
TOSFOS DH Eima Heicha d'Shachit she'Lo Lishman Lifselu (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà äéëà ãùçéè ùìà ìùîï ìéôñìå (äîùê)

åàé ôøéê ìéôñìå ãðâîø îçèàú [åôñç] áäé÷éùà ãæàú äúåøä ëãôøéùéú áñîåê àé áîä îöéðå


Suggestion: Perhaps he asks that they should be Pasul, for we learn from Chatas and Pesach through the Hekesh of v'Zos ha'Torah, like I explained below (DH Ha), or through a Mah Matzinu (Binyan Av - just like Chatas or Pesach Lo Lishmah is Pasul, the same applies to Asham)!

àéëà ìîéôøê ùëï ëøú


Rejection - part 1: We can challenge [the Mah Matzinu], for there is Kares (for one who neglects to bring Korban Pesach, and a Stam Chatas is for an Aveirah for which there is Kares for Mezid).

åàé áä÷éùà ãæàú äúåøä à''ë ìéëúåá çãà àå ìçèàú âøéãà àå ôñç âøéãà


Rejection - part 2: And if [he wants to learn] through the Hekesh of v'Zos ha'Torah, if so the Torah should have written one of them [twice, to teach that it is Me'akev, i.e.] only Chatas or only Pesach.

åàé ðàîø ãáëì ãåëúà ãîöøëéðï ùðä ìòëá äééðå îäëà [îãëúéá] îåöà ùôúéê åâå' à''ë àúé ùôéø äà ãôøéê åìéôñìå ëå'. ò''ë äâ''ä


Answer #3: If we will say that everywhere [in Kodshim], that we require that something is written twice to teach that it is Me'akev, we learn from here, since it says Motza Sefasecha..., if so it is fine that he asked "they should be Pasul"! (The Makshan did not yet know that it is Me'akev only if it was written twice.) Until here is a comment.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah Matzinu b'Ba'in Le'acher Misah she'Kesherin v'Ein Meratzin

úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä (áøëú äæáç îåç÷ æä) îöéðå ááàéï ìàçø îéúä ùëùøéï åàéï îøöéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Limud.)

åà''ú îé ãîé äðé ìà òìå àáì áàéï ìàçø îéúä òìå ìâîøé ìùí çåáä


Question: There is different! These [Ashamos slaughtered with Shinuy Kodesh or Shinuy Ba'alim] do not count [for his obligation], but [Korbanos] brought after death count totally for the obligation!

ãìî''ã ùéòáåãà ãàåøééúà àí äéä ä÷øáï ðôñì äéå äéåøùéï æ÷å÷éï ìäáéà àçø


According to the opinion that Shibud mid'Oraisa, if the Korban was Pasul, the heirs would need to bring another [Korban].

åàôéìå ìî''ã ìàå ãàåøééúà àí äôøéù ùðéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã) ìàçøéåú àí ðôñì äøàùåï çééáéï ìä÷øéá àú äùðé ðîöà ãáàéï ìàçø îéúä îøöéï ìòðéï ùòåìéï ìùí çåáä îùà''ë áùéðåé ÷åãù


And even according to the opinion that [Shibud] is not mid'Oraisa, if he separated two Korbanos for Achrayus, if the first became Pasul, [the heirs] must offer the second. It turns out that after death it is Meratzeh regarding that they count for the obligation. This does not apply to Shinuy Kodesh.

é''ì ãî''î ãîéà ÷öú ìäããé ìòðéï ãàéï îøöéï øéöåé âîåø ãàéï ëôøä ìîú åìàå áø çéåá äáàä äåà àìà ùðúçééá îçééí


Answer: In any case, they resemble each other somewhat, that they are not totally Meratzeh, for there is no Kaparah for a Mes, and he is not obligated to bring, just he was obligated [the Korban] in his lifetime;

åáùéðåé ÷åãù åáòìéí ðîé àéï øöåé âîåø


Also Shinuy Kodesh and [Shinuy] Ba'alim, they are not totally Meratzeh.

åà''ú åîä øàéä îééúé îáàéï ìàçø îéúä àèå îé éìôéðï îéðä áëì î÷åí ùìà ùðä äëúåá ãàéðå àìà ìîöåä ãðéîà ëùøéï åìà òìå


Question: What was the proof from [Korbanos] brought after death? Do we learn from it in every place that [something] was not written twice to teach that it is Me'akev, that it is only l'Chatchilah, that we should say that [if it was not done] they are Kosher and do not count?

åé''ì ããå÷à ùðåé ÷åãù åùðåé áòìéí îãîé ãäåé áùéðåé áòìéí ëáàéï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìàçø îéúä ùàéï ìå áòìéí


Answer: Only regarding Shinuy Kodesh and Shinuy Ba'alim we compare them, for Shinuy Ba'alim is like offering after death, for there is no owner;

åëîå ùìùí ëùø åàéðå îøöä ëîå ëï ëàï ùùðä àåúå îáòìéå åäåé ëàéï ìå áòìéí


Just like there [after death] it is Kosher and it is not Meratzeh, also here that he changed it from its owner, it is as if it has no owner. (Shitah Mekubetzes adds that we learn also Shinuy Kodesh from Shinuy Ba'alim.)


TOSFOS DH Olasah u'Mesah Lo Yavi'u Yorshin Chatasah

úåñôåú ã"ä òåìúä åîúä ìà éáéàå éåøùéï çèàúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Olah offered before Chatas is Kosher.)

îùîò àáì àí äéúä çéä éëåìä ìäáéà çèàúä àçø òåìúä åòìúä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú åöàï ÷ãùéí) ìä òåìúä ìùí òåìä


Inference: However, if she were alive, she could offer her Chatas after her Olah, and her Olah counted for her [Chiyuv to bring an] Olah.

åëï îùîò áúåøú ëäðéí áôøùú àùä ëé úæøéò ùàí äáéàä òåìúä úçéìä úáéà çèàúä îîéï òåìúä åëï áîñ' ÷éðéí (ñô''á)


Support: Toras Kohanim in Parshas Tazri'a connotes like this. If she brought her Olah first, she brings her Chatas from the same species as her Olah (if she brought a Tor, she may not bring a Yonah, and vice-versa). Also Maseches Kinim [connotes like this].

åúéîä ãáôø÷ úîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ãó ðè.) àîøé' æä áðéï àá ùëì çèàåú ÷åãîåú ìòåìåú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) àôé' çèàú äòåó ìòåìú áäîä


Question: In Pesachim (59a), we say "this is a Binyan Av. All Chata'os come before Olos, even Chatas ha'Of comes before Olas Behemah";

åàôé' ãéòáã ÷àîø ãôñåì îãîùðé ùàðé òåìú îöåøò ãøçîðà àîø åäòìä ùäòìä ëáø


Even b'Di'eved (if the Olah was offered first), it says that it is Pasul, for it answers 'Olas Metzora is different, for the Torah said "v'He'elah [ha'Kohen Es ha'Olah]" - he already offered it';

åäééðå ãéòáã ãìëúçéìä çèàú ÷åãîú ëãëúéá áäãéà á÷øà ù''î ãáòìîà ãéòáã ìà


This refers to b'Di'eved, for l'Chatchilah, the Chatas is first, like it says explicitly in the verse. This teaches that elsewhere, even b'Di'eved no (it is Pasul)!

åúéøõ ä''ø çééí ãä''ä ãáòìîà ëùø ãéòáã


Answer #1 (R. Chayim): Likewise, elsewhere it is Kosher b'Di'eved;

åäà ãáòé ÷øà áîöåøò


Implied question: [If so] why do we need a verse for Metzora?

îùåí ãëúéá áéä äååéä æàú úäéä áäååéúå éäà ãîùîò òéëåáà ëãàîø ô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó ä.)


It is because it is written Havayah - "Zos Tihyeh", it must be b'Havayaso (the way the Torah specified), which connotes that it is Me'akev, like it says in Menachos (5a).

åðøàä ìé ãéìôé' çèàú åòåìä ùì éåìãú îçèàú åòåìä ùì îöåøò ãâéìä äëúåá ãàí òùä òåìä úçìä ëùéøä îåäòìä ëãàéúà áô' úîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ðè.)


Answer #2: I say that we learn Chatas and Olah of a Yoledes from Chatas and Olah of a Metzora. The Torah revealed that if he offered the Olah first, it is Kosher, from "v'He'elah", like it says in Pesachim (59a);

åàé ìà ÷øà ãåäòìä ãîëùø äéä ôåñì áëì î÷åí îèòí ãéù îçåñø æîï ìáå áéåí ùàîø äëúåá ìä÷øéá çèàú ÷åãí ìòåìä


If not for the verse "v'He'elah", which is Machshir, it would be Pasul everywhere, because there is Mechusar Zman (it is not yet time to offer the Korban) on the same day (i.e. even if one may offer it later today), for the verse said to offer the Chatas before the Olah;

àôé' áòìîà ãìéëà úäéä ãîùîò òéëåáà


[We would disqualify] even elsewhere, where it does not say "Tihyeh" to teach that it is Me'akev.

úãò ãúðéà áô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó ä.) ä÷ãéí çèàúå ìàùîå ìà éäà àçã îîøñ áãîå àìà úöà ìáéú äùøéôä


Support: In Menachos (5a), it says that if one [slaughtered a Metzora's] Chatas before his Asham, one does not stir the blood (to prevent coagulation, and offer the Asham before Zerikas ha'Chatas). Rather, [it is totally Pasul, and] it is burned;

å÷àîø äà ãîéôñéì ìàå îùåí úäéä ãäà ìà ÷àé àùçéèä îùåí ãìàå òáåãä äéà àìà îèòí ãéù îçåñø æîï ìáå áéåí ùàîø äëúåá ìä÷ãéí àùí úçéìä


It says that the reason it is disqualified is not due to Tihyeh, for that does not refer to Shechitah, for it is not an Avodah. Rather, it is because Mechusar Zman applies on the same day. The verse said to do the Asham first.

åæä äèòí ìîä ìà éäéä âáé çèàú åòåìä áòìîà åìëê àéöèøéê åäòìä áîöåøò ìäëùéø åâîøéðï îéðéä áòìîà (ôñçéí ãó ðè.) ìäëùéø àí ä÷ãéí òåìä ìçèàú


Why shouldn't this reason apply to a Chatas and Olah in general? (Surely, it does!) Therefore, "v'He'elah" is needed regarding Metzora to be Machshir, and we learn from it in general to be Machshir if he offered the Olah before the Chatas.

àáì ìà âîøéðï îéðéä áçèàú åàùí ëé àí ÷øáðåú ëîåúí. áøåê


Limitation: However, we do not learn from it Chatas and Asham, only Korbanos like [Chatas and Olah]. This is from R. Baruch.


TOSFOS DH Lo Yavi'u Yorshin Chatasah

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà éáéàå éåøùéï çèàúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the text in Toras Kohanim is mistaken.)

äâéøñà îùåáùú áúåøú ëäðéí åôéøùúé áîðçåú áô''÷ (ãó ã:)


Remark: The text is errant in Toras Kohanim. I explained it in Menachos (4b DH Lo. It should say that one might have thought that if one brought his Olah but not his Chatas, and died, his heirs bring the Chatas. "Echad l'Chatas" teaches that this is not so. This is an Asmachta, for a tradition from Sinai teaches that if the owner of a Chatas dies, the Chatas must die.)


TOSFOS DH Asham d'Lo Asa Le'acher Misah Mina Lan

úåñôåú ã"ä àùí ãìà àúà ìàçø îéúä îðà ìï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn from Olah and Shelamim.)

úéîä ëéåï ãòåìä åùìîéí ðéçà ìéä ðéìó àùí îéðééäå áäé÷éùà ãæàú äúåøä åìîä ìé îåöà ùôúéê


Question: Since he was not bothered about Olah and Shelamim (that even if there was Shinuy Kodesh, they are Kosher), he should learn Asham from it through the Hekesh of v'Zos ha'Torah. Why do we need Motza Sefasecha?

åé''ì ãàãøáä äåä àîéðà àéôëà ãðéìó ùàø ÷ãùéí îàùí ãìà àúå ëìì


Answer: Just the contrary, one might have thought oppositely, that we learn other Korbanos from Asham, that they do not come at all (Shinuy Kodesh disqualifies them)!


TOSFOS DH Asham Lo Leisei Klal

úåñôåú ã"ä àùí ìà ìéúé ëìì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is a retraction.)

úéîä äà ìà àéöèøéê îåöà ùôúéê ëìì àìà ìàùí ãìùàø ÷ãùéí àúå îñáøà ëãàîøéðï ãìà öøéëé ÷øà ãäà àúå ìàçø îéúä


Question: He did not need Motza Sefasecha at all, only for Asham, for other Kodshim we know from reasoning, like we say "we do not need the verse [for an Olah, or for similar Korbanos], for they can be brought after death"!

åé''ì ãäùúà äãø áéä îääåà èòîà


Answer: Now he retracts from that reason;

ãàò''â ãàîø ìéä îåãéðà ìê áòåìä ìà äéä àåîø ëï àìà îúåê ãåç÷


Even though [Reish Lakish] said [to R. Elazar] I agree with you about an Olah", he said so only amidst difficulty.


TOSFOS DH Ha She'ar Kol ha'Kodoshim Afilu she'Lo Lishman Kesherin

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ùàø ëì ä÷ãùéí àôéìå ùìà ìùîï ëùéøéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions the need for this Drashah.)

åàí úàîø ì''ì àåúä äà îãöøéëé ÷øàé ìòëá áôñç åçèàú îëìì ãùàø ÷ãùéí ëùøéï


Question: Why do we need "Osah"? Since we need verses to teach that [Shinuy Kodesh] is Me'akev (disqualifies b'Di'eved) Pesach and Chatas, this implies that other Korbanos are Kosher!

åëé úéîà ðéìó îéðééäå


Suggestion: We would learn from them (if not for Osah)!

îä ìäðê ùëï öã ëøú


Rejection: We cannot learn from [Pesach and Chatas], because they pertain to Kares.

åáäé÷éùà ãæàú äúåøä


Implied suggestion: We should learn [other Korbanos] from the Hekesh of v'Zos ha'Torah!

ðîé ìà àúå ãà''ë ìà ìéëúåá òéëåáà àìà áàçã áôñç àå áçèàú åàéãê ìééúå îäé÷ùà


Rejection: Also from there we cannot learn, for if we could, the Torah would have written only one Ikuv, regarding Pesach or Chatas, and we would learn the other from the Hekesh.


TOSFOS DH Mah l'Shelamim she'Chen Te'unin Nesachim

úåñôåú ã"ä îä ìùìîéí ùëï èòåðéï ðñëéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not the text says also "Semichah".)

ìà âøñéðï ñîéëä ãàùí ðîé èòåï ñîéëä ëãàîø ì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó éà.)


Opinion #1: The text does not say "Semichah", for also Asham requires Semichah, like it says below (11a).

åä''ø çééí ôéøù ãîùåí àùí îöåøò îöé ìîéð÷è ñîéëä ìî''ã áøéù ëì äôñåìéí (ì÷îï ãó ìâ.) ñîéëú àùí îöåøò (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìàå ãàåøééúà


Opinion #2 (R. Chayim): The text can say "Semichah" due to Asham Metzora, according to the opinion below (33a) that Semichah on Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa.


TOSFOS DH Todah Yochi'ach (it should say "she'Chen Yeshno b'Tzibur")

úåñôåú ã"ä úåãä éåëéç (äâää áâìéåï - äã"ä öøéê ìäéåú ùëï éùðå áöéáåø)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we know that the Tzibur cannot bring Todah.)

àò''â ãàùëçï òåìä ùáàä áðãáú öéáåø ùî÷ééöéï áäï àú äîæáç


Implied question: We find that Olah comes for Nedavah of the Tzibur. [The Tzibur] offers Olos on the Mizbe'ach (when it is idle. Perhaps the Tzibur can bring also Todah for Nedavah! - Shal-m Rav)

úåãä åùìîéí ìà àúå áðãáú öéáåø ãäà îîòèéðï ìäå áúåøú ëäðéí áôøùú åàí îï äöàï ÷øáðå ìæáç ùìîéí:


Answer: Todah and Shelamim do not come for Nedavah of the Tzibur. We exclude them in Toras Kohanim, in Parshas "v'Im Min ha'Tzon Korbano l'Zevach Shelamim."



TOSFOS DH Chatas Nami Mikrav Karvah Mosrah

úåñôåú ã"ä çèàú ðîé îé÷øá ÷øáä îåúøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Mosar Chatas is offered for an Olah, like Mosar Asham.)

åàôé' äëé ôñåìä ùìà ìùîä ëéåï ãàéðä áàä ìàçø îéúä ìùí çèàú ëé àí ìùí òåìä


Explanation: And even though (we offer also Mosar Chatas), it is Pasul Lo Lishmah, since it does not come after death for Chatas, rather, for Olah;

àùí ðîé ëéåï ãàéðå ÷øá ìäãéà ìùí àùí àìà ìùí òåìä ìà ãîé ìùàø ÷ãùéí


Also Asham, since it is not offered l'Shem Asham, rather, l'Shem Olah, it is unlike other Kodshim (and it is Pasul Lo Lishmah, like Chatas).


TOSFOS DH Chatas Af Al Gav d'Karav Mosrah Mi'et Rachmana

úåñôåú ã"ä çèàú àò''â ã÷øá îåúøä îéòè øçîðà äåà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is all from Rav Sheshes.)

ìîñ÷ðà æå îùîò ùòåîã îå÷ùä ãìéîà ìéä ø' àìòæø (äâäú äøù"ù) àùí ðîé ëå'


Explanation #1: According to this conclusion, it connotes that it is left difficult. R. Elazar should say that also Asham (Lo Lishmah is Pasul)!

ð''ì ãâøñ åçèàú áåé''å åëì æä îãáøé øá ùùú åä''ô


Explanation #2: It seems that the text says "v'Chatas", with a Vov, and all of this is from Rav Sheshes' words. It means as follows;

åçèàú àò''â ã÷øá îåúøä îéòè øçîðà äåà ùìà úëùéøðä îãàúéà ìàçø îéúä ëîå îçééí


And Chatas, even though we offer its Mosar, the Torah excluded "Hu", lest you be Machshir it since it comes after death, just like in his lifetime;

åîùåí äëé àéöèøéê ìøéù ì÷éù ìòéì àåúä


This is why above, Reish Lakish needed "Osah".

åäà ãôøéê àùí ðîé ëúéá áéä äåà ìàå ìñúåø ãáøéå ùì øá ùùú ÷àúé àìà äëé ÷àîø


Explanation #2 (cont.): The question 'it says "Hu" also regarding Asham!' was not to refute Rav Sheshes' words. Rather, it means as follows;

äéëé îîòèú ìéä îôñåì ùìà ìùîï îàåúä äà ëúéá áä äåà ìôåñìï


How can you exclude it from a Pesul Lo Lishmah from "Osah" (only Chatas is Pasul Lo Lishmah)? It says regarding [Asham] Hu, to disqualify it [Lo Lishmah]!


TOSFOS DH Mi'et Rachmana Hi

úåñôåú ã"ä îéòè øçîðà äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the need for additional Drashos to disqualify.)

áëîä î÷åîåú îùîò ãîãëúéá äéà áçèàú ðô÷à ìï òéëåáà


Observation: In several places it connotes that since it says "Hi" regarding Chatas, we learn that [Lishmah] is Me'akev;

ãì÷îï áâî' (ãó é:) ãøáé àìéòæø àåîø àó äàùí à''ì ø' éäåùò çèàú ðàîø áä äéà áùçéèä [åëå']


Below (10b), R. Eliezer says "even Asham." R. Yehoshua said to him 'regarding Chatas, it says "Hi" regarding Shechitah...'

åáô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó ã.) çèàú èòîà îàé ãëúéá áä äéà


And in Menachos (4a), it says 'what is the reason for Chatas? It says about it "Hi".'

åúéîä ãì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó æ:) àîø çåõ îï äôñç åäçèàú åéìéó (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìä î÷øàé àçøéðé


Question: Below (7b), it says "except for Pesach and Chatas", and we learn from different verses!

åä''ø çééí îôøù ãöøéëé úøé ÷øàé çã ìçèàú ùùçèä ìùí òåìä åçã ìçèàú çìá ùùçèä ìùí çèàú ðæéø åîöåøò


Answer #1 (R. Chayim): We need two verses, one for a Chatas slaughtered l'Shem Olah, and one for a Chatas [to atone for eating] Chelev slaughtered l'Shem Chatas Nazir or Metzora;

àò''â ãëåìï ùîï çèàú î''î ôñåìä ëéåï ãàéðï áàéï ìëôø ãéðï ëîå òåìåú ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï åìà ãîé ìçèàú çìá ùùçèä ìùí çèàú [ãí] ãëùøä


Even though all of them are called Chatas, since they do not come to atone, their law is like Olah, like we say below (9b). It is unlike Chatas Chelev slaughtered l'Shem Chatas Dam, which is Kosher.

å÷öú ÷ùä îäà ãôøéê áøéù îðçåú (ãó â:) âáé çèàú çìá ìùí çèàú ðæéø åîöåøò ìéúëôø ãëúéá æàú úåøú


Question: In Menachos (3b), it asks about a Chatas Chelev slaughtered l'Shem Chatas Nazir or Metzora "it should atone, for it says Zos ha'Torah!";

åîàé ôéøëà åäìà âìé ÷øà ãëúéá áä äéà


What was the question? The Torah revealed (that it does not atone when it was slaughtered for a Chatas that is not for Kaparah), for it says "Hi"!

åðøàä ãàéöèøéê äéà âáé çèàú ìâìåéé àîðçú çåèà åàîðçú ÷ðàåú ãëúá áäå äåà ëîå áçèàú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åëîå áôñç


Answer: We need "Hi" to reveal about Minchas Chotei (in Oleh v'Yored, a very poor person brings flour for his Chatas) and Minchas Kena'os (of a Sotah), for it says "Hu" regarding them, just like regarding Chatas and Pesach;

(åäééðå) ãàîø ì÷îï âáé ôñç àìà äåà ìîä ìé ìëãúðéà ëì î÷åí ùðàîø áå äåà ëå'


It says below (7b) about Pesach 'why does it say "Hu"? This is like a Beraisa teaches, wherever it says Hu...'

åøáéðå ù''é îåç÷å îùåí ãìéúéä ááøééúà ãì÷îï åáçðí îç÷ ãùîà äéà áøééúà áúåñôúà


Remark: Rashi deleted this from the text, because it is not in the Beraisa below. There was no need to do so. Perhaps it is a Beraisa in the Tosefta!

åîéäå ÷öú úéîä àîàé öøéê úøé ÷øàé çã ìçèàú åçã ìôñç


Question: This is a little astounding. Why do we need two verses, one for Chatas and one for Pesach?

åä''ø éöç÷ îôøù çã ìçèàú ð÷áä ãìà àúé îåúøä âåôä òåìä àìà úøòä òã ùúñúàá åéáéà áãîéä òåìä åìäëé ôñåìä áùðåé ÷åãù


Answer #2 (Ri): One is for a female Chatas. Its Mosar cannot itself be brought for an Olah (which must be male), rather, it is Ro'eh (graze) until it is blemished, and he brings an Olah with its [redemption] money. Therefore, it is Pasul due to Shinuy Kodesh;

åçã áùòéø ðùéà ãäåé æëø åîåúøå âåôéä äåé òåìä ëé äôøéù ùúéí ìàçøéåú åàéîà ãìà ìéôñåì áùìà ìùîï


And one is for a [Chatas] Nasi, a male goat. Its Mosar is itself an Olah, when he separated two for Achrayus, and I would say that it is not Pasul when it is she'Lo Lishman;

åéù ùåí öøéëåúà ãìà îöéðï ìîéìó çã îçáøéä ãàé äåé ëúéá áðùéà áãéãéä ñâé åö''ò


Question: There is some Tzerichusa (reason) why we cannot learn one from the other, that had it written [only] about a Nasi, it would [not] suffice. This requires investigation.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah Nitak Iyn Lo Nitak Lo Amar Kra Hu b'Havayaso Yehei

úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä ðéú÷ àéï ìà ðéú÷ ìà àîø ÷øà äåà áäåééúå éäà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not this is mid'Oraisa.)

îùîò äëà ãðéú÷ ìøòééä ãàåøééúà


Explanation #1 - Inference: Nitak l'Re'iyah (it grazes until it gets a Mum) is mid'Oraisa.

åúéîä ãáôñçéí áñåó àìå ãáøéí (ãó òâ.) îùîò ãäåé ãøáðï ãîôøù äúí ãå÷à ùçèå ñúí ãéòáã àáì ìëúçìä ìà âæéøä ìàçø ëôøä àèå ìôðé ëôøä


Question: In Pesachim (73a) it connotes that it is mid'Rabanan, for it explains there that this is only if he slaughtered it Stam, b'Di'eved. However, l'Chatchilah one may not [slaughter it itself]. This is a decree after Kaparah (he offered a different animal for his Asham) due to before Kaparah;

åìà ÷àîø âæéøä ìàçø ðéúå÷ àèå ÷åãí ðéúå÷


It does not say that it is a decree after Nituk due to before Nituk! (I.e. mid'Oraisa, even before Nituk one may slaughter it itself.)

åé''ì ãä''ô áäååééúå éäà ÷åãí ëôøä äìëê àçø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, åáâìéåï) ëôøä ðîé áòé ðéúå÷ âæéøä àèå ìôðé ëôøä


Answer: [Our Gemara] means as follows. B'Havayaso Yehei (it retains its status, i.e. Asham) before Kaparah. Therefore, also after Kaparah, Nituk is needed, due to before Kaparah.

åø''ú ìà âøéñ ëàï ðéú÷ àéï ìà ðéú÷ ìà åëï áô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó ã.) åì÷îï ìéúéä áô' ôøú çèàú (÷èå:) åìà áúîåøä ô' åàìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éç.)


Explanation #2: R. Tam's text does not say here "if Nitak, yes. If not Nitak, no." Also in Menachos (4a) and below (115b) and in Temurah (18a) it is not [in the text];

àìà âøñé' àùí ôé' ùîúå áòìéä àå ùðúëôøå áàçø åùçèä ñúí ëùø ìòåìä äåà áäååééúå éäà òåìä ëéåï ùîúå áòìéä àå ùðúëôøå áàçø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Rather, the text says 'Asham, i.e. its owners died or they atoned through another [animal], and he slaughtered it Stam, it is Kosher for an Olah. "Hu" - b'Havayaso Yehei Olah, once its owners died or atoned through another.'

åë"ú åäìà âîéøé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãáàùí øåòä


Question: A tradition teaches that [in such a case that a Chatas must die,] an Asham is Ro'eh;

åîôøù îùåí ãëúéá äåà ãîùîò áäååééúå éäà ôéøåù áäååééúå îä ùñåôå ìäéåú ãäééðå òåìä ùñåôå òåîã ìëê ëùéñúàá åéôìå ãîéå ìðãáä


Answer (R. Tam): that it is because it says "Hu", which connotes b'Havayaso Yehei. Havayaso is what it is destined to be, i.e. an Olah, which it is destined to be in the end, when it will be blemished and its money will fall to Nedavah.

åàéï ìçåù àé ÷àé ÷øà àäìëúà


Implied question: Does the verse teach about a tradition?!

ãëé äàé âååðà àùëçï áô' äìå÷ç òåáø ôøúå (áëåøåú ãó èæ.) ãàéöèøéê ÷øà åàéöèøéê äìëúà


Answer: This is not difficult if the verse refers to a tradition. We find like this in Bechoros (16a) that we need a verse, and we need a tradition.

åäùúà äà ãð÷è áëì ãåëúà ëì ùáçèàú îúä áàùí øåòä ìà ð÷è øòéä àìà ìôé ùúé÷ðåä çëîéí


Consequence: Now, what we say everywhere that in every case that a Chatas must die, an Asham is Ro'eh, it mentioned Re'iyah only because Chachamim enacted this;

åëé âîéøé äëé âîéøé ëì ùáçèàú îúä áàùí ÷øá òåìä ãøòéä ãøáðï äéà


The tradition is that in every case that a Chatas must die, an Asham is offered for an Olah, for Re'iyah is only mid'Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH Nefesh Amar Rachmana

úåñôåú ã"ä ðôù àîø øçîðà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that really, we expound "Korbano".)

åîùîò ãîðôù ÷ãøéù


Inference: He expounds from Nefesh.

åëï áñåó äîðçåú åäðñëéí (îðçåú ÷ã:) ÷úðé äëì áà áùåúôåú çåõ îîðçä ãëúéá ðôù


Support: also in Menachos (104b) it teaches that everything comes in partnership, except for a Minchah, for it says Nefesh.

åúéîä ãáúåøú ëäðéí ãøéù ðôù åìà öéáåø ÷øáðå åìà ùåúôéï


Question: In Toras Kohanim it expounds "Nefesh", and not a Tzibur. "Korbano", and not partners!

åðøàä ãøéùà ã÷øà îééúé áëì î÷åí


Answer: In every place (i.e. here and in Menachos) it brings the beginning of the verse.


TOSFOS DH v'Lo Kanya Lehu veha'Amar R. Yochanan

úåñôåú ã"ä åìà ÷ðéà ìäå åäàîø øáé éåçðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that we could have asked a contradiction.)

ãøáé éåçðï àãøáé éåçðï äåé îöé ìà÷ùåéé:


Observation: We could have asked about a contradiction in R. Yochanan.