[39a - 33 lines; 39b - 25 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 39a [line 16]:

"Rav Yosef Amar Mipnei she'Meziz Afar" רב יוסף אמר מפני שמזיז עפר

Rashi's Girsa is "Rav Yosef Amar Shema Yaziz Afar" רב יוסף אמר שמא יזיז עפר


1)[line 1]שבא בחמיןSHE'BA B'CHAMIN- anything that was once boiled in hot water

2)[line 1]שורין אותוSHORIN OSO- we may soak it

3)[line 3]מדיחין אותוMADICHIN OSO- we may rinse it

4)[line 4]המליח ישןHA'MALI'ACH YASHAN- (a) the fish that has been salted for a long period of time (RASHI); (b) meat that has been salted for a long period of time (ROSH to Daf 42b, #17)

5)[line 4]קולייס האיספניןKULYAS HA'ISPANIN- Spanish colias, a type of tuna

6)[line 7]המים היפים ברעיםHA'MAYIM HA'YAFIM B'RA'IM- cooling off hot drinking water that is in a utensil by placing it into cold undrinkable water

7)[line 16]רמץREMETZ- hot ashes, embers

8)[line 18]מגלגליןMEGALGELIN- we may roast

9)[line 20]סיד רותחSID ROSE'ACH- hot lime or plaster

10)[last line]דחלפיD'CHALFEI- that they pass by


11)[line 2]הטמנה בדבר המוסיף הבלHATMANAH B'DAVAR HA'MOSIF HEVEL

In order to keep food warm for the Shabbos day meal, dishes are heated on Friday and completely wrapped in insulating material (the process called Hatmanah) before sunset. If the material used adds heat to the food, the Hatmanah is prohibited. The fourth Perek of Maseches Shabbos, ba'Meh Tomnin, contains a list of permitted and prohibited materials.

12)[line 4]תברינהוTAVRINHU- they broke

13)[line 16]להשתטף בהןL'HISHTATEF BAHEN- to rinse oneself with them

14)[line 21]בפירוש שמיע לךB'FEIRUSH SHEMI'A LACH- did you hear it explicitly?

15)[line 21]מכללא שמיע לךMI'KELALA SHEMI'A LACH- did you derive it from the general rule that Rebbi Yochanan said in the name of Rebbi Yanai?

16)[line 22]כל מקום שאתה מוצא שנים חלוקין ואחד מכריע הלכה כדברי המכריעKOL MAKOM SHE'ATAH MOTZEI SHENAYIM CHALUKIN V'ECHAD MACHRI'A, HALACHAH K'DIVREI HA'MACHRI'A- When three opinions are expressed regarding a certain matter and one of them is an intermediate opinion which compromises between the two extreme opinions by accepting part of each, the Halachah follows that opinion.

17)[line 23]קולי מטלניותKULEI MATLANIYOS

(a)Small patches of cloth may be useful as pot holders or as stoppers for the water inlets of a bathhouse if they had been designated as such before Shabbos. (This is learned from the Mishnah in Kelim 28:2, as quoted on Daf 29a.) If there was no such designation, they may still be considered utensils (and receive Tum'ah) based upon the actions of their owner with regard to them, as follows: (1) If they were placed in a box for safekeeping, all Tana'im rule that they are utensils. (2) If they were thrown into a garbage heap, all Tana'im rule that they are not utensils (and are Tehorim). (3) The Tana'im disagree about when they were hung on a hook or thrown behind a door. Rebbi Eliezer rules that in both cases they are utensils. The owner shows an interest in these patches as long as he does not throw them in a garbage heap. Rebbi Yehoshua rules that in both cases they are not utensils; only placing them in a box renders them significant (when we do not know the owner's intentions). Rebbi Akiva rules that hanging them on a hook signifies that they will be used, while throwing them behind a door shows that they will not be used. Accordingly, they are utensils in the former case and non-utensils in the latter case.

(b)In the Mishnah dealing with these valueless patches, even though Rebbi Akiva is the "Machri'a" (see previous entry), the Halachah does not follow his ruling since (a) he was a student of Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua, and the Halachah generally follows the opinion of the teacher, and (b) Rebbi Akiva later rescinded his opinion and ruled like Rebbi Yehoshua.