñìéðï áòåó èôé îáäîä âáé ôìåâúà ãøáé éåñé äâìéìé åø''ò ãîä ëáùéí øàåéí ëå'


However, above (83b) we disqualify a bird more than an animal regarding the argument of R. Yosi ha'Gelili and R. Akiva. Just like lambs are proper [for the Mizbe'ach...]

åîéäå ÷ùä ìøáé éäåãä éöà ãîä ìéúëùø ãðéìó îéåöà ãàéîåøéí åàéîåøéí îáîä ëîå ìï ããí îàéîåøéí åìï ãàéîåøéí îáùø


Question: According to R. Yehudah, Yotzei of blood should be Kosher, for we should learn from Yotzei of Eimurim, and Eimurim from a Bamah, just like [he learns] Linah of blood from Eimurim, and Linah of Eimurim from meat!

à''ð éöà ãàéîåøéí îáùø ùìîéí ãëùøéí çåõ ì÷ìòéí åîîéìà ùîòú çåõ ìéøåùìéí ãàéï çéìå÷ áéï çã ôñåìà ìúøé ôñåìé ëãôéøùðå


Alternatively, he should learn Yotzei of Eimurim from meat of Shelamim, which is Kosher outside the Kela'im, and automatically you learn outside of Yerushalayim, for there is no difference between one Pesul and two, like we explained.

åäà ãð÷è äëà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îáîä


Implied question: Why does [the Gemara] mention here from a Bamah?

ðéçà ìàùëåçé äëùéøà áéåöà ãàéîåøéï âåôééäå


Answer: It prefers to find a Hechsher of Yotzei for Eimurim themselves;

àáì âáé ìï ãâîø îáùø ìà äåä îöé ìàùëåçé áàéîåøéï ìï ááîä ãëùø ãäà úðï áô' áúøà (ì÷îï ãó ÷éâ.) äæîï äðåúø åäèîà ùåéï áæä åáæä:


However, regarding Linah, which it learns from meat, it could not find in Eimurim Linah of a Bamah that is Kosher, for a Mishnah (below, 113a) says that time (Chutz li'Zmano), Nosar and Tamei are the same [on a Bamas Yachid or Bamas Tzibur, which is like in the Mikdash].